Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

A Hidden Secret


Terry woke up coughing and sputtering as the sun was rising in the horizon. Colin’s ugly face was staring into hers. She looked up and realized that she was lying on a beach. “Where . . . where the hell are we,” her voice sounded dry as her body was covered with salt. Colin sat back down, “Thank God, we thought that you were dead.” Terry felt something on her head, “My head hurts.” Derek was now walking up and down the beach, “We should get a fire going.” Colin was sitting down in the sand, Terry sat up slowly. She grew light headed with every movement of her body and was looking out into the ocean. “What the hell happened,” she asked again. Colin’s suit was all torn up and covered with sand. “We crashed Terry,” he said it in a way that was like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “How long have I been out,” Derek gave a hearty laugh “Hours, and don’t thank us either for saving your life.” “You saved my life,” she muttered. Colin was now laughing, “We crashed into the ocean, who do you think put you on our little makeshift raft? Would you have liked too have drown?”

Terry gave a faint laugh, “Alright well where are we?” Terry clenched her head and began to look around. A jungle sat behind them and to her right and left stretched beach. “We should look around and see if there are people here?” Derek was now gazing into the jungle, but Terry didn’t like the idea. “Maybe we should stay on the beach in case a rescue plan comes.” Derek scoffed, “Rescue plane . . . We might be on Hawaii or something, maybe there are people here?”

Colin got up from the sand and helped Terry to her feet. She began to feel light headed again and standing was not a good option. Her head felt like it was swimming, and she didn’t know if she would actually have the strength. “Where is that damn pilot,” asked Colin. “Pilot,” she repeated hazily, “Yeah Terry you know one of the guys that was flying the plane?” Terry turned round and faced Colin, “Don’t talk to me like I am stupid!” Colin did not seem to be threatened by her but thankfully Derek came between them. “Look one pilot went out in the jungle last night to go look for help. The other one died in the crash.” Terry lowered her threatening finger, “the . . . crash?” She muttered the comment with such denial and disbelief.

She gazed out into the empty ocean, “Maybe we should go looking for the pilot?” Colin nodded in agreement, but Terry thought different. “We should stay on the shore in case of a rescue boat.” Derek ignored her comment and began walking towards the jungle, “Derek!” Derek just raised his hands, “You know how I feel on the subject.” Terry turned to see if Colin would provide some sanity to the situation, but he still agreed with Derek. They both began walking towards the jungle, “So where did the pilot go”? Derek just shrugged, which Terry did not find very helping. The jungle was thick and overcrowded. It was hot too like a permanent sauna. The jungle continued to grow thicker the deeper that they went into it.

“Help,” yelled Derek, which Terry also found very unhelpful.

“What was the pilot’s name,” Colin stretched his face in concentration.

“It was . . . um . . . . Duke . . . I think?” Terry rolled her eyes as they continued to plow their way through the jungle. “So what happened to the raft,” Colin now was wiping his head from the sweat. “It wasn’t a raft, just metal from the plane. We had to hold hands to keep from floating away.” Derek now stopped making Terry almost crash into him. “What are you stopping for,” Derek began to look up into the trees, “Do you hear something?” Colin slapped Derek on the back, “It’s a jungle of course, there is going to be noise.” Derek began to walk again, and Terry’s head began to hurt again. She just wished those damn bugs would stop clicking so fast. It sounded as if the clicking was coming from every direction and every tree.

“You smell that,” muttered Terry as something entered her nose. It smelled horrible, it was indescribable. Terry took the shirt off of her head and put it around her mouth. “Oh my god,” Derek stopped again, “What is it now?” Terry had almost crashed into Derek a second time. Derek was now looking down at the ground, “Don’t look down.” He began to back up in his spot, and Terry saw the reason why. There were skeletons all in a pile and many in a huge neighboring pit. It was a massive pile of remains from recently disregarded bodies, to centuries old skeletons picked clean by the elements. “They look like babies,” moaned Terry hoping that she was wrong. Bugs crawled all over the babies, some of them still had meat on their bodies, The bugs were thick, big, red and black in color smaller then a cell phone.

Terry shrieked, and Derek backed up faster, “What kind of bugs are those,” asked Colin. Terry had to get out of there beginning to walk away when she heard Derek say, “I think they are cockroaches.” Terry began retracing their steps when she looked up and saw a woman standing mere feet in front of her. She had white chalk over her body, a huge arrangement of flowers, and what looked like bones hanging in her hair. Her spear was tight in her hands as she began to thrust it towards Terry. Derek and Colin had gotten quiet too. “Guys,” Terry whispered, but Derek softly whispered back, “Shut up.” She gave a quick glance and saw more women covered in chalk thrusting spears at them. “I guess we are not alone,” Derek whimpered.