Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Liquid Glass



Robby Richardson


I woke with a startle which would seem abnormal to most people although to me this happened on a nightly occurrence. The only thing that changed over this tedious routine was the timeframe when they happened. It didn’t matter whether it was two, three, four, whatever the time I would always awaken no matter how deep the sleep. I turned to my clock which read in bright red letters, 3:33 am. I rubbed my eyes feeling as if I should go to the bathroom before I attempted to go back to sleep. I ran my hand over my sleepy face feeling relieved that I actually had not awoken from a nightmare. Entering my bathroom, I did my business in silence and was about to return to bed when I noticed my reflection in the mirror.

I don’t know why I stopped, maybe it was my “apish” like walk or the way I slouched, the result of years of carrying heavy school books to class. There was no slouch in my walk, as a matter of fact my reflection had remained motionless as if watching me the entire time. I stared perplexed at myself as I moved closer. I waved my arm but my reflection didn’t share the same gesture. I could feel my back press against the wall as I watched my own eyes burn into me. I waved my hand again, “not another one . . . I can’t handle dreams like these anymore”. The reflection spoke, “this is no dream”. I shook my head, “this is insane,” I waved my hand again and refrained from doing a little dance, “complete insanity”. “NO,” yelled the reflection and I could feel my body flatten against the wall as if this would help. “You want insanity . . . I can show you true insanity,” puzzled I stared at myself as he waved his hand, “why don’t you come on over. I’ll show you the edge of insanity”. “The edge of insanity,” my reflection nodded at me whispering, “the very edge of insanity”. My reflection answered my next question before I could even ask it, “just step through and I will show you what lies behind your mirror”.

He didn’t utter another word he stood there as if watching what my next move would be. He gave one last smile and then turned away without a second glance. He walked right through the very wall and disappeared leaving me to stare at the very wall that my back was pressed against. I didn’t really understand my reflection as I made my way over to the empty mirror.

I hesitated as I stared at it wondering if my reflection was ever going to come back. I reached my hand out and place my palm on the surface. It vibrated like a ripple and made the surface resemble that of small lagoon. I recoiled my hand and gazed at the palm of it. It was clean and dry as it had been before. I returned my hand to the surface and watched the ripples begin to form again. “It’s like . . . liquid, but . . . glass,” it was something that I had never seen before. I began to push into the glass as my hand disappeared into its depths. I looked back over the bathroom and fulfilling my curiosity I stepped onto the sink and placed my foot into the mirror. It disappeared into it, the liquid felt cold almost like a cool breeze on a cool summer day. I took a deep breath and looked around one more time, “here goes nothing,” I placed my hand into the mirror and hopped right through it.

(To Be Continued)