Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Episode #6

The Massacre at the

Gatewood Apartment


Knock . . . Knock . . . Knock . . . . two College students stood outside a white a door as they waited patiently to enter. Their numerous bags had become heavy walking up five flights of stairs. “Jesus, what always takes her so long,” whined the younger of the two brothers. “Hey quit complaining Sean soon we’re going to be elbow deep in a homemade meal, better than those freshmen meals you get in the cafeteria huh”? Abel began to jab him in the shoulder, “quit it,” as Abel continued, “and much better than the border patrol meals your about to have”. “Yeah well I would take a Subway sandwich over the cafeteria’s meatloaf covered in tomato paste . . . Abel is the food really bad in the patrol?” Shaking his head, “well after winter break you are about to find out”.

Her mother’s voice was soft but muffled behind the door, “what’s the password”? Abel rolled his eyes, “how about it’s your sons and we are tired”! “Jesus Eve, it’s the kids,” “shut up Caine, you know what tonight means.” Sean smiled as he jabbed his elbow at Abel, “it’s nice to see some things don’t change”. “What’s the password,” she repeated, “Sean did mom tell you the password,” biting his lip he ran his hand through his mound of brown hair. “Yeah, relax man I gotta remember it”! He paused, “Urban, Urban something . . . it’s an animal like an ape or something . . . guerillas I think . . . Urban Guerillas”. The numerous locks that their mother was notoriously known for finished after several long seconds. Finally, the door opened with their father yelling, “god Eve what if there was a fire”?

The door opened and their mother’s smile was wide in such pleasure. She had a wide brow with slightly sagging cheeks. Her skinny figure was dwarfed by her husbands, who seemed more muscular but not by much. He was slightly unshaven and looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His once gentle blue eyes were now sagging and bloodshot. His crooked nose and lop sided mouth always seemed to make their mother smile. She would always rub his face lovingly and it seemed to make my dad float on the air. Her golden blond hair was tied into several ponytails each one braided in the color red replacing her former and typical yellow ones. Sean pointed towards them “Mom what happened to the yellow in your . . .”

Her face squished as she waved her hands, “get over here,” completely ignoring Sean’s comment as she grabbed both of her boys. She pulled them into a hug that made both their backs crack. She pulled away and grabbed both their cheeks. “My god you boys are growing like weeds,” she moved to the side as they entered the apartment. “Jesus, Sean always got to do something different with your hair . . . first shaved, then dreads, then rows, now green and black”? His father’s hands clapped them both on the back. As he embraced each one in a small “fatherly” hug, “you know I wish I could see your hair dyed the forbidden color yel . . . .” He paused when their mother gave him a look, “well in a little while a soon to be banned color of red”. Their mother immediately waved at Sean, “never you mind boy . . . always curious and wanting to know everything!” Abel ran his hand over Sean’s head playfully, “you see dad and mom are always looking to get into trouble . . . hey, who are all the people”? Their usual six person kitchen table was surrounded with at least twelve other occupants.

“Eve, will you get back in here, you don’t need to check the hallway every time the door opens,” their mother was still in the hallway as Sean slammed his bag that could fit literally a dead body. Their kitchen table was stacked high with papers and manila folders. Large blueprints lay across the only remaining section of the table. “Oh my god, you took down the yellow flag with the stars,” exclaimed Sean pointing towards the wall opposite wall. “Man mom I thought you guys would never get rid of that! What if Military Police had opened the door”? Their father began to laugh, “Oh believe me boys I have been over that with her a hundred times . . . lord knows probably open fire on her the moment she opens the door”. Her mother’s face grew stern, “if you can’t stand by your own beliefs you can’t stand by anything at all”. Rubbing his hand on his forehead, Abel and Sean watched him grumble, “always, I mean always gotta be on a soap box”. “So what’s with the new décor, I didn’t picture you guys fan of monkeys”. Abel began to laugh at Sean, “you replaced the rebellions flag with some painted monkey smoking a cigar and holding an AK 47”. Sean shook his head, “it’s awfully red”. Abel clapped his father on his shoulder, “and what is with the beret, I mean really a beret”? “Hey your cousin Rachel drew it and it stuck,” one of the men from around the table yelled, “Gatewoods I hate to spoil the family reunion but don’t you think we should make this quick after all what if we are discovered”?

Their mother came over and patted them on their backs gently, “why don’t you guys go get settled in and after this we can all sit down and have a family dinner, doesn’t that sound good”? “You know mom I don’t know if you know this, but we know that you and dad are part of the Underground Uprising and the rebellion. Well Sean here is in complete denial”. Her mother smiled, “we know but because you don’t know that much . . . that’s what keeps you guys safe. It also helps that we have a distinguished Border Patrol member too”. Sean began to look concerned, but Abel continued, “Is this it? Is this the entire Council for the Underground”? Shaking her head, “I can’t answer that,” Abel responded with a “so what is different about tonight? Where the yellow? All I see is . . .” he froze as he whispered “Are your renouncing your color”? She bit her night crawler thin lip. “You might say that . . . ever since your Uncle Les died and Yassir’s compound was raided by Doom Troopers, the Double U. is reorganizing. Now go we have to finish our meeting”! She pushed them towards their room which lay at the end of a long hallway. “And I don’t want you eavesdropping either”!

She pushed them towards their room, “scoot,” she yelled as the retreated towards the room at the end of the hallway. Their room was small and still contained their two small bunk beds, “I can’t believe she kept these”! Sean came forward towards the undersized beds, “god we haven’t been gone that long. It’s only been a semester”. Abel shook his head as he stared at his miniature bed on top, “try going to your Mandatory Conscription and then straight back to college”. He threw his college bags on the top bunk. Sean wandered around the room taking every corner of their old room. “God I’m gunna miss this place. I wish it didn’t take so long”. Abel gave a flat, “it goes by faster than you think,” Sean didn’t find this helpful”. “So what do you think mom and dad are exactly up to,” Abel shook his head at Sean. “I don’t know but it must be serious, did you see all the artillery in there and renouncing your colors is a big thing”? Sean shook his head as Abel smiled, “they are always digging to deep”. Shaking his head he continued “oh to be in the resistance, what do you think the university would have done if they knew about us and our parents? God I can’t wait until I can join and when there gone I can take the resistance to a whole new level”.

Abel laughed as Sean grunted something to try and calm his nerves. They began to unpack their stuff, “how long do you think there going to be out there in that meeting”? Sean’s words were almost lost to him spilling out several hollow point bullets, “damn it” he yelled. “You had a gun,” shouted Abel as he almost dropped his handful of smelly socks in shock. “Yeah dad gave it to me before I left for school. He told me that he gave you one when you left too”. Abel shook his head, “oh yeah . . . what did ever happen to that thing? Yeah, that’s right I lost it in a hot area skirmish”? Sean pushed his brother in the shoulder, “Probably lost your temper like always huh? Well it doesn’t surprise me . . . I have always been the more level headed person in the family . . . and way more responsible too. Intelligence and responsibility seem to go hand and hand with me”. Abel laughed, “Responsible, this coming from the guy that would be most likely to surrender all the information we know about the resistance to impress some girl”? “HEY,” Sean yelled as he threw a punch at Abel, who ducked it as easily as an oncoming car. “I was drunk at that party and I didn’t know she had a boyfriend”! Abel laughed, “How could you not know, she was kissing him for . . .” “Shut up”! Sean took another swing as Abel mocked, “Oh Anna forget that Josh guy, and I am a soldier in the Double U.U”. Sean took another swing, “You would have started naming names if I hadn’t come and stopped you”.

They mockingly fought for several more minutes until their bedroom door burst open. Their father stood there, his hair disheveled as his cheeks wobbled slightly, “what is going on in here”? Sean had to untangle himself from Abel’s head lock, “nothing dad”. His father’s wide eyes lessened slightly, “dad, what’s going on exactly”? He stared at them, “look you know we are in the resistance and we know you kids wouldn’t rat us out”. Abel took two steps forwards, “well then let us in, we want to fight”. His father shook his head, “You don’t even know why we are fighting. Not even the very reason for the resistance”. He pointed to Abel, “You were too young when the reason for a resistance presented itself ”. He turned to Sean, “and you,” Sean gave a quick, “Me? I am not a fighter”. His father retorted, “Good you keep your head in those books especially during your Conscription. You were nothing but a twinkle in your mother’s eye when the reason came around”. “Ok dad, but why couldn’t you just let me test out of it,” Sean watched his father wave his hands, “not this again Sean, please I don’t have the strength”.

Abel shook his head, “Does knowing the reason really matter in the end? I served my time . . . done my service. Whether or not I know the reason is regardless I have my own reasons”. His father look stunned, “Your reasons are of small scale, how can you die for something that you don’t truly believe in nor understand”? Abel shook his head in disappointment but his father gave a little reassuring smile. “Now come out here. We need you to run an errand for us”. Abel clapped his hand together, “so you are going to give us like a test or something”?

He exited the room without a response as Abel followed leaving Sean trailing behind them both. They entered the kitchen again as all the people immediately grew silent. The large red monkey painted on the wall smiled stupidly at them, “we need you to something for us”. Abel clapped his hands, “you bet . . . I’d do anything for the resistance”. Their mother came forward, “this is not a joke boys this serious . . . our entire plan rely on you completing this mission”. Abel clapped his hands, “what is it,” their mother moved closer, “will you risk your lives to see this mission completed”. Abel nodded, Sean shrugged, “I’ll do my best”. Their mother’s eyes narrowed as she seemed satisfied by both their responses. She pulled out of her pocket a small piece of paper, “I would never want my sons fighting with us but . . . I need everything on this list and I need you to pick it up and bring it here as soon as possible”. “Yah mom, don’t worry Sean and I are ready to help at a moments notice”. “I don’t know about a moments notice, I just don’t think I really want to join the resistance, but I will help my family out”. Her mother nodded, “In these dark times that is all I can ask from you”.

Handing Abel a piece of paper, his eyes widened as he stared down at the list. As his eyes traced the list, he grew more frustrated and rolling them as they returned to his mother. “Are you serious,” their mother smiled at him. “What is it” asked Sean who took the paper. “A grocery list,” her mother nodded, “how can I make a meal for the family if I don’t have food in the house? How will our soldiers keep their strength and think straight when their bellies aren’t filled”? “But we aren’t your errand boys. I thought you had a real mission for us . . . to help the fight.” Her mother shrieked, “And you are, now go and be quick”! There father handed Abel some money, “come on this is embarrassing,” yelled Abel. There mother ignored them, “just go”. She slapped them both on their bottoms. As they walked out the door, Abel looked extremely upset and had a bad attitude the whole way down.

“This is so embarrassing,” he said as they made their way to the street. The streets were rumbling with passing cars as the bright street lights gave off an almost unbearable luminescent light. “I can’t believe they gave us a grocery list,” Sean rolled his eyes, “would you knock it off already, your always trying to get us to join their little group”. Abel actually stopped and turned to Sean, “You think that you know shit about it but truth is you know exactly what I know . . . shit, alright? So quit acting like this and let’s just go get these groceries for the family”. Sean turned and began to walk leaving Abel standing on the sidewalk as several people passed him without a further glance. The look of a large muscular man with broad shoulders yelling was not a threatening sight but defiantly one to draw attention. “OH so little brother is going to tell me his story,” Abel ran forward as they walked towards the grocery story several blocks away. “So what makes you think you understand it more than I do? Abel grabbed his shoulders, “I know more about it than you could possibly imagine. I read about the economy collapsing and society falling into anarchy.” Sean’s eyes widened as he began to walk towards the store and a faster pace, “I’m not listening! I have no idea what you are talking about”! Abel pushed him, “please you know exactly what I am talking about and you know what they are doing up there isn’t part of the,” he voice lowered, “the U.U . . . you never take down the banner nor change your color”.

A loud siren could be heard as it seemed to screech off of the large skyscraper buildings. A large black helicopter flew by as the faint letters could be seen, D.O.H. “District Observation Helicopters,” exclaimed Abel who seemed temporarily distracted. “Wonder what they are up to,” Sean turned from the chopper, “I hate living near the border! I wonder what life is like for those in the outskirts of the city”? Sean trotted along as large Security Trooper vans began to pull around at a large apartment complex. Then out of nowhere a loud screeching of tires could be heard as Military Police began swarm on the intersection. “What the hell is going on,” Sean’s sentence was lost to the blaring horns as the Military Police stopped and exited their vehicles. Their black uniform with an additional hat was an ensemble that demanded respect. The police began to rope off the area as more seemed to come from every corner and alley. Sean and Abel were pushed back by a particular ugly looking officer. He grumbled as his gloved hands began to push them back, “alright boys get back, get back”. Security Troopers emerged from the giant van as they began to enter the complex, “what’s going on” asked Sean. The officer glowered down at him his wrinkled cheeks, scared from what looked like shrapnel. “Another outbreak now move along”!

Crowds began to gather around the building and when the crowd grew so thick that the current surroundings were blocked by people’s backs and heads. “Abel let’s get out here, we should really get to the store”. Abel tried to gaze over all the heads but huffed when he realized that it was futile. He nodded and they moved away from all the commotion. They walked by the many store fronts but they stopped at a particular store that contained several televisions out front. It was a news report and a blond haired women’s voice could be heard over the speakers.

“And the coyote Perez Martin was sent to the gallows today to hang for his crimes of trafficking. His body will be cremated shortly after. In breaking news there has been a small outbreak at the Holmes Apartment Complex. Two victims are known to have fallen victim and Security Troopers have been called to the scene. Military Police official’s quoted that ‘the situation has escalated beyond normal routine procedure and Security Troopers were necessary to help contain the situation . . . I am pleased to announce that with the help of Security Troopers the situation is well taken care of.’ As citizens know the occasional outbreak happens from the occasional bird or animal coming into contact with a human. All citizens are required by law to report any contact with an unknown animal and submit to testing. The most common carriers are foxes, raccoons, and birds. I also must remind our citizens that any animal seen in the district must be reported to Military Police.”

Abel and Sean continued to watch the new report until the reporter straightened her papers and said, “Well citizens this has been another glorious day in the district. Remember citizens to report any suspicious activity to the nearest Military Police officer. It takes one individual to unit a country. And you could be that individual. Good night”. And with that the screen changed and they lost their sudden interest. “Well I guess that officer was right it was just an outbreak”. They turned as they continued to walk down the street. The two story grocery story came into view. Abel almost crashed into Sean who stopped immediately when his eyes fell upon something in the distance. “What . . . why do you have to stop right in the middle of the sidewalk”? Abel saw what his brother was staring at, the large steel fenced border that rose two stories into the air before stopping at a large barbed wire wrap. The steel wires were thick and almost seemed to glow slightly with the amount of electricity that was being pumped through them. “I can’t believe in one month, I’ll see what’s behind all that . . . that’s just the inner fence right”? Clapping Sean on his skinny shoulder, “yeah then you got dead man’s land and then you got the outer fence”. Sean shook his head, “I just can’t belief something that big is so necessary to our survival”. Abel smiled, “Oh Sean in one month you will know exactly how critical it is.” Sean pointed towards the large fence, “it’s just hard to believe coyotes make their way across that border all the time, Abel clapped him a final time, “When I was out there I always hoped that every person or incident was a walker. I hated busting coyotes, their packs, and their cargo. After all it was just people trying to find something better”. They made their way into the small grocery store parking lot, “how many undead you think are between here and the Chinese side”? Abel shrugged, “shouldn’t be that many only about a couple million or so. Plus you got walker migration patterns . . . many from the north like Canada and some from the former Republic of Mexico, so that number is probably increasing”.

After reciting the password for a second time, “urban guerillas,” the door opened and their mother’s hand slapped Abel the moment that he finished the password. “Where the hell have you two been, I could have been sitting here all day”. The gripped bags full of groceries, “I am sorry mom but some people don’t believe in owning cars.” They entered the room as she closed the door, “just another way for the government to track our movements and know where we’re going and why we’re going. Thanks, but no thanks we don’t need a car that bad”. Sean took the bags from Abel as their father yelled from the middle of the group, “Abel I need to talk to you”. Abel gave a quick little smile and headed towards their father as her mother gave a soft, “come on Sean let’s get dinner started”.

(Abel’s Perspective)

It seemed to happen in a flash and the whole situation seemed to change. The door blew off of its hinges as it was sent flying forwards into the large kitchen table. It crashed against the table sending the papers scattering to the floor. Loud popping could be heard as if fireworks had been dropped. However when red and dark uniforms entered the smoke, this wasn’t any type of firework. The people surrounding the table didn’t stand a chance as some reached for their weapons. Caine grabbed his son as he forced him into a closet nearby. Abel watched his father grab the only black pistol and slam the door shot. The remaining poor soul’s actions were futile as they all died in less than mere seconds. “Abel,” cried Sean from a distance as Abel slammed against the door. Their mother screaming, “Come on”!

“Abel that back panel, slides open,” Abel turned to his father, who was clenching his side in pain. “Dad are you . . .” Abel came closer, but his father pushed him, “Abel please just go”. Abel turned back to the wall and began to fiddle around the edges. The secret passage blended with the wall so well that the edges were near impossible. The gun fire had stopped when the edges gave a little pop, releasing from the wall. Setting his foot into the wall, Abel realized it dropped into the wall itself. “And where am I going to take this,” their father clicked the chamber back. “Takes you to the basement, exit out the vent, it will lead you to the street.” The floor boards groaned as Abel watched his father turn his pistol to the door and opened fire. The troopers were beginning to explore the apartment. Caine opened fire upon the door as the splinters clouded the air. The troopers yelled almost robotically, “Shots fired withdraw and take cover”.

Their father inserted his bloody hand into his back pocket and withdrew a thick envelope. “Take this to your Uncle Les,” “Uncle Les but he is dead,” questioned Abel but his father shook his head. “There’s no time listen . . . we have a safe car over near the parking complex by where you guys used to go to school. There will be a public security officer there tell him that you have an appointment to see Mr. Reeds concerning his loyalty. Make sure that Uncle Les get’s this letter, the fate of the resistance now depends on it.” Caine fired several more shots before his gun clicked empty, “And if Uncle Les gives you any problems just mention that you know Project Anarchy”. His father clicked a button that made the empty magazine clatter to the floor. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out a full one and slapped it inside. “Take this,” he handed Abel the pistol. Abel climbed into the wall as his father grabbed the missing section from the wall and set it back into the wall saying, “if he gives you any trouble just mention the word P.U.M.A.” He thrust the letter into his son’s chest as Abel stared back stunned, “dad don’t do this”! Gun and paper clenched in his hand, “please dad you don’t have to do this,” “I love you Abel” were his final words.

The piece slid into place as his father disappeared behind it. Inside the wall space was limited as Abel yelled “no dad don’t do this”! But when a large crackling of gunfire could be heard, his father’s body was sent hurtling to the back wall. Abel screamed the entire time as tears fell down his face. His hands gripped the thick envelope his father’s bloody fingerprints stained the front. The gun shots ceased as Abel shuffled his way down the wall and made his way to the basement. His father had been right about the vent. He crawled out and found himself in the laundry room. He wished he would have had time to die right there on the floor. He knew his parents were always down to sacrifice themselves for the cause. “I got to find Sean,” exclaimed Abel as he found his balance.

(Sean’s Perspective)

Sean had barely turned his head when the door was heard blowing off of it hinges. The eruption seemed to shake the whole apartment as gun fire replaced the crashing. His mother screamed, “Come on”! Hands began to push Sean towards the ground as the groceries fell to the floor. “Get down Sean, take cover,” Sean fell behind their egg white cabinet as the other members of the room reached for their artillery that would provide no use for them now. Hands gripped Sean’s cheeks as he was turned to his mother, “Listen Sean you need to get out of here”. Sean shook his head, “what about you, dad, and Abel”? A single tear rolled down her mother’s eyes, “I’m sure your father is taking care of Abel after all we put that secret passage in the closet for days like these”.

She picked Sean up and ignored his pleas as she opened the window above the sink. “Sean climb out there,” Sean threw her off “and where do I go, what about you?” Shaking her head, “forget me, I am going to hold them off ”! Sean began to climb down the window, “climb down the scaffolding”. “What about everybody else,” his mother pushed him harder, “go they are coming”! Sean climbed out to his mother’s final pleas of “I love you Sean”. Sean cried as he began to run down the steel steps. He took the steps four at a time until he reached the street bellow. He ran down the alley until he tripped over a large wooden board. He fell face first into the dirt, it took him several seconds to try and get up. He began to sob into the dirt as if getting up was not worth the trouble anymore. He almost was prepared to settle in for a long nap until his capture when a voice yelled, “Sean you need to get up”!

Raising his head, Sean saw his familiar broad shouldered brother grabbing the back of his shirt. “Abel?” Abel pulled his brother up, “yeah it’s me, I am glad you’re alive! Where’s mom?” Sean scrambled to his feet and gave his brother a quick hug and shook his head with a somber “And dad”? Abel threw him off trying to stay strong “He’s didn’t make it . . . we got to go now”! The tore down an alley and wedged themselves between a large fence before leaping over a large dumpster. They landed on their feet and began to run down the street leaving their home behind swallowed up by the Federal District’s answer to the resistance, the Security Troopers.

(To Be Continued)