Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Spirit Board

Bastian King was only eight years old when he died, and he died it the most horrible way, he was too young too and he had his life before him and so many things he wanted to do, places to see, people to meet and it all got cut too short on the night he died. It was 1978 and Bastian King was with his big brother Max and he was watching his little brother and he wanted to go out with his friends and had left brother at home while he went to a party. His parents had gone out for the night they had gone to a party and wouldn’t be back until late. He made his little brother stay home instead and he’d go to the party, he made his brother promise not to leave and to go to bed at a decent time. Max was going to the party and got into the car and buckle his seat belt and had driven to an old, abandoned house in the city of Amesbury, Milwaukee where there had been a party and an old, abandoned house that all the teenagers treated as haunted. There is rumor that if you go past the or in the house you will hear knocking, loud bangs, footsteps, and loud voices. This supposed spirit board is haunted, haunted by what no one knows, some say it’s the former owner who dabbled in black magic and summoned a demon through and the demon killed him and now he haunts the spirit board following and killing anyone who touches the spirit board. Now that spirit board sits upstairs in the attic. Jon Marbury who was lonely man but not a religious man was alone in his house and he was bored and went to this local toy store to purchase a spirit board and he brought home, he also loved black magic he was obsessed with magic and spells and one night he began playing with the spirit board; asking it questions like are you here? Show yourself, he asked if he was alone and at the same time, he did a spell that conjured up the evilest demon through that spirit board, this demon was so evil that it killed Jon and tore him limb from limb, and his spirit haunts that house. That demon possesses that spirit board. On the night of the party Max and Bastian drove to the old house and Bastian was excited because he loved spending time with his big brother and would often tell him stories of the haunted house. He never been a haunted house and always wanted to sneak off and check out the old place to see if it’s really haunted or not. He knew where the house was because him and his family drove past it many times, Bastian waiting until his brother left and was out site before sneaking out of the house. Bastian found the spare key and he locked up the house and walked the haunted house, he knew a short cut through the woods that take him there quicker. He followed an old walking trail that through the woods and would take him out of the industrial side of town where the old house was. Bastian made to the house before his brother or even before anyone else was there, he snuck in through a broken window and walked inside. The house smelled of rotten flesh and there were flies everywhere and once in a while he’d here a bang or a knock or a voice. The voice was coming from upstairs and it was calling his name “BASTIAN” over and over and it sounded familiar, Bastian followed the voice upstairs and into the attic and it is getting louder. He heard footsteps and it sound like it was coming from one of the bedrooms. He heard a voice say “LEAVE”, YOUR NOT SAFE HERE”, “DANGER”. The footsteps got closer to Bastian and he felt a tug on his shirt as if he were being pulled away from where he was as if this unseen force was helping him. He proceeded on and did not heed the warnings he went up there anyway. He walked up the old attic steps and they creaked as he walked on them. When he reached the attic, he saw an old bunch of old stuff and top of an old box sat the spirit board. Bastian had never seen a spirit board and he had never played with one but he heard his brother talk about how his friends play with it when they have a party or his own friends having one and playing with it. He wanted to but he scared, scared of what might happen. He heard rumors of what happened to his friends; he just never took much stock in it. The  worst  that  happened  to  his  friends  were  them  being  followed and attachments. He heard the story of Jon Marbury and how he was killed and how he haunts this house and how tragic his death was, he heard the stories from his brother and rumors going through town. He walked over that old box and picked up that spirit board and began talking to it. “Whose here? Who is in this house? Who died here? The minute he did the little planchette began to move and it started to spell out the name JON then it spelled out DEMON, and then KILLED, or DIED, then EVIL. Before Bastian could react, he heard a low guttural growl and followed by a hiss and in the corner of the attic lying in the shadows of the dark was the largest most evil demon. It lunged at Bastian and had jumped in between them trying to protect the little boy but the demon picked up Jon and threw him, he fell against the wall and slumped to the ground. Bastian was screaming the demon attacked the little boy knocking him to the ground and knocking him out cold, the demon then began ripping his limbs off starting with his arms then going to his legs, that night the little boy died. Max’s friends had begun arriving at that house and Max had just got there. They entered the house and began playing loud music and unaware of the noises upstairs in the attic. The demon that haunted the spirit was very angry and was stomping and banging on the walls furiously. Them was dancing and drinking and it until later around eleven that someone was going to get the spirit board and mess with it as they did often do. Max had gone to go grab it as he is headed up to the attic he feels a tug on his shirt pulling him back, he begins to hear voices like “Go back, Demon, Danger, Death, Boy”, Max ignored it and went up anyway and when he gets to the top of the attic; he reaches the top of the stairs and sees… he saw his dead brother on the floor and broke down and cried, he picked up what was left and held on and screamed out “NO”. The cops came and shut down the party and they eventually found out about the dead one of the boys at the party was accused and arrested but never found a weapon and the boy went free, when Max’s parents found out about their younger son’s death Max was accused of being selfish and irresponsible and he was kicked out the house. Max is haunted by his brother’s death and goes to the haunted house every day to see his brother seeking forgiveness, Max eventually hung himself in the attic because of his guilt. That house is forever haunted by Max and Bastian and spend an eternity making up for lost time. The spirit board was eventually taken out by paranormal investigators and locked up in a cabinet.