Jay Horne's: The Hamper of Horrors


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Book Description

Tanner is seventeen and finally writing about the horror she experienced as a thirteen-year-old sister who had lost her baby brother to the maws of a hamper from hell; and all on her only day to truly relax!The Lumpin Family Circus had seen its last days after the magicians grew tired and old but Tanner sneaks out of her window and dares a trip to the Art district. She's trying to save her brother and her sanity but finds more than she's bargained for. By bargaining, I mean trading a secondhand blouse for her brother and cat in return. But the old witch who runs Nan's curiosities has other plans. Tanner befriends a young girl named Viola and they embark on a journey to save Tanner's brother and cat, bringing magic back to the district before Tanner's mom and dad get home from dinner.

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Jay Horne

"What qualifies me to write great fiction? Well, I've been doing a little of everything besides writing for a very long time. Writing, I've been doing a lot of." In an age where authors are computers, I still find joy in every sentence I write. In fact, I may enjoy writing even more than I do reading! And reading, I do a lot of. The only thing that holds a torch to the entertainment of my imagination is playing with my kids. And also, playing with the adults when I attend Ninja Taikais (If you know what those are), or go venturing into caves or onto mountaintops in my druidic robes to cast a few spells. Don't believe me? Check out my Substack at Bookflurry and look for 'The Stones Speak'. I keep the Substack so that people know I'm real. It is kind of this old druid's blue book of sorts. Not to mention, I've played with the Navy Seals and been a decorated EMT. Furthermore, I have survived the throes of marriage and divorce. But the most... Read more

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