Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


(Original Text Unreadable)


His hands were clammy and sweaty as he gripped the sides of the black rock. The dark black patio sat directly above him.

And after the long climb he didn’t think that he had the strength to hoist himself over it. However his luck had played out his guide had been right. A large hallway ran the patio with a blood red carpet on the floor. A woman was pacing back and forth in robes of the brightest silver. She almost reminded him of a star or a diamond, but then again she was precious to him. He sat there waiting at the side as she just continued to pace back and forth down the hallway. Deciding to take his chance, it was now or never Kyros went for it. He froze as he held onto the ledge. It had been so long since she was taken from her bed, so long since Hades had kidnapped her. He shook his head and killed those thoughts before they began to surface in his head. He had come too far to stop now. Time didn’t matter when it came to love and Kyros was going to follow his heart or what was left of it at least.

“KYROS,” exclaimed Amee as his frail body climbed over the railing and he lowered himself to the ground. His sword clattering next to him, he steadied it as he approached her. “Is it safe,” he whispered as she nodded at him. Her golden hair was the brightest thing in this dark world. Her face seemed to be carved from Aphrodite as her blue eyes filled with shock. He smiled as he hurried over to her without hesitation and soon embraced her in a kiss so deep the very room grew warmer. But after several seconds she pulled away, “how is this possible”? Her hand traced his cheeks as nothing seemed to be able to wipe the smile from her face. “Hades told me you were dead,” Kyros shook his head, “I am alive . . . I gave away everything to rescue you”. Her smile seemed to slacken slightly as Kyros leaned in and they were embraced in a kiss that lasted five whole minutes.

Recoiling slightly she waved her hand in front of her face, “you really need a bath . . . you stink”. “After all I have done, I stink,” a small smile curled her tear soaked face. She sniffled slightly as Kyros continued, “Well I am sorry, I said I would come for you and I couldn’t spare one second to stop and take a bath.” She ran her hand over his cheek, “you could have at least waded through a river or creek”. She kissed him lightly, “let’s get out of here before it’s too late”. Taking her hand he began to lead her towards the patio, “I can’t climb down there, besides things have changed Hades and me . . .” Kyros took a step back, “I don’t understand, are you about to say what I think you are going to say”? She threw up her hands, “well what do you expect it’s been over two years besides I thought you were dead”. Shaking his head, “but I am not dead yet, I am here to rescue you,” tears flowing harder as she shook her head. “I couldn’t wait forever Hades and I have a child now”. Shaking his head, “I can’t believe your saying this I gave up my soul, my body to get you out of here”. She hiccupped, “and what am I supposed to do out there . . . without you, did you think about that”? His heart was melting into his chest as he gripped it slightly in pain, “it didn’t matter all that mattered was rescuing you”.

She paused as she stared at him, “you sold your soul . . . to whom”? His skin felt greasy and oily as if he was finally coming to realize the horrid condition he was in. He looked up at her running his muddy fingers over his once white skin. “I sold it to the Fates,” “the Fates”! Her exclamation seemed to change Kyros’s attention, “They are not supposed to take any soul from Hades, to do so . . . I have to tell him”. “And what about your body,” feeling the dread fill the empty space in his heart he just grumpily said, “Charon”. Gripping his sword Kyros had no idea what to do, “please tell me this isn’t true, tell me you are going to come with me, I love you”. Walking closer Amee gripped his hands “I do love you, but it’s too late. What would you have me do up there wait fifty years before I die and just come back . . . I’m happy and this is my home now”.

Shaking his head, “no, please don’t say that”. Tears filled Kyros’s eyes this time as he reached his hands up to her almost helplessly. “Please don’t do this,” shaking her head, “just remember, I love you and will always love you.” His hands rested on her cheeks as she began to cry hysterically, “I promise I will always be out there on that porch watching you and when you look out in the distance you will be able to see me too”. “What are you talking about? You’re not making any . . .” Kyro’s sentence died in his throat as a sharp pain was felt in his side. Amee cried the entire time his sword plunged deeper into his chest. The look of shock as Amee cried, “I am sorry, I love you, remember what I said”. Kyros sunk to the floor as he slowly died in Amee’s arms. It seemed that love wasn’t enough. As the light dimmed in his eyes, a faint light came almost like a ray of sunlight. It was filled with a song that warmed his very body as if sung by the Sirens themselves. However he smiled as he saw the familiar black mockingbird. It stood high on a podium and sung loudly as his pain seemed to float away with every key. There was harmony in every melody and peace in every note, how he wished he could have listened to it just a couple seconds longer.

The End?


(Alternate Ending #1)

“Why are you doing this, how can you say that . . . you know our home, please come back with me.” She shook her head, “you’re too late, I am sorry Kyros”. Staring blankly at her he couldn’t grasp any words around the situation, “so what am I supposed to do now? I came here for you”. She nodded, “I know, but you still have a chance to go back and start a new life.” “There is no life without you,” her bottom lip trembled as she traced her finger off his cheek. “Believe me you will find love again, somebody better than me,” his brow furrowed, “how do you know this”? Her smile was weak but convincing, “because I did”. His mouth gapped, “how can you say that”? “Just think of it like this . . . the only person that could take me away from you was the devil himself.” She gave him a final kiss, “you better go Hades should be back any minute, I’ll distract him so you can get away.” She gave him one final glance and turned, “Amee,” Kyros whispered in a defeated plea, “and don’t come back for me Kyros . . . ever”.

Amee disappeared down a flight of stairs and soon he heard a set of large doors open and close. Kyros cried in his hands, if only his best friend could see him now. This made him sob even more not only did he not have the love of his love, but he had killed his best friend too. He was now truly alone in the world and nothing seemed able to brighten it. As he moved over to the patio he stared out across the underworld. The bright orange light from the neighboring volcanoes as rivers of lava flowed throughout this world. He had no purpose and no reason for existence. As he prepared to make the long journey back maybe he could find a purpose then? After all there had to be some reason why he was still here, selling his soul and his body seemed pointless the more he looked back. He was empty in every way. Maybe he could get them back, either way his destination was clear and it was anywhere but here in the underworld.

A faint rustling could be heard as Kyros turned back towards the stone hallway, which looked more like a dressed up cavern then anything. A tall podium stood at the end with a white object ruffling its tiny wings at him. It was the mockingbird only this time it wasn’t coal black, its beak wasn’t crooked and as it sung its melody was not filled with dismay. Its disheartened tuned was harmonious as it seemed to sooth him. It flapped its wings and took off into the distance. Singing with ever gust as it revealed the path to his future.

The End?

In the unbounded presence of love from the mockingbird above.

Rushing makes you slip make sure the journey is worth the trip. Whether a song of joy or song of dismay listen for the mockingbird everyday and then you will find you way.