Rise Of The Fuglies by Bob Miller - HTML preview

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Alice felt weird calling Matty. They had never hung out before and she knew that he was way above her league as far as social status. She was surprised when he answered on the first ring. It was almost as if he was expecting her call.

"Matty Matt Matt speaking...I can't fill in for you today Alice I'm going on a camping trip with some friends."

Alice breathed heavily into the phone. "I don't need you for that...I had a techy question I was hoping you could help me with."

18yr old Matty was surprised. "Building a robot to go into work for ya are we? Genius idea. I read on Facebook you had some sort of psychotic episode and just walked out of work for no apparent reason. Wasn't even like a bus full of hungry high school students had pulled in."

Alice cut straight to the chase. She was almost twice the age of Matty and really didn't need his opinion on things. "I'm not worried about the job....it's always gonna be there.... I have some GPS numbers I was hoping you could triangulate a precise location for me."

Matty giggled. "Stalking an ex-lover are we?"

"Shut up Matty...got a pen? I need you to jot these numbers down."

Matty just so happened to be already sitting at his computer.

He grabbed a pen and clicked it. He was still very much surprised Alice needed him for something other than the usual fill in at work.

"How did you know I have already broken down the grid?" He asked out of curiosity.

Alice ratted out her friend. "Leah told me about the killer robots you have hidden in your closet that you hide from mommy. Don't be rediculous Matty....everybody knows you're headed off to MIT after graduation."

Matty adjusted his Superman glasses and clicked his pen once more. "Ok I guess I can do this...lemme get those GPS numbers"

Alice spat out the GPS coordinates over the phone as Matty wrote them on the back of a Popa Johns coupon. He cut her off after she read out the long numbers.


"Whoah what? What's wrong?"

"The numbers after the decimal point go on for quite a bit meaning I can break it down to an area I'd say should be able to pin point of I'm guessing off the top of my head smaller than 8ft by 8ft."

Alice was completely lost. "What does that mean?"

"The longer the number after the decimal point the more precise I can triangulate an exact location down to a square foot. I'm gonna need at least an hour to break down a bunch of numbers because I'll need to use a compass triangle and come up with three GPS coordinates surrounding it so I can narrow it down."

Alice searched around her bedroom trying to remember where she tossed her car keys. Her hodge podge of a bedroom portrayed a great demonstration sample of her work ethic. She did manage to find some old lip gloss she had gotten two Easters ago and smeared some of it onto her luscious lips.

"Can you get this done in just one hour maybe? I promise to fill in for you no questions asked next time."

It caused for a little hemming and hawing out of the techy Robot lover. "Aw yeah sure....an hour I think should do it give or take...what's all this about anyways?"

Alice popped the top back onto the lip gloss and grabbed her car keys. "It's too long of a story to explain Matty...I'm headed off to the mall...I'll fill you in more on the story when I get there."