Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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"I'm sorry Bill....it wasn't my decision...we all like you here...I hope you understand....I'm only the messenger." There wasn't much of a thumb left for Bill to chew off but he continued biting nervously onto his cuticle until his thumb bled. His supervisor reached for a Kleenex and handed it over to him.

"Bill...no...stop....please...it's only a job. There's thousands of other waste disposal companies around the globe...I don't want to see this get to you....4 complaints in just two weeks what do you expect us to do?"

Screw tooth Bill tried to hold himself together. 10 years with RiverLake Disposal and now they were kicking him to the curb like a red headed step child. Christmas wasn't too far away and now he would be coming up short to buy presents for the grandchildren. The dental appointment he had scheduled for next week would have to be cancelled. The ex wife would be furious that the alimony payment for the month was up in the air. He made one last attempt at saving his job.

"I'll pay for the mailboxes...you can take it out of my paychecks."

Mr. Dillard took in a deep breath. This wasn't the first time Bill had paid out of pocket for his screw ups with the garbage truck. "Bill it's not us...you don't understand...the attorneys...you don't get it...they're ruthless....they know about you're binge drinking...you've got to get yourself together and realize that you're body needs more than a couple of hours to sober up...we have to let you go for insurance reasons....it's nothing personal Bill."

The miniature fan in the room continued to spin left and right wafting the foul odors that lingered from inside the room. Nobody ever knew for sure how RiverLake Disposal managed to pass all the OSHA regulations each year. Just as Bill reached over his boss's desk to scrutinize the complaints once more a man in a dark suit barged into the room unannounced.

Mr.Dillard looked very perplexed. His first thought was that the well suited stranger might just be one of the finicky attorneys looking to shut down poor Screw Tooth Bill. That's right Harmless Bill. The type that would give the shirt off his back to a complete stranger without expecting anything in return.

Mr.Dillard immediately stood up from his desk. "Excuse me sir! Were in an important meeting here. You can't come in here!"

The agent in the dark suit said not a word. For nobody knew the strangers voice. It was just the professional way that he always carried himself. The agent ignored Mr.Dillard's threat and immediately accosted Bill but said not a word.

Mr.Dillard raised his voice in frustration. "Sir! I'm asking you sir! Please come back at a later time! We are in an important meeting!"

The listless face on the agent showed no trepidation in the least bit. It almost looked like a scene from a movie. The dark suited agent reached into his vest pocket and plucked out a one sided business card and placed it in front of Bill with the blank side down then quickly exited the room.

Mr.Dillard looked at at his terminated employee with frustration. "Ok...what the fuck was that? Some dude dresses like the Men In Black then hands you a blank business card? Is there something on the other side? Flip it over...what does it say?"

Bill handled the 3.5"X 2" business card like it was a winning power ball ticket. Had Bill known Bob Miller on a personal level he just might have known that's how Miller Enterprises initially started up whom the mysterious agent worked for. Screw Tooth Bill glanced at the business card then felt his mojo return to upbeat mode. He stood up from his chair. "I'm sorry boss...If I still worked for you I guess I'd feel an obligation to tell you. Good luck pulling from the pile of applications...I'm sure Tom will be thrilled knowing he has to train another driver all over again."

Before Mr.Dillard could express his annoyed gape Screw Tooth Bill ripped up the termination paper he had signed minutes earlier then slammed the door on his way out. He glanced once more at the business card as he walked out to his 1978 Ford Ranger pickup truck that barely passed inspection each year. He looked down at the card.


34.568456743 -76.764899054


What on God's Green earth did that mean?