Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 22

Soul Sucking Demon

“Help me! She yelled. “I’m being chased by a demon! Anyone can you please help me it’s after me! Please anyone?! Help, it’s coming to get me, it’s coming for my soul. She could feel it’s presence behind her as it got closer, it was faster than her and running at full force, she looked behind her and saw this tall, pale, white creature with no eyes, and a narrow mouth with vampire looking teeth. She ran through the mental ward in her hospital gown. She kept running down the corridor, looking for a place to hide. She ran into another patient’s room and shut the door and locked it, she looked out the little window in the door, then it was looking for her somehow it could smell fear through its long tongue flicking it out like a snake, it sense her and it was coming for her. Ellie woke up tied down to the bed, she couldn’t move, she tried to yell out but she was sedated. She’d suffer from what her doctor told her was “night terrors” but Ellie knew what was experiencing was real, she dealt with demons all her life, one in particular and it was coming for her soul and she knew it was only a matter of time. She always felt the devil was out to get her and to take her soul, why she never knew. She knew she’d been followed all her life by this one particular demon and he was the worst, it follow her to school, work, home, it would appear in her dreams every night. She became obsessed with it, her parents thought she was so obsessed that they committed her to a mental ward. Her own parents didn’t believe her and truly thought she was nuts, they tried to talk some sense into her but her parents didn’t listen. Her friends didn’t seem to care that much and told her whatever she was experiencing wasn’t real but Ellie knew it was real, it was real to her and this was really happening. That this soul sucking demon would suck her soul from her then drag her to hell. Ellie wished that someone would just take her side and believe her, but she was alone. Her parents rarely ever visited and that she is in this damn mental ward her friends won’t even speak to her and now treat her as if she were invisible. This wasn’t fair, she didn’t deserve this. Parents are supposed to be there for you, support you, and love you unconditionally not treat you badly and unfairly. She was dumped at this hell hole mental ward, her parents didn’t even bother asking they packed her bags told her to get into the car, checked her in and left. Never said goodbye or I love you, they just left and never gave her a second thought. This made Ellie extremely angry and sad. Her own parents, she hated them for what they did. For not caring enough to ask her if this what she wanted, but no they make the decision for her as if she couldn’t handle it. Her parents always treated her like a child and she hated and she hated them, she hated them so much, she wished them dead. This was the story of her life. Ellie had a good life, good job, she was about finish high school and move unto college and start her life but instead she had to live her life in this crappy hell hole. She wished it were her parents and her friends that were here not her. Ellie who had been kind and loving, was now growing bitter and angry. It was visitation day outside in the outside garden the day her parents were coming to visit, her parents called a day before to plan a visit but she didn’t want to see them. About an hour later her parents came, she walked to the common area and looked outside in the garden area there they were talking to her doctors. They looked all high and mighty, acting like they cared being and friendly but they really didn’t give one damn shit about her it was all an act. Why did they show up? Especially if they didn’t care about her, they thought she was too much to handle with her “issues” and all. Her mother saw her through the window and came running into to see her. “ I turned to walk away from her, mother forcefully grabbed my arm. I winced from the pain and pulled away from her. “Just Leave, I don’t want you here!” I yelled. Everyone in the common area looked included the nurses and orderlies. My mother shot me a dirty look and walked away, she walked to my father and whispered in in his ear. She’s probably telling him some bullshit story about me. I said whispering to myself. They looked at me meanly and breezed past me. “Good riddance.” I replied under by breath. That was the last time she’d ever see her parents. That night she eaten dinner in the common room, she sat by herself and watched all the other patients some were worse off than she was. She didn’t deserve to be here her problem wasn’t mental it was a spiritual and a physical attack. No one believed her when they told her, they just kept shooting her up with meds and feeding her pills. It made her brain feel like mush, and it made her feel like shit, she hadn’t felt like herself since she’d been admitted. Seems like since she’d been here the pills and shots made her problems worse, it’s like the shots and meds induced her nightmares. She hated the meds and shots and one she had enough and she one night she snuck into the station saw the med cart and the shots and meds with her name on it, she took the shots dumped out what was in it and replaced with water. The pills she’d figure it out, she snuck back into her room and got ready for bed. She got into bed and awaited the orderly to come. He handed her a cup of her pills and then handed her some water and stood there and made sure she took her pills, he given her a shot, too bad it was just water, he didn’t need to know. I secretly held them under my tongue. The orderly made me open my mouth to check to see if I took my pills, so I opened my mouth and showed him. Satisfied he left to his rounds. Ellie settled into bed and she got comfy, it’s the one thing she liked about this place was the comfy beds. She dozed off pretty quickly, she’d been tired because she hasn’t been sleeping well due to the dreams. Ellie is back in her parents’ house she’s upstairs in her room, it’s quiet she’s watching t.v. her parents are in their room sleeping. All of the sudden out of the corner of her eye Ellie sees it, there it is it’s standing there in the corner watching her, sniffing at the air, and smelling her fear she laid there paralyzed. It quickly walked towards the door into the hallway to her parent’s room, it threw open the door, Ellie followed it watching it’s every move. It lunged at her parents jumping on top of them, it took its mouth and placed it directly on her mom’s body and she hear its teeth sink into her flesh; piercing the skin it began to suck, she heard it drink and gulp. She stood there and watched in awe as she watched this creature slowly kill her mother, Ellie saw this white form being sucked from her mom’s body, it was her soul, the creature slowly sucked down, and moved on to her father. The creature sunk it’s vampire like teeth into her father’s flesh and sucked, it sucked him dry, Ellie saw her father’s soul being sucked from his body it was kind of weird. As if it was satisfied the Soul Sucking Demon turned to looked at Ellie and it flicked it’s snake like tongue and moved on to her, it was still hungry. “OMG, this is it, I’m going to die.” She said to herself slowly backing away and turned to run. It charged at her, she screamed and ran. She ran to the bathroom and locked the door, the creature broke the door down and came at her, her only escape was the bathroom, she opened the window, broke the screen, and jumped. She felt herself falling, she was dead, she fell but she hit something soft, she woke up and she’d been in bed. She woke to the doctor being there. “Ellie, we have some news for you. Huh, what? I replied. Ellie something tragic has happened to your parents, I don’t know how to say this but they’re gone. Gone? I said sounding confused. Yes, they’re dead, some type of tragic accident. Some neighbors heard noises coming from the house came to investigate and found your parents dead upstairs with some weird holes in them. The police ruled it a suicide/murder. Your grandmother is here to take you home, Ellie you’re free to go.” The doctor said. Ellie knew what killed her parents, and that soul sucking demon killed them and her dream had been real, they had been real along. She was going to be next and if she stayed here being confined to her bed, it would have killed her too. That was the happiest news she heard all year! She was so excited to see her Grams. She hadn’t seen her since she got dumped in this shit hole, she couldn’t wait to hug her. “Ells!” She heard her Gram’s voice and it was music to her ears. She ran up and hugged her tightly, her Gram’s hugged her tightly. Her and her Grams packed her stuff together, she had said goodbye to her friends she’d made here and wished them well. She didn’t even look back, she walked with her beloved Gram’s and they left together. Her grams looked so tiny driving in the driver’s seat beside her, she was humming her favorite tune, Ellie never been so happy to see her grams. She’d finally have a home to live in no more padded rooms, no more being confined to a bed, no more pills or shots. She could finish school, go back to her job, and finally go to college. They pulled into Gram’s driveway, Ellie hadn’t been there in months since being put in the mental ward, this was her home now. She had to go back to get more clothes but going to ger parent’s house would be so weird now that they’re gone. Her gramps had driven her to her old house to get more clothes, the house felt strange and empty. It’s like she could feel a presence, she could feel the animosity, the evil, the death. She closed her eyes, she saw it, she saw it in her room where it was watching her; she was here. She could hear everything; she went into her parent’s room the sheets were still bloody it smelled like death. She wished her parents dead but she never thought it would ever come true, just like teen she said but never meant it but, in some way, she was glad and she knew she shouldn’t be. They dumped her in place where she knew she didn’t belong and did without even telling her or asking her, in a way her parents got what they deserved, they were cold, mean, and callous. She packed the rest of her things and headed to car. She threw her things in the back and her and her gramps drove back home. That next week was her parent’s funeral, that was rough seeing her parents’ dead. She couldn’t cry, she felt no emotion whatsoever. A week after the funeral Grams and Gramps and I went through the house getting to sell it, and a week after that they had gone over the will and her parents left her with everything. Two weeks later, Ellie was in school and she gotten into a fight with a bully had stood up to her, after that her and her friend had taken walk after school, they been walking on a quiet road that was by her school and another church and there curled in the sewer was the soul sucking demon, it had been sleeping and was waking up it had smelled her scent and was coming out. “RUN!” I yelled to my friend, we ran up a house that close by we knocked on the door, then I jiggled the doorknob, it turned. There was man inside, I looked behind us the creature was right on us, we ran through the house, I ran until I found a back door. I heard the creature growl and I heard screams and then sucking sounds. I ran upstairs and found a door that led to a balcony I went out it and crawled down sliding down the huge columns of the house. Then it found me, it was too late it found me, it jumped on and sunk its teeth into my body, I screamed. It latched onto me digging its claws into me. I could feel the life draining from my body, then it all went black, that it I was dead, with one last suck it inhaled my soul I was dead. The creature threw its head back and let a nasty howl, and it disappeared into the sewer and back to hell.