Paranorma 2 Paranormal, Supernatural, And Horror Short Stories by CW - HTML preview

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Chapter 25

Demon Huntress 2

In Gluchenshire, England there was a beautiful stone castle and that stone castle lived a king, the king had been plagued with demons for over a year now and he everything to get rid of them and nothing worked. He tried witches, warlocks, priests, he even had an African witch doctor. It only seemed to make matters worse. They would torment and torture the king every night even in his dreams. The knights he had in the castle couldn’t even protect him for they were too strong and powerful. She had been summoned by the king; her parents begged her not to go especially her father but she had to. She packed her things went to the stable and saddled her horse and rode off into the dawn of morning. She rode both day and night. The king who lived in the next town over had been plagued with demons in his castle. Michela thought her days of a demon huntress were over, but she was wrong. With her gift she never really gets a break, she felt blessed she got a year off before being summoned by the king. It felt good to get out her town of Glenshire, there she was treated like a hero and she grew tired of the attention for she just wanted to be a normal girl and to have a normal life, she knew being a demon huntress her life would never be over, there would always be someone who needed help and demons that needed killing, for the year she had off she would work in her father’s bakery while mother had gone to market. She’d even met her true love Micah who gone off to fight in the king’s army, he himself wasn’t a demon hunter for he was a halfling, half demon, half man. Why was she with him, she didn’t know she just knew she loved him even though she knew she would someday have to kill the one she loved, she met him one day when he came into the bakery, their eyes met and they instantly fell in love and when she wasn’t working at the bakery, she spent every waking moment with Micah until he had to leave. What was the best thing about Micah, he was tall with jet black hair, icy blue eyes, and he was a knight, and he was handsome as hell. He was a demon though, his demon side rarely showed he a soft, gentle, sweet, romantic side. When he had to use his demon side, he was scary as hell, what’s a demon huntress doing with a man that half demon, she didn’t know all she knew and saw was love that was it. She rode for days until she reached Gluchenshire it was cute little English village filled with the king’s royal subjects, and the castle was set back in the mountains and the village surrounded it, it was the most magnificent castle Michela had ever seen, it was life from the fairy tale books she loves to read. She longed to live in a castle with her handsome prince, maybe that would happen for her someday right now she was happy being a poor baker’s daughter. She walks through the village being greeted by the friendly villagers and listen to her talk about latest conquest and how stories about her reached the village. She thought about how her gift was passed down to her and how much she loved it and how much she hated at the same time it like a gift but a curse too. After being greeted by friendly villagers and being given many gifts, Michela gently nudges her horse with the stirrups urging the horse to trot to the castle, the king was waiting on her and she didn’t want to be late and disappoint the king. She rode up the long cobblestone road she got her horse and tied to the post and git off she went to the huge door and knocked on it, a chambermaid came to answer to the door. “Who are you and what is your business with the king? The chambermaid asked. Michela curtsied politely and said, I am Michela I am a demon huntress and I was summoned by the king. Ahh, yes his highness is expecting you, follow me.” The chambermaid answered. Michela followed the chambermaid who led her to the king’s chambers, she knocked on the door. “Your highness, it’s Michela you summoned me my king. Ahh, Michela come right in.” The king announced. Michela obeyed the king’s orders and walked, first she curtsied then she bowed for before her king. “So, your highness tell me what happened? Michela asked. Well, I am huge lover of magic and witchcraft and things around here got out of hand. The king replied. Michela could see and hear demons all around her, there was a huge one attached to the king. Well, your highness I will do my very best to please you and help you. “ Michela spoke. “Thank you, Michela, I knew I could count on you.” The king said proudly. “ My king, you have an attachment, keep very still your highness, stay still. “ Michela reacted. The king obeyed. Michela took out her dagger she aimed at the demon and threw it, the dagger hit straight in its black heart, it began oozing black, thick blood. It fell to the floor with a loud “THUD”. The king had this attachment for a year now and it felt depressed, angry, and sad, and his mood swings were horrible, he had been locked this room for a year now. All his royal subjects, his help were so very scared of him and didn’t know what was going on. King Marek has been the nicest, fairest king to reign over Gluchenshire, but he had a horrible obsession with witchcraft and magic and couldn’t get enough of it, he knew it was bad but he was obsessed he had to have more of it and the more he saw it the more he wanted it. It became so bad that his castle became infected with demons. And there plan was to torture him to the point where he’d kill himself, he couldn’t take the torment and the torture anymore. Especially when the demons would make the king relive his wife and daughter’s death over and over, because of his obsession he lost two of the things that mattered most to him. Because of that he never forgave himself and he punishes himself every day for it. His wife and daughter who got murdered by demons. He loved his wife and daughter; his wife was the fairest queen in the land and his daughter was a beauty any prince would have been beyond happy to have her they would fought over her till the death if necessary. “My king, my highness, may I ask you to leave so I may begin my work? Michela asked with the highest respect. Oh yes of course you may Michela. The countered. Godspeed my child. The king answered. Thank you, my king.” Michela said as she curtsied. The king left and shut the door behind her. Demons were all around her, she could hear growling and hissing, and whispers, and voices. There too many to count, there must have been a whole horde of demons in the room alone and they seemed to be focused on the king. Two large demons lunged at her, she ducked and they went tumbling to the floor hissing as they hit, they got up and sprung at her; she raised her dagger stabbing it in the chest it hissed at her and it scratched her hard. She pulled out the dagger and it slid to the floor. She kicked it and it hit the wall. A demon who was behind sprung onto her back, Michela took the dagger in her hand and swung it backwards hitting the demon in its head killing it instantly, it fell to the floor she kicked and hit the other one. She killed only two demons there still hundred more around her. She jumped and kicked, and swung, and stabbed, more kept coming. She didn’t know if she had the strength to keep this up. “Fight Michela, fight.” She said herself over and over. A light came in from out of nowhere, a figure appeared and it looked just like Michela’s great-great Grandmother who had same gift she did and in which she had gotten her gift skipped her mother and she ended up getting it. Her great-great grandmother said nothing she walked right into Michela and all of a sudden there Michela felt more powerful than ever, she had more strength then she ever did alone. Demons came at her left and right, she took one and ripped it apart with her bare hands, she pick another one up and threw against the wall, she took the sword from the king and stabbed the demon. There still to many and they are powerful, she take them but she still needed help. Michela closed her eyes, and thought about Micah over and over, she’d called his name “Micah I need your help,” Before Michela could call out his name Micah busted open the door with sword in hand and fight off every demon side by side until every single one of the demons was dead. After killing all the demons Michela and Micha drug all the demon bodies made a bon fire and burned them all and they soaked the ground in holy water and consecrated it, putting crosses all around the burnt bodies and buried the ashes and blessed the land. She then took sage and she blessed and cleansed the castle. The king who had learned his lesson never messed with magic or witchcraft again, he was baptized and became very religious after that day, now the king lives quietly there with his help and his royal subjects until the day he died and on his deathbed for his thanks he gave Michela and Micah his land, his castle and everything he owned. Michela and Micha became the most famous demon hunters of their time, now they lived happily ever after with two beautiful kids, and the family went to kill demons until their dying day.