Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


In a small town that rested at the base of the Blue Mountains lived a family who had the simple life, they were loving, kind nurturing, and they lived off the land. They lived a farmhouse by a creek and were surrounded by the woods and mountains, it was a lovely place to raise a family. It was summer of nineteen-seventy-nine and weather was hot and the kids were cooling off in the creek, the mother was in the house doing chores. The was big and spacious with about five bedrooms, and two in half baths, a big kitchen, dining, and living room, all the rooms upstairs were big, the father was at work and away on business leaving the mother alone to take of the kids. The family was quite religious and never missed a Sunday at church were members of the local Baptist church where the kids got baptized in the creek running next to the church. The mother was a devout Christian, she prayed and read the bible, and went to church. The mother was not all there for some reason, there was something off about her, instead being curious about Christianity, or God, or the bible, she was curious about witchcraft and evil. We all know that’s what a devout Christian does or believes right? The mother was about to rock her children’s world now and into the future which would scar them for life. It was normal day the kids were playing outside chasing ducks and the chickens around and playing with the dog, the mom was inside doing her daily chores, and the dad was away on business. The day ends the kids eat dinner, have their baths, and they go to bed. Their mother was up all alone reading in bed and something is nagging at her, bothering her whispering in her ear in a creepy, evil voice, “read from the witchcraft book, read the witchcraft book.” She gets the chills gets up out of bed like she is in a trance and goes to the shed and gets a shovel she goes to the woods and starts digging by these three creepy looking trees, she digs about three feet deep in a book with a pentagram on it and it was called Witchcraft Raising The Devil”, she pulls it out of the ground brushing the dirt off, she gets up and walks to the middle of the three creepy trees, and draws a pentagram and then proceeds to build a fire, she opens the book and blows dirt from it, and begins to read a spell, as she reading the flames grow higher, dancing, and jumping as she reads, there’s thunder in the background, it begins to lightening, the rain comes down heavy, she keeps reading, a half man half goat, devil man raising up out of the fire, laughing maliciously as he climbs out, a legion of demons follow the devil out of the fire, thunder cracks again, she finishes the spell and comes out of her trance. The mother wakes up feeling dazed and confused, and wondering why she is wet and outside holding a witchcraft book, she screams and jumps, throwing the book into the fire, saying “Oh my what have I done, what have I done, she too scared to notice the creepy eyes watching her from the woods she runs back to the house in a panic, she locks the door the behind her praying and asking forgiveness the whole way, she doesn’t release the damage she caused to herself and to her family, she didn’t realize she cursed her family or that she opened the door to She runs upstairs and closes the door, grabbing the bible from the nightstand reading every passage she could think of to help her, but the damage was done, and nothing would fix this, she decided that night not to tell a soul and keep it in. That night she cried to herself to sleep feeling sad and guilty about what she done, she didn’t know about was going to happen next, she woke up the sound of her children screaming and crying she ran frantically to their rooms and they were both terrified, there was a devil man standing in the kids’ room staring at them, the devil took one look at my mother and laughed evilly at her. She rebukes he hisses and laughs and disappears into the wall. Once she gets her girls calmed down, she gives a drink and sends them back to bed, and when they think all is quiet things get worse. The girls are woken up yet again by loud knocking on the wall, three times each, then hear something or someone stomping in the attic, things only got worse the mom was having nightmares of what happened, the girls started to fight all the time, the animosity in the house was so intense you knew something wasn’t right. The family went from getting along to fighting and arguing constantly and over the dumbest stuff. One morning when the girls were getting up to watch cartoons something was amiss, something wasn’t right that morning, the older sister gets up gets up to see a huge and dark mass come at and project itself into her, she thrashes around screaming and kicking, the younger sister calls her sleeping mom who exhausted from the night before, she wakes up to her kids screaming and yelling but the time she got there it was too late the her daughter had been possessed, her daughter opens her eyes and they’re pitch black, she runs to the bedroom to call the pastor and tell him her daughter had been possessed, she told him everything and pastor said he would be right out, but sadly the pastor never made it to them, there was freak accident and a runaway truck came out of nowhere hitting the pastor’s car straight on killing him instantly. The mother was on her own and she didn’t what to do, she prayed over her daughter and read the bible hoping a miracle would come and her daughter would be rid of this demon inside her, it was quickly taking over her daughter’s body and it as starting to show, her daughter was becoming increasingly violent and mean, she spoke tongues, and began to swear. She proceeded to climb up the walls and slunk to hide in the attic, her mom and sister her frantic with panic and didn’t know where the pastor was, the mother called the church again to see if the pastor left his secretary answered, saying “Mrs. Evans I’m so sorry to tell you this we sent out someone to find Pastor Dillard and I’m afraid he’s been a tragic accident and he’s gone”, the secretary said in a sad tone. Mrs. Evans was speechless her mouth dropped to the floor as she dropped the phone. Somehow, she knew the pastor’s death was her fault, this mess was her fault she honestly thought she wouldn’t cause any harm reading from a witchcraft book, she tries to go back to the night it happened, her head is foggy, and she can’t remember doing it or what made her do it, she knows is she’s in over her head and she’s on her own. That night things in the house get much worse, her daughter is the attic banging around, she’s torturing her little sister and her mother, when things can’t get much worse, but they do. That night her older daughter slinks down from the attic and grabs a butcher knife from the kitchen and proceeds to go to her sisters room who is sleeping, she creeps in holding the knife over her sister about to plunge the knife into her, her sister wakes up and begins to scream, the mom hearing this runs in to see what it is a matter, and she screams, her daughter lunges at her with the knife trying to stab her mom, the mom tells her younger daughter to run and get out the house, she listens to mom leaving her behind to fend for herself, she manages to escape the evil clutches of her demonic daughter, she runs and locks herself into her room. Her daughter is running to the door trying to break it down, the mom starts to pray asking God to protect her, the daughter breaks in and lunges at her mom stabbing her in the leg, the mom screams out in pain pushing the daughter back as hard and she could running down the hall as blood drips down her legs, if she didn’t help she bleed to death in this house, but things only get worse her daughter is closely behind her trying to finish her off, she find a way to save herself, and her daughters. She runs downstairs unseen by her daughter and makes out the door and runs into the living room where she kept the holy water, cross, and bible that as given to her, she runs out to the woods to those three creepy trees and sees the fire was and there is the book she read from, she hears low, guttural, growling in the woods and sees deep red eyes watching her intently and it’s creeping her out, she takes the book out of the fire and takes back to the house, there’s crack of a limb in the woods, she’s spooked, something is coming closer to her she runs towards the house this is in close pursuit she runs faster trying to out run it she makes to the clearing, then in the moonlight she meets the devil who tall, and scary, gruesome looking, she’s taken aback and she gasps she tries to scream but nothing comes out, she gets up to run and devil grabs for her and misses grazing her back scratching her she writes in pain but keeps running and makes to the house the devil is close behind. He the book of witchcraft with him as he drove in his beat old car, he took it a priest that was a good friend and had it blessed, he took the book and placed in a glass case, turned out that book of witchcraft my mother found was possessed by the devil.