Karma: Retribution by Thaddeus Knight - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen

Tensions mounted over the next few weeks with each member becoming increasingly anti-social. Even Al opted to keep the company of himself, over the company of the others.

Harry, in an inspirational move took his cot outside, and made his living space on the roof of the dormitory.

Matt commented on how it was unfair that Harry got a rooftop room, and that he wished it would rain on him, but it never did.

For Harry, there was no issue with exercising one's liberty, and after all, it was not his fault that they had consigned themselves to their allotted living quarters.

Matt took up permanent residence in the workshop, because he said he preferred the company of ghosts to the rest of the group.

John and Rob split a room amongst themselves – Rob erecting a shanty   within the room, John establishing his section with a blanket partition.

Al, by merit of not modifying his living conditions at all, had become quite solitary, and suffered no lack of privacy