Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Dear Diary

I know it has been a long time since we talked

Sine we last talked the road has gotten harder

I know that you’re gone but you’re not forgotten

You were my friend, my brother, only begotten

I still feel sad, when it rains it pours

Maybe one day this poem will be worth something

Maybe one day my books will be worth something

Maybe one day I will be worth something

Maybe one day I’ll be sought after, featured, popular, recognized,

Be influential with my writing

Look at Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill,

Look at what I’ve become, look at how I’ve grown

I’m still a boy in my heart, in a world that demands me to be a man

I still go through the pain and the hurt,

It drips in and soaks right to my heart

And it has hurt right from the start

In the name of the higher power

I will continue to live on . . . I will continue grow this way

A tear falls from my eye, every time I hear your name

The pain I feel when I die, the way you are I am to blame

Believe me when I say I will never forgive myself for the man you became

Ill never forget all the hurt I felt when the lord said that your life is done.

When dead I beg the lord why, how could I go on living a lie

The lie that I could go on and be happy without you in my eye

See you everyday, and they way you made me laugh

Now that you’re both gone my heart will burst

This entry in my diary will only be my first.