Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

No Escape from Hell


Colin seemed to crash onto the floor. He appeared exhausted and did not seem to care that bugs were crawling in the hut.

“We need to escape,” Terry whispered to them both. “Where exactly are we going to go,” whispered Derek. He put his hands through his greasy hair, “I mean it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be that bad.” Terry walked up to Derek and literally slapped him in the face, “You’re a pig! Is sex all you can think of?” Derek smiled and eyed her up and down, “Why don’t you give me something to think of.” His eyes landed on her chest, “How can you think of something like that at a time like this?” “Well what else can we do? There is no way out of here.” Terry actually raised her hand to slap Derek again, but she stopped, “I will never have sex with you, EVER, you would have to screw my rotting corpse.”

She turned from Derek unable to even look at him. Colin was still lying on the ground. “There has got to be a way out of here,” Terry began to walk around the room. “You know how long I have wanted to get with you?” Terry could not believe Derek was still talking to her. “Listen, if we live through this I will never talk to you ever again, you’re a freak. I should have rejected Mr. Patterson pairing up the two of us.” “Things can change,” Derek replied trying to sound smooth, “You have a better chance at screwing Colin then me. You will never even touch my hand.” She flashed her hand in front of him almost teasing him. “Alright then, if you are going to be like that how are we going to get out of here?” Terry eyed Colin lying on the ground, “Follow my lead, if you can do that.” She walked towards Colin, “And quit staring at my ass!” Derek gave a creepy smile and turned his head towards the wall. Terry was now standing over Colin, “what’s going on Terry?’ Terry raised her muddy worn out shoes, “I’m sorry Colin.”

Terry’s foot collided with Colin’s stomach, “What the hell do you think your doing?” Terry repeated the action over and over again. Colin tried to scramble up, but Terry shoved her shoe on his head and forced him back down to the ground. Terry continued to kick Colin, “Help me you idiot!” Derek however just stood there almost dumbfounded by her actions. Terry began to kick harder making Colin groan in pain. He tired to scramble up again, and Terry pushed him back down to the ground. She kicked him as hard as she could, “Stop Terry, what the hell is wrong with you?” Her shoe collided with his forehead, which sent his head banging off the wooden walls. “Stop, Terry, get off me you stupid,” she continued to kick thinking that her plan was not going to work, then how would she explain the beating to Colin? Terry raised her foot, and was about to thrust down her last blow to Colin, when both of the guards came into the room. The blond guard looked down at the bloody Colin and began thrusting her spear at Terry forcing her to back the wall. The red headed guard bent down over Colin and began to examine him. The blond looked towards the red head, and Terry seized her chance. Derek had not moved from his spot. She looked to the blond trying to tell him to knock her out. He eyed her stupidly, “You’re a moron,” she muttered. The blond women shot her glance back to Terry her spear nearing her stomach by inches.

Derek seemed to have caught on and tackled the red headed guard. The blond turned to help her fellow sister. Terry grabbed the women’s hair and felt her fist collide with her crooked nose. The blond guard tried to fight jabbing her spear at Terry clumsily. Terry grabbed the spear, and they began to pull on it. Colin finally recovered helping Derek and soon they both subdued the guards. “Well knock him out,” Terry choked out breathing heavily. “I can’t hit a woman,” Terry rolled her eyes, “You wanted to have sex with me a couple minutes ago,” “And still do.” Terry pushed Derek “Get away from me,” she clenched her fist back and punched the blond square between the eyes. She felt bad hitting what looked like a six month pregnant woman. However the circumstances were different than normal society, apparently rules and laws did not apply here. Terry needed to become as ruthless as these people in the jungle were.

Colin seemed to waddle over to the door and peered out, “There is nobody here. We can make a run for it.” Terry was clenching her fist, “What’s wrong?” Terry shot a furious look at Derek, “Don’t touch me, don’t even talk to me.” “I’m going, you guys coming,” Terry shot Derek a look telling him to punch the girl, “Oh no you want to be all noble, your not the definition of Chivalry.” Derek turned back to the red headed guard and hit her with such a force that her whole body was sent crashing against the wall. “Jesus Christ,” shrieked Terry shocked at the tremendous blow that he had given the women. “You said to hit her,” ‘not kill her,” she shrieked back at him. Colin was now out the door and soon Terry with Derek following. They walked around the hut and began to escape up the hill. There was a series of huts that lined the top of the valley. “Let’s get behind those buildings,” Colin muttered breathlessly.

Terry never knew how they made it up the hill without being seen. The town was literally filled with women and nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention to these houses, or three people running towards the jungle. They reached the huts, when Terry heard a strange sound. It was a kind of whimpering. A baby was crying from the first hut, Terry walked closer to the door, which had a kind of wooden gate covering the door. She peered through the door and saw children. Not just children, but boys some looked to be no more than three or four years old. All of the boys looked skinny and malnourished. The hut stunk of rotting food and well a very unclean port-a-potty. The boys had a sorrow in their face and were all held like prisoners.

In next hut loud grunting could be heard. Derek seemed to be interested in the idea, but Colin on the other hand whispered, “Who is crying?” Sure enough Terry had to listen hard, and she heard a little boy crying probably about six or seven years old. A woman could be heard moaning in pleasure. Terry was tempted to move the grass curtain to the side. She wanted to see what was going on. Was somebody hurt, maybe it wasn’t a moan of pleasure? Maybe it was a moan of pain? Terry turned away she wanted to avoid temptation as much as possible. However her noble intentions were soon squashed when a waving hand broke her thoughts. Colin was waving to her. He was peering into the curtain to wear the crying was coming from. Terry crouched and tip toed over to Colin, who pointed inside telling her to take a look. Whatever she expected to see it was not what she was prepared for. A woman probably in her forties was on top of boy around six or seven. The woman was grunting not in pleasure, but in more of frustration. She was riding the younger boy so hard that she seemed to be hurting the kid. Why didn’t the child move, why did he just lay there? She closed the curtain door in utter disgust.

Terry felt her stomach doing a sort of wriggling in her stomach. She could not believe what she had just seen. Terry’s mind did not seem like she could process what had just occurred, however Derek saw it in a different light. As they crouched into the jungle, Derek whispered “Lucky kid.” Terry climbed through the thick jungle whispering back, “Please could you be anymore of a pig?” Terry turned away from Derek feeling a sickness settle in her stomach.

They now broke into a run, sprinting through the jungle. They kept running as Derek tried to stop and catch his breath. Terry left him and continued to run through the jungle. Her feet hurt, her lungs were about to explode, and she was clearly ahead of everybody else. She stopped and waited for them to catch up, Derek clamored through the jungle panting like the dog he was. “Slow down just for a minute,” Colin came crashing through the woods, his arms flaying through the air as if they had gone numb. “You guys have to keep up, we have to get away.” “And go where exactly,” Derek’s question seemed to hit Terry harder than she had thought. Where were they supposed to go? They were on an island, and it would not take long for the tribe to realize that they were gone. “It doesn’t matter let’s just get away first, but you guys need to keep up”. Colin now reminded Terry of a pig being cooked in a steamer. His face was all pink, and he was sweating worse than ever. “I’m sorry somebody kicked the crap out of me,” Terry clenched her teeth as she shot back, “I am sorry, but we got away! Now I am not stopping again, if I loose you, well I might even be better off.” She eyed Derek who was still gasping for air as he looked at the ground with fondness. “Wow that is the first thing that you have ever looked at instead of my ass.” Derek looked up holding his knees to keep himself from falling on the ground, “Don’t be to sure what I would do”. Terry flipped up her hand, and looked at Colin trying to shield Derek’s face from her. “Now let’s keep moving!”