Karma: Retribution by Thaddeus Knight - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty -Three

Al's first prognosticated apocalypse passed by without incident.

The three held an informal conference and discussed their reflections during the muted days which had passed since John's death.

Al had come to the conclusion that the space was not an artificially created reality, but an actual place. He also asserted that the digitization process was a method of opening a door into another realm, as opposed to an exclusively technical process of transmuting matter into data.

He waxed metaphysical, and stated that he believed that the thing that has been attacking them appeared to be related to the world's ability to provide for them, except that now it is exacting a price for its gifts, and bringing punishment to the guilty.

Rob scoffed audibly, stating the entity Al described was a sorry excuse for a God – for once Harry tended to agree with him, but Rob's attitude was vehement, and Harry's was only neutrally reflective.

Matt and John both had committed murder with their own hands. Rob knew that was the case because he had been there when John lit the match that killed the off duty officer, and he believed Matt's boasts regarding his past exploits. Rob, on the other hand, was not directly responsible for killing the cop, or starting the fire.

In spite of the anxiety and depression he had been experiencing, he rationalized that if this entity was out on a vengeance trip, he, at least, did not have first degree murder on his conscience.

Harry proposed that they set up a check-in system, if they need to separate for any reason. He also suggested that they split the day into shifts of three, so that each of the remaining three could keep an eye out for the entity, should it arrive once more.

With a permanent sentry, a buddy system, and a general sense of awareness, the only thing that seemed left to do was pray – and that was something that each of the would have to be responsible for themselves.

In truth, all three were demoralized. The entity could manifest fire, firearms, and knives at will, and dematerialize as soon as its task had been completed.