October's Unrest by Scott Donnelly - HTML preview

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The old Mustang raced across the town’s boarder and into Glen Falls. It sped up the winding road, splashing through all the puddles that continued to form in the pouring rain, and into downtown.  The car came to a screeching halt outside of Glen Falls Police Station.  Dart hopped out from the drivers seat and scurried around to the passenger side.  He reached in through the shattered window and unlocked the door, pulling the frantic Jessica Morgan out from the car.  She was frazzled, soaked to the bone, and covered in cuts and scrapes.

Dart pulled her up the steps to the Police Station and they barged in, capturing the attention of everyone inside.  A man in a suit and tie dropped the stack of folders that were in his hands and rushed to Dart and Jessica. 

“What’s going on here?” The man questioned loudly, noticing how distraught the two of them were.  He noticed the bloody cuts all over Jessica, as well as the puzzling muddy handprints around her neck.

“Who’s in charge?” Dart shouted.

“I am,” the man said. “I’m Chief Roberts.”

“I’m Deputy Jamie Dart from Stewart Hollow,” Dart said, trying to catch his breath.

“What’s wrong?” Chief Roberts questioned, just as concerned as the rest of the office, who were slowly gathering around. 

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you…” Dart huffed.