Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Paranormal Lockdown

There’s an urban legend that began in the 1950 a small town of Caribou Bay, Iowa, a prison Back in the 1950’s there was a prison break, and all of the most insane criminals were placed there, one night there is a riot, and the prisoners killed the prison guards and escape, and they fled in every direction. Some of the prisoners run to a haunted house and somehow they get locked in and… there was a huge riot back in the 50’s and a lot of guards died, and prisoners got lynched this riot led to a huge prison outbreak. Many of the prisoners died due to being trampled on, others were stabbed to death, some prisoners were beaten to death, one guy got thrown into a pot and boiled to death in hot water. Him and his cell mates had been planning a breakout for months now, they talked about it every chance they got, and they knew the inside of the prison like the back of their hands, they knew where every guard would place and when to strike and how they were going to escape. The ones who tried to escape were shot or beaten to death by the guard’s Billy club. The night of the riot was the bloodiest, most horrific, scariest, night. After the last of the prisoners were moved, the prison shut its doors forever. Locals say that the prison of Caribou Bay is the most haunted buildings in the state. Due to lack of security back then most of the prisoners escaped others were caught and placed back in prison. The remaining prisoners that fled ran to a nearby abandoned house, thinking that no one lived there the prisoners had broken in and hid in the safety of this empty house. Now mind you, this house was haunted it was haunted the most notorious, mean ghost and he ruled this house anyone who dared to enter it the ghost would get extremely angry and throw things. The man that haunted this house was a notorious mobster and he was being chased by a former mob member apparently, he owned an exuberate amount of money up and when he couldn’t pay up the mobster followed him to his house and hung him in the attic. Before killing him, they beat him with a bat, they tied him up and tortured him. The prisoners that are in the house are the very same mobsters that killed him for the money he owed, somehow the police received a unanimous tip, and the mobsters were caught and put in prison. Ever since the mobster haunts this house, and he hates men with the passion. The last man that came in here was a young teenager who came with a group of their friends this house was known as the party house, his friends and came here for a party and all of them died mysteriously. The kid had gone off to explore the house got lost and the ghost found him and hung him just he was hung; when is friends had finally found him, they horrified to find his friend hanging from the eaves of the attic, they thought he committed suicide and when they called the police, they ruled it a suicide. Each of them died and were found in separate rooms of the house and each of them were hung. Ever since that day no one comes to this house except stupid teens looking for a thrill. The house remained empty since them or so people thought. The kids came there to drink, party, and listen to music but instead they lived a nightmare, that night they were in the house the minute they entered at midnight all doors and windows locked and they were trapped that house. There were a few people in town that believed the urban legend about the mobster being killed and the prison outbreak others were skeptical. Now on the of night the riot the men and ran to the house and broke down the door and they hid there for days from the police and the police searched everywhere, woods, buildings, houses, ditches wherever they thought the prisoners might hide they looked. They never thought to look at the old, abandoned house it was all locked up had a gate around the police knew not to go in there, they knew the of the urban legend and they believed in it and they what would happen if they went in there. They didn’t dig underground and crawl through tunnels, they walked out the front door, climbed the fences and just ran, they ran for days hiding and resting when they could till, they came upon the haunted house, they knew of the ghost story it has been told through the town and the gossip and rumors spread like wildfire. What choice did the prisoners have? There was no way they would go back to prison not now that they have had a taste for freedom, now they were free forever or so they thought. So, they moved on and kept searching, When the prisoners first went into the house it was dark, and eerie, and threatening but they got used to it after a while. The house was big and large and it ominous in the dark, the house still had furniture it and sheets covering everything. The windows and doors have been boarded up, except for the front door. Two of the prisoners were fixing and re-boarding the front door, they were big, tall, burly, and mean. In fact, they were the meanest out the whole bunch of prisoners, they were murderers who killed over two hundred victims placed in the highest, maximum security prison. The leader of the prisoners was extremely mean and had been diagnosed as criminally insane, the other prisoners listened to him in fear of getting whacked. The prisoners settled in for a long night, they quite tired and hungry all they wanted was food and some rest. The prisoners didn’t know what they were in for, at midnight exactly, it’s said that the ghost locks every door and every window until the victims are trapped inside and the ghost takes its anger out on its victims. The prisoners had all settled in for the night and they fell asleep until…. They start hearing knocking, doors or slamming, sinister laughing, and creepy voices. The prisoners are jolted awake by another prisoner’s scream, they hear the thump, thump of someone being dragged upstairs, they run to see what the ruckus is, all they see is their friend being dragged and apparition of a man dressed in a business suit wearing fedora hat; his friend was being beaten with a bat and then tied and then he was tied to a chair and tortured, the ghost had broken every one of his fingers, and then took the bat to his knees and broke his kneecaps. When he was done, he kept trying one by one, but they couldn’t get anywhere, the ghost had drug their friend up the attic steps and the prisoners were close behind and watched in horror as their friend get hung from the rafters and watch the life drain out of his eyes. The prisoners knew they were next the ghost was picking them off one by one. They thundered down the steps trying to find places to hide, but it was hopeless, no matter where they hid the ghost would find them and would terrorize them in some way. The ghost would show up and either scare them with noises or appear to them as a scary ghost before killing his victim he’d make them relive the night he died just as a reminder what happened to him. The sad thing is about this mobster ghost is that he is a nice ghost he didn’t want to mean it sort of happened. He was a nice guy when he was in the mortal realm and just after he died something happened to him it’s something evil came over him and now, he turned into an evil spirit. Maybe it is how he died that got so angry, maybe that’s why he wanted revenge so badly, but then he felt Charlie Gibbs felt bad that he killed those teens. Anger didn’t look good on him, he was an all-around sweet guy, but his death was umm… uncalled for, Charlie had the money the mobsters just did whatever they wanted to do and just whacked him, he told over and over he the money, but they didn’t listen. It was sad too because he left behind his wife and kids and his family, no family should have to go through what his family did. The more he thought about it the angrier it made him. How ironic that same mobsters who killed him are here now in his house in his grasp and now the prisoners are paying the price. By this time, the prisoners are freaking out and desperately trying to find a way to escape but there was so escape. They thought being prison was bad, well they were wrong, they’re living their worst nightmare. The prisoners were hiding anywhere they could, but Charlie would find them drag them into the room where they beat him and tied him and tortured him, except for Charlie didn’t use a bat he found something worse, he took a lead pipe from the basement found he floated through the house as a mist looking for the prisoners he found Max Caplin who was a part of the mob and one the men that took part in the beating, he started to him over and over, Max was spitting and coughing up blood, it spewed onto the floor, his body was sore and black and blue, and he was crying as watched as hit by an invisible force, he cried over and over and pleaded for it to stop but it didn’t. When Charlie was done, he drugs Max to a chair and took a hammer to his fingers and broke his fingers one by one on each hand, Max screamed in terror and pain, then Charlie moved to his other hand and broke his fingers one by one. Max was in excruciating pain and he was crying, but Charlie wasn’t done, he took a sledgehammer to his knees and smashed his kneecaps one after another. Max had passed out from the pain, and when Max was unconscious Charlie drug Max up to the attic placed the noose around his neck and hung from the attic rafters. After being satisfied after his kill he searched the house for the other prisoners there only two remaining prisoners left, two of the prisoners had been hiding in the butler’s pantry he grabbed one them and this time he possessed the prisoner and he made him kill his friend, he beat his friend to death, then made drag him to the attic and for a moment only he unentered the prisoner’s body just so he could see his friend hanging there, the prisoner was speechless, his buddy was crying out “no, no, don’t do it please.” Just then Charlie reentered the prisoner’s body his eyes glowed red for minute and flashed back to normal, he took his friend, he slipped the noose over his neck he tightened it and strung him up and watched as the life drained out of him. Now Charlie being the way his was saved the prisoner for last and he had the best way for him to die, after leaving his body Charlie grabbed and dragged down the attic steps his head hitting every step leaving with a bad headache and a concussion, he was knocked out for now, Charlie tied him to a chair took gasoline that was the garage, took some matches and set the house on fire and when the last prisoner Cain Allasio who was the boss of the mobsters had awakened he awoke to seeing nothing but flames around him, he screamed and screamed as the flames quickly set on fire, and he screamed in terror as he was burned alive. Charlie stood there watching in satisfaction as his victim burned to nothing but ashes and when it was all over, an angel of black death rose from the ashes and escorted Charlie to hell. The house is nothing but burnt ashes and to this very day the where the house uses to stand is an empty lot and locals say nothing will grow on this land nor nothing can be built, and the victims that were killed will forever haunt the land that the house stood on. Now the prisoners are said to haunt the prison and the land where the house stood.