Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Dance of Seduction


You Are Cordially Invited To The Wedding Of

Princess Amee Kleiniu of Olenos


Prince Ariston of Salamis

“What does it mean here cordially invited to the wedding of . . .” Princess Amee was standing in her room. Her father stood in front of her dressed in the darkest gold. His crown sat on his head which seemed to make his face droop slightly. He swept his plumb colored robe as he bellowed as his large belly bulged with joy “I have promised your hand to King Triston’s son”. Amee almost lost her lace head dress as she jumped back in shock. The torches lit the stone walls making her father’s shadow raise silhouetted in the background. “But dad I have never even met him, I don’t love him!” He waved his hand, “love matters not. Love can be learned and gained, but the alliance of Salamis will ensure the safety and growth of our fair kingdom.” Amee began to shake her head “I won’t go through with it!” “You will go through with it,’ he approached her as Amee recoiled in fright. She wasn’t quick enough for her father’s legendary grip which clenched around her throat, “you will go through it . . .” “Or what, you can’t kill me, what good would I be to you then, dad,” his face was red with anger as he threw her to the floor. “I am your king and you will do as I say you hear me,” Amee began to sob on the floor as her father looked down at her with disgust. “You will prepare for the Winter Festival and we shall officially announce your engagement . . . you will be there!” He stormed from the room as the large wooden doors shut sending the marble walls to echo the sound several times.

After her handmaidens drew her hot bath filled with roses and jasmine. She was dressed as the courtyard to her giant estate began to fill. Torches were lit with a band beginning to play light hearted songs as guests began to enter. Amee tried to keep her composure as she was pampered and dressed in a fine pink dress that hung over her right shoulder. Large stones lined the stitches as a small amount of gems were tied into her mound of smooth blond hair. It was hard to keep her make up straight when random tears fell every couple of seconds. Feeling the time of her engagement drawing closer all she wanted was to find her true love. “Have you found Kyros,” one of her hand maidens leaned in, “I have sent somebody too look for him your majesty, we will sneak him up when the coast is clear”. In the mirror her reflections was stunning but her beautiful face showed inner turmoil.

Her eyes were so watery she couldn’t dream of going downstairs and face the countless number of noblemen and guests. She trembled slightly at the thought of standing there and taking a mysterious man’s hand with the idea of an arranged marriage. The truth was her heart already belonged to another. “Amee,” came a soft voice from what seemed like far away. The doors opened and a man crept into the room. Her hands covered her face as she stared at her beloved.

She almost threw all her maidens off as she ran to him and embraced him in a huge hug. She repeatedly kissed him over and over until she felt him push her back.

She shook her head as she tried to kiss him more, “Amee I have to ask you something”? Amee put a finger to his lips “please don’t I need you now”. Kyros took her hands, “Why are you doing this? You swore your heart and love to me”. She felt more tears coming to her eyes as the music grew louder, “my father arranged the marriage for some kind of military alliance”. “But that means you’re going to leave me,” she sniffled “no I won’t go, I won’t leave you”. He ran his hand over his cheek and with such reluctance, “you have to go”. She began to cry harder as she tried to hold on to the man she loved. “Don’t worry though,” he lifted her chin as she looked up at him. “I’ll follow you,” he wiped the tears from her eyes, “I’ll come with”. “What if it is . . .” he pressed his finger to her lips this time, “I would travel to the underworld and back just to be with you”.

The wooden doors opened, “My lady the escort approaches”. “I can’t believe he is going to have you tonight,” she leaned in and kissed him deeply “It is only my body. He can never have my heart”. “My lady,” whispered the maiden as Amee pushed him out a secret entrance behind her bed, “go I’ll see you at the ball”. His golden locks fell slightly around his pierced ears. His eyes were as blue as the sea and despite being a soldier. They contained a kindness she had never seen. His smile shone like Apollo’s lantern but his look was a very somber one. It seemed as if Hades himself had given him the bad news. Amee’s maidens gathered around her again and began to reapply her make up as the doors burst open again. Guards entered the room as a senior guard stepped forward. “Ladies, please,” he waved the girls away as Amee nodded for their departure. “We are here to escort you to meet your husband Prince Ariston, your father is about to announce your marriage”. “I am a servant for his majesty,” she replied robotically. The guard moved aside as she began to walk out the doors towards the Winter Festival which would also serve as an engagement party. Guards surrounded Amee as they led her around the back of the courtyard, where she was able to watch her father ascend the stairs and stand in front of what seemed like a few hundred people who had ceased their dancing. Amee watched her father outstretch his arms to the crowd as the music died immediately. His voice boomed, “My good people our Winter Festival has been graced with so many blessings. “We honor many members from the Republic here to tonight,” people applauded in politeness. “We are also here to announce brighter days for our beloved Olenos. I bring much joy in saying the King of Salamis’s son has fallen in love with my daughter, Princess Amee.” The crowd began to cheer loudly as Amee felt a nausea feeling in her stomach as the guard leaned into her, “your father will announce you . . .” Amee snapped, “I know when to go, I don’t need your babbling in my ear!” The guard looked offended but straightened himself up, “as you wish your majesty”. Amee turned back to her father who was still addressing the crowd. “With this unity our little empire will be sure to grow into a new golden age”. The crowd again erupted in applause, “The prince has sailed all the way here to meet his bride to be . . . So let me be the first to introduce you to Prince Ariston of Salamis”!

A man dressed in a golden outfit began to ascend the stairs. He had a small black mustache which seemed to twirl slightly. He had a certain rosy touch on his cheeks that she had only seen come out with the darkest blush. He waved down at the cheering people of Olenos but in truth he didn’t seem to show the slightest bit of emotion. His face was as unreadable as the Egyptian myths. Her father turned to her and anger boiled inside of her as she saw a relieved look sweep over his face. He turned back to the crowd as Amee straightened out her dress as her father continued, “And now to introduce his future wife, my daughter Princess Amee.”

A loud eruption of applause roared from the crowd as Amee stepped up the stone steps and walked up to the top where her father had given her the “public” hug. He gave a fake smile as his hand took hers and they gave a little bow. Her father joined her hand with her future husbands as they turned to gaze upon each others face for the first time. He had a pampered look with skin as white as milk. Even his hands didn’t seem like they had ever seen the “difficult” task of writing a letter. Amee turned to her people as they continued to cheer and applaud as her father raised his hands into the air, “It is my pleasure to officially announce the engagement of these two and may both our kingdoms move into a new golden age”. The crowd gave one final applause as the king yelled, “Now drink, dance, and be merry the Winter Festival is a time for a joy,” he clapped his hands. “Now cue the music and everybody dance and be merry,” Amee’s father turned to her, “I want you to dance and get to know your husband. It wouldn’t sit right with the nobles or senators if they don’t see you two out there”. The prince nodded politely as Amee followed his lead and gave an obedient little nod.

The king nodded down at her “good girl”. Amee lowered herself and gave a monotone “your majesty”. The king gave a final nod and descended the stairs, “now if you’ll excuse me I am going to mingle with our guests.” Amee turned back to the prince, who was unable to find anything to save as she gave a false little smirk. He was nothing like Kyros and gave off a boring feeling as if nothing was entertaining or good enough for him to devote any of his attention too. He raised his hand to her never saying a word as she gave a slight bow and rested her hand in his. The prince escorted her down the stairs and without saying a word they were able to enter a dance routine. Never smiling once, the young prince moved gracefully through the routine without saying a word or making a passing glance to her. The music was loud as the laughter from the crowd seemed to help the awkward silence pass. When the band finished their number, the prince gripped her hand and gave it a tiny kiss. He escorted her through the crowd of people who were constantly congratulating the couple. The prince brought Amee over to her hand maidens. He released her hand and gave her a little bow. His voice sounded weak almost pathetic as he gazed up to her with eyes absence of any love or tenderness. “I shall come to your chambers tonight,” Amee gave a soft gulp as she gave a false little smile “I would like that”. He smiled and walked away withdrawing a small container and rubbing something onto his lips. Not even glancing back to Amee he disappeared into the crowd.

The night began to grow colder as the clouds began to roll in covering the moon. The torches and flames all flickered and were soon on the verge of blowing out. Her breath seemed to freeze in the air as from the top of the steps emerged a dark figure. A man dressed in the darkest and finest of fabrics. He stood with such a demeanor that Amee saw her father’s knees wobble slightly. The man glowered down at the crowd as his dark black cape swept behind him as if it was nothing more than smoke. He seemed to glide down the stairs as the crowd of people parted as he entered. This man seemed to hold the entire room in the palm of his hand. “Who is he,” the man brushed his dark black hair back. His face had a chiseled look to it but it was a face that demanded respect. He raised his hands and clapped them, “by all means don’t stop on the account of me”. He waved his hands and the band began to strike up as soon as the first note was played the room became immediately warmer. The torches didn’t flicker anymore and laughter could be heard once again.

Amee nearly jumped when a hand rested upon her shoulders. She turned to stare into the innocent face of her beloved Kyros. She had to fight the urge to hug him. The sudden thrill at gazing into his blue eyes was gone and now replaced with a sudden panic. “Kyros,” she exclaimed brushing one of her stray blond hairs away from her face. “You shouldn’t be here, what if the prince or the king sees,” Kyros gave an unconcerned shake of his head. “I don’t care, I have to see you, be near you”. Amee took a step back, “I can’t . . . tonight has shown me that we can never be together, if you were a prince or of noble blood then I would in a heartbeat”. Kyros couldn’t hide his shock “What has happened to you? What changed”? Amee shook her head even more, “my father is going to make me go through with this . . . your just not worthy of me . . . your . . . your nothing, and will always be nothing more than a mere soldier”. Kyros took a step closer to her, “please Amee . . .” “No Kyros”! She shook her head with a certain finality, “this has to end, and this is my life now”. Kyros stepped forward, “one dance doesn’t change your heart or your feelings towards me”. “I am sorry but we can not be together,” Amee turned from Kyros and stormed through the crowd as more people congratulated her.

She was almost free from the mass when a hand grabbed her shoulder she thought that Kyros had chased after her but was surprised to stare up into the suspicious face of her father. His golden crown sat on his head like something from Mt. Olympus and in a forced calm asked, “Who were you talking too”? It took all her strength to try and give a smile to her father, her heart felt incomplete without Kyros to “run” it. “Who . . . Kyros,” her father gave a look of minor disgust, “and who exactly is he”? “He is a soldier father . . . thought the armor and the sword where a dead giveaway”. Her father’s face seemed to shake with anger, “I know he is a soldier!

How is it that you are entertaining him, when your future husband is over there being entertained by all the men in the drama”? Amee looked over and saw her future husband giggling joyfully as many of the actors seemed to swoon around him. “I want you to go over and not to think of yourself for once in your life,” if her heart could have shriveled and died at any point in her life it would have been then. “You are getting married tomorrow and if I see that soldier near you again I will have him tortured and killed”. “But dad that is the first time I have ever,” his plumb colored cape swept behind him as he seemed to dwarf several people. “Enough, the only men in your life will be your husband and me,” he escaped into the crowd as Amee seemed to wobble on the spot.

Her hand maidens had to grip her slightly as one even whispered, “your majesty you mustn’t cry you are going to attract to much attention.” Amee nodded, “your right of course, I guess I better go over there and . . .” Amee wiped away a solo tear trying to regain her composure. Her emotions were out of control like a barrel rolling down a steep hill. A voice boomed from behind her, “my dear, my dear”. Amee turned to see the man in black staring down at her sympathy in his stern face. “Oh my darling,” he said with such a simper in his voice as he approached her. She felt her head droop as the man seemed to over power everybody in the room. Her hand maidens seemed almost forced to the ground as they bowed with such reverence.

“Why does a beauty like you shed even a single tear,” he swept his robes behind him as the crowd seemed to part as he approached. “I am sorry my lord but I do not know your name,” he smiled at her as he grabbed her chin and raised her face. “And here I am thinking that every one knew who I was,” she shook her head. “No, I am sorry my lord,” the man gave a reassuring smile to her “but I think you do as a matter of fact I think everyone knows me”. Amee stared at the man and still looked confused, “I am sorry but I still don’t recognize you”. He raised his hand and took hers, “sooner or later my dear beauty doesn’t lie within a name, it lies within the heart”. His lips kissed the top of her palm as it seemed to sizzle slightly on her hand. Her heart began to flutter in a way that Kyros could only do. His eyes contained a mystery but held a dark flame hidden in their depths. “I have seen every heart in this place and your beauty has stolen my dead one.”

“Why would your heart be dead . . .” he took her hand and ignored her question. “I promise after one dance you will beg to know my name,” leading her to the dance floor all the lights seemed to dim as if the very world would sit on the side lines. The stars seemed to brighten around them as lust filled his eyes. He took her hand bowed even lower than she had. Amee couldn’t stop the smile spreading across her face. The mysterious gentlemen smirked at her. “Even a god must bow before your beauty”. Amee gave a tiny blush as the man began to swing her around. They danced different then everybody else as they danced almost seductively on the floor. Amee knew that Kyros was watching. She could almost feel the room growing warmer with his jealousy. Her heart seemed slower but butterflies seemed to flap wildly in her stomach with each caress and touch of his hand.

He was a man that took what he wanted and vowed to settle for nothing else than the best. The music seemed to dim as well and the very room grew silent her emotions were stretched to the breaking point as if each player was competing for the grand prize, her heart. However her heart would always remain with Kyros but all of society wouldn’t agree with their relationship or marriage. Kyros would just have to get over that plain and simple. However the thought of her new “husband” made her want to vomit in disgust. She stared into the mature and confident face of the mysterious man who seemed to take in every movement of their bodies. With one dramatic twirl she fell over his leg as he gracefully caught her. His hand ran through her hair as she stared into his calm face. He had no shred of fear as the song came to an end. He held her tightly in her grasp as if he didn’t want to let her go. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon.” Amee rose up “I have never seen dancing like that”. The man gave an arrogant smile, “The heart wants what the heart wants”.

Amee gave a little bow, “well unfortunately sir, my heart and body are taken by husband”. He gave a similar bow, “Who . . . the soldier or that prissy prince”? Amee took a step back in disbelief stammering, “How . . . how”? “Let’s just say when it comes to power,” he leaned in and whispered “I have it all”. “Who are you,” he swept his cape, “It means nothing, you will see me again. Be assured I will be back”. He swept away and disappeared into the crowd leaving Amee to wobble on her feet. She had never been so taken by a man before not even with Kyros. He had so much power, and she didn’t even know anything about him. It was a true dance of seduction and it left her heart wanting more.

As she watched the man climbing the flight of stairs, he turned back and with one more sweep of his cloak he walked through the archway and was gone. The man’s presence was quickly forgotten as the party goers continued their meaningless chatter and gossip. The sudden urge was now gone as a realization came over her. She suddenly felt so dirty and wished she could have a man that just loved her for her. And soon Kyros came to her head and now the only one she and her heart wanted to have was Kyros. “What the hell do you think you are doing,” Amee turned to see her father advancing on her like a lion on a Christian. “Father I was just,” “I know what you were just . . . how dare you”! His whispered fury seemed to almost pierce her stomach as she lowered herself. “I am sorry father, the gentlemen asked me to dance,” “and you accepted”? “Such disgrace and dishonor,” “father I don’t even know who he was,” her father waved his hand. “Nobody knows who he was and that is not the point! You are to be married . . . what would your future husband think”?

Amee leaned around her father and watched her pasty fiancée giggling into the arms of a particularly boisterous actor. “I think he is being entertained enough,” a loud girlish giggle escaped him as he pushed one of the other actors in a very feminine way. “You go upstairs and prepare your husband to procreate with you . . . conceiving his seed will be the true seal on this alliance.” “But father I don’t think he likes . . .” her father stormed towards her his face a tomato red. “As far as I am concerned you will go upstairs, spread your temptress legs and wait for your husband! Do you understand me”? Her father’s rage was something not to be tested when it reached a critical level as this. She lowered herself even more than usual “as you wish your majesty”.

She turned and stormed from her father her hand maidens following like loyal dogs. She didn’t say a word as she climbed the marble steps and retreated into the large estate. The doors burst open as her silk shoes treaded the fur rug. She stopped when a whisper could be heard from around the corner that led to the kitchens, “Amee”? She stopped at the foot of the stairs, “Kyros,” she replied. “What are you doing here, if somebody sees you,” he shook his head “They won’t I’m supposed to be on post”. Amee’s mouth dropped, “and you left it”? He nodded, “I had to when I saw the dance . . . my heart died”. “Who was he,” Amee lowered her head, “does it really matter Kyros”?

Kyros retreated from around the corner, “of course it matters, you promised your heart and soul to me . . . forever, remember”? She shook her head, “I was young and foolish” Kyros exclaimed “that was just a week ago”! She shook her head, “forget about me,” a tear filled her eye “I have to go upstairs and be with my husband”. Her heart shriveled to a raisin when she saw Kyros’s face as he realized the hidden meaning in her message. She gave one final tearful look as she began up the stairs “Why are you doing this,” she stopped “Kyros I told you . . .” “I don’t care, I want you . . . run away with me”! Amee shook her head, “They would find us and kill us . . . this is my destiny”. She turned back to the stairs when Kyros gave an almost defeated, “don’t you still love me . . . can you at least tell me that”? She froze, “if you tell me that and then tell me to go . . . I will leave you alone”. Her tearful eyes stared back at him, “I will always love you and give you my heart and soul . . . unfortunately you posses them but not my body”. She gave one final turn as she whimpered, “Now . . . just . . . . just go away”.