Hair Raiser Tales 2.5 : Carnival De Muerte by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Dr. Simon


Britney was brought up to the second floor and brought into an examination room. She was sitting on the table eyeing the hospital garment that was put on there. She did not feel comfortable being naked in front of a perfect stranger. That was not the only reason why she did not want to slip into the outfit. The room was just as dirty as the rest of the hospital. The mere exposure of her skin would expose her to many airborne diseases including some that have not even be discovered yet.

The door opened and in walked a man in a white lab coat. He looked as old as the hospital did. He had a manila folder, “Hello,” he said walking into the room. “You are Britney correct”? She nodded her head, “And you were in a car accident?” She did not hear him, “How are my friends doing?” The doctor looked up from his folder, “Friends?” Britney frowned, “Kendra, Jacob, and Will?”

The doctor tilted his head in confusion, “Jacob?” Britney groaned, “The three people I came in with . . . Will, Kendra, and Jacob.” “You did not put on the hospital robe.” Britney frowned even harder, “Just tell me about my friends!” The doctor gave an exasperated groan, “Your friend Kendra has suffered massive trauma which has caused her to go into a coma. Your friend Jacob is fine . . . as a matter of fact he is in the very next room, Pedro is attending to him”. Britney was about to speak, but the doctor had cut her off, “Young lady I need you to be in that robe.” “No, screw your robe,” the doctor rolled his eyes, “Why do they always fight with me?” “You’re not going to get any cheap looks at me naked.”

The doctor looked as if he was trying to contain all the patience that he could. “Listen, I don’t want to see you naked. It just makes it easier for me to examine you.” “Look, my forehead really hurts just do you thing and do your job.” The doctor walked closer to her rolling his eyes at her comment. The doctor began to examine her, his hands began squeezing her arm, and they moved closer to her chest. “Hey watch your hands doctor!” Britney watched his hands as the moved closer to her chest. When his hands had landed on them, she pushed him away. “Why do they all have to make it so difficult,” Dr. Simon asked himself. “I am not letting you cop a feel on me! I am going to report you!” Britney stood up and began to walk out of the room. “Look, you don’t need to leave. I was just checking to make sure that you did not have any broken ribs and that your vitals are normal.” “Whatever, I am fine. I am going to check on my friends.” She opened the door and she knew the doctor rolled his eyes because he softly replied, “Very well.” Britney walked out of the hallway. She had never been so mad. She knew there was something wrong with this place from the start. What kind of sheriff would flaunt herself around like that? What kind of place did not have a sanitary hospital or even an ambulance?

The hallway was dark except for the few lights that shown overhead. The hallway was empty and all the doors were closed except for one that was slightly cracked open. Britney knew that it must be the room Jacob was in. Britney walked into the room and let out a scream that traveled down the hall. Jacob lay on a Gurnee bed, his chest was cut open. Britney put her hand over her mouth to keep her from throwing up. She noticed a cooler on the floor covered with blood and filled with ice. She turned to see the doctor locking the door to the room. Britney started to scream, “Stay away from me you freak!” Britney began to look around the room for an exit, but the only exit was the door that the doctor stood in front of. She reached for the giant blade, which Britney suspected was used to open the chest. She was about to grab it, but felt something hit her in the head. She turned and saw the doctor grab her neck and slam her into the wall. “You stupid girl, Britney began to choke and sputter, “Please, why are you doing this?” Dr. Simon grabbed her neck tighter, “I get so lonely out here, I just want a taste,” Dr. Simon threw her onto the Gurnee bed which held Jacob’s body.

Britney turned around and tried to swipe at Dr. Simon’s face. He grabbed her wrist and turned her around bending her wrist in the opposite direction. Britney screamed in pain, “Will, help me!” Britney felt the bones in her finger being stressed in pain. Britney was bent over Jacob’s corpse, “Please, let me go!” “Why are you doing this? I’m gunna kill you!” Dr. Simon leaned over her body and whispered into her ear, “My wife is dead, there are no people in this cursed town. You are the first patients I have had in over five years.” Britney tried to fight him, but the doctor’s grip was too powerful. “I had to make money. This town had to make money, so we sell human organs on the black market. Now we all make good money.” Britney chocked as Jacob’s blood poured out of her mouth, “You don’t have to do this you could leave the town!” Dr. Simon laughed hard, “My license was taken away long ago and if I leave this town, I will surely go to jail again. After all the police and the world know me as simply the Grim Reaper.” Britney was screaming loudly, “STOP!” Britney felt the doctor now beginning to undo her pants as the doctor finally gave a quick snap of her hand. Britney yelled out in pain, “My hand, you freak!” Britney knew that Dr. Simon had broken her fingers, and her wrist might even have some fractures in it.

Dr. Simon took her hair in his hand and smashed her face into the open chest cavity. Britney could feel the heat of Jacob’s organ’s in her face. She tried to kick him, “Settle down!” Britney still was screaming for Will as the pain of her hand increased with every passing second. She was now coughing as Jacob’s blood was now covering her face. Her screams were muffled, and it became difficult to breath. Her kicking had begun to slow as the air entering her lungs was now becoming less and less. She began to cough and sputter as the blood of Jacob began to enter her lungs. The world began to grow dark as her pants fell to the floor.

Britney tried not to cry as the doctor was now zippering up his pants. He took his hand off her head and put it through her bloody hair. He pulled her off Jacob and tossed her on the ground. Curling into a ball, she continued to cry. She felt dirty, she felt used, and nobody had come to her aid. She felt the doctor kick her, “Clean yourself up your husband will come to collect you.” Britney sobbed uncontrollably, “Why don’t you just kill me?” Dr. Simon laughed as he straightened his lab coat, “Pedro wants you for his wife. I needed to make sure that you are good enough for him.”

“My parents will find me, and I will tell the whole world about how you raped me.” Dr. Simon smiled, “Nobody is going to find you.” There came a knock on the door and in walked Pedro. He stared at Britney laying on the floor half naked crying into her blood soaked hands. “What the hell have you done to her?” Pedro ran to Britney and tried to comfort her, “I had to test her, and she made it difficult.” Pedro stood up and confronted the doctor, “She is going to be my wife!” Dr. Simon rolled his eyes, “Look just get those organs over to the Delgado brothers, and I don’t want you coming back with anything less then thirty thousand.” Pedro nodded, “Would you mind if I spent some quality time . . . alone with my fiancée.”

Dr. Simon smiled, “Yeah, I have to finish harvesting that coma bitch and that other boy. I suppose you can go do your thing and then get back to work.” Pedro nodded as he escorted Dr. Simon out of the room. He walked over to her unbuttoning his shirt, “I know your upset, but soon you will grow to love me.” Britney clutching her useless hand, “Please, no . . . more. I can’t take anymore.” Pedro began to unbuckle his pants as he reached down to grab her hair.

Britney raised her foot and sank it right into his crotch. Pedro let out a howl of pain. She tried to scramble up. Pedro made a grab for her but Britney sank her knee into his face. She made a break for the door, she was almost there. Wack!!! Her legs had given out from under her, and she fell onto her back. She had slipped on Jacob’s blood which now lay in a giant puddle over the floor. She stood up and tried to make another grab for the door. She heard Pedro swear and then felt a sharp pain in her side. She had lost her breath. She stared into the cold green eyes of Pedro. She looked down and saw the chest opener stuck into her side. It was driven deep into her kidneys, and the blood poured out like a fire hydrant. Britney began to breath fast, “You stupid bitch! We could have been happy together.” Britney felt her body growing weaker as she tried to raise her non-broken hand to strike him. Pedro caught the lazy punch and threw her on the floor. She choked and felt her body getting colder lying in a pool of blood. Pedro pulled down his pants again and slid them to the floor. “It didn’t have to be this way. It didn’t have to end like this!” Britney felt her breathing beginning to slow. Her mind was now becoming clearer. It was pleasant not to think. It was nice not to feel Pedro roll her over onto her back. She felt her heartbeat slowing as the adrenaline that she had felt was wearing off. Pedro climbed on top of her, and knew that everything was going to be alright in a couple of minutes. Her last thoughts dwelled upon Will, and when she heard heavy breathing that was not familiar to her, her head tilted back, and her eyes filled with darkness.

“GET UP,” Will heard a voice yell at him. Will woke up to what felt like a light sleep. “Huh,” he said. The room was fuzzy and everything seemed out of context. Will felt something grab his shirt and yank him out of the chair. “What are you doing,” Will asked almost lazily. Will was tossed to the ground like a sack of potatoes. However he did not feel any pain as he slid across the floor. “You raped my wife!” Will was not sure that he heard the man correctly. “Who are you,” Will tried to get a better look at the man before him. He was wearing a cowboy hat and was wearing a green jacket.

“You would rape a sheriff ’s wife!” Will was unable to get his mind to focus right. “Look dude, I don’t know what she has said,” the sheriff put his hands on Will’s shirt again. “You raped my wife,” he repeated into Will’s face. “Look, I don’t know what she told you but,” again Will was cut off by a familiar voice this time, “Don’t listen to him baby.” “Star,” questioned Will. However when he said her name he wished he hadn’t, Star’s husband punched him in the cheek. This left Will howling in pain.

“Don’t you ever speak my wife’s name again,” Will felt the man’s hands go up to his neck. “Please, your wife seduced . . .” Will let out another howl of pain as a foot smashed into his crouch, “Shoot him Trey, shoot him for your wife!” Will was howling with pain pleading “I didn’t,” but something had stopped him again. This time Trey’s mind was racing.

“Please don’t shoot me,” Trey was now pointing his gun at the boy that raped his wife. There was something familiar about him, “Do . . . do I know you?” Will was holding his crouch as Star had come up behind him, “Shoot him Trey!” Trey bit his lip as his hand started shaking, “Where do I know this boy from?” “Nowhere . . . Kill him Trey or do you not care that this boy raped your wife, dishonored your family.” Trey’s hand shook harder. He wanted to pull the trigger. He could feel his finger feeling the trigger almost as if it was testing it. Will held his crotch as he backed himself up to Annabel’s desk.

“Family,” repeated Trey in his head. His family was Star he knew that, but what did he have before Star. His mind began to race as he could hear Star screaming in his hear, “Shoot him you worthless coward, you don’t care about . . .” Trey’s eyes began to dart side to side and suddenly like being hit with a bolt of lighting. “What’s your name,” asked Trey, his pistol still pointing at the boy. “Who cares what his name is just shoot him!” Trey ignored her, “Will.” Trey’s pistol finally fell, “Will?” Trey could hear his voice tremble, “How do you know my name?” Trey examined Will’s question, “Because you look an awful lot like me.” Will groaned as his crotch gave a little throb of pain. “Really, I can’t tell because your girlfriend drugged me.”

Trey heard his girlfriend scream, “Lies, lies . . . give me the gun I’ll shoot him!” Star reached for the gun, but Trey pulled it away from her, “You can’t kill my brother!” “Brother or not, he raped me,” Trey could feel his anger beginning to boil inside of his stomach, “How could you rape my wife?” Trey watched Will’s head beginning to rotate on his neck, “You could at least look at me.” Trey saw Will turn his head towards him. He was almost cross eyed, “You don’t look anything like me.” Will was staring at him harder as if he was looking at a Magic Eye book.

Will could hear a worried tone in Star’s voice, “He . . . doesn’t look anything like you.” Trey yelled back, “He looks an awful lot like my brother.” “I am your family you weak little shit. You don’t have a family besides me! It doesn’t matter, I was raped.” Will tried to speak louder then her, “Look, if you’re my brother or not, I am telling you the truth your wife seduced me.” There came a loud bang, and Will felt something pierce his right leg. Will let out a howl of pain as he felt a burning sensation. He knew that he had been shot. He knew his bone had been broken by the blast.

Now the seriousness of the situation had fallen onto Will like a bowling ball being dropped on his foot. “Please Trey, please if I am your brother that means we are family.” Will could hear Star almost cheering in the distance. She was screaming excitedly, “Yeah baby, get revenge for momma, kill him!” The bullet was still hot in his leg, and Will could feel the blood pouring over his hands running onto the floor.

Will took his bloody hand and reached it out to Trey. His eyes were getting cloudier and soon darkness was beginning to spread over them. “Please we are family Trey,” Will was now desperate and willing to say anything to survive. The pill was effective in dulling his pain. Trey eyed Will, and then looked back at smiling Star. Her eyes were filled with such lust and excitement. She nodded her head, and Trey turned back to Will. “You raped my only family,” Trey’s voice echoed off the peeling walls, “I am your family!” Will did not even know where his friends were. Would they be coming to help him? Will heard the hammer lock back on the pistol, “Star is now my family.” Will only heard two of the shots go off, he did not hear the third.

Star screamed in happiness and ran into the arms of Trey. “Oh my baby is a stone killer, and I like it.” Star wrapped her legs around him and began to kiss his neck, “Oh baby, I want you right now.” There passion for each other was short lived as Annabel came walking into the room. She was looking at a manila folder. She tripped over the foot and gave a faint, “Oops.” She was smiling a little as Star got off of Trey, “What are we going to do with them?” “Sell him,” Annabel gave a smile, and went over to the phone, “Pedro, there is another body here in the front lobby.”

She hung up the phone, “What about his friends?” Annabel looked up and saw that Star was now trying to clean herself up. She spoke to Annabel, “They are all taken care of ”. Star tried to fix her torn shirt, and Trey put his gun back in the holster. “Well, you two should head home. They will be taken care of and you can pick up the money in a week.” “Oh,” she said, and walked over to her jacket, which lay on the chair that she was on sitting before. She picked it up and dug out a big bag of marijuana. She walked over and handed it to Annabel. “Your weekly supply,” Annabel smiled as she took the bag. “Your Uncle’s lot right,” Star nodded “It has been really good this year.” Annabel slipped some money too Star, who took it and stashed it in her pocket.

Annabel smiled one last time and walked through the double door. “Star,” asked Trey almost like a nervous little kid, “Yeah baby,” she replied putting on her jacket. “There is something I have to know, and I want you to be completely honest with me.” Star shot him a warning look, but Trey proceeded on carefully, “Please I have never asked you anything but I need the truth.” Star continued to glare at him, and Trey knew he needed to ask carefully. “Was he really . . . I mean . . . he wasn’t really my brother . . . was he?” Star’s glare turned into a smile. She walked over to Trey swaying her hips as she walked. “I told you the truth when I was breaking you. Your family really is dead,” Trey nodded his head not really sure if he believed her. Trey felt Star grab his chin and pull him up, “I am your family now and you honored me tonight. I am very proud of you.” She kissed him and took his hand in hers. They walked out the front door as Pedro came into the room. He smiled as he began to drag Will’s dead body down to be harvested. Whether he was his brother or not, Trey did not care. His family was Star and this was his life now, and he was happy.

The End?