Sing The Blues by Tina Collins - HTML preview

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Target Practice

(Except it wasn't practice any more)


In a part of London that lay right off the tourist routes, Serena prepared herself for the scheme she had planned years ago. Her modus operandi was similar to a Black Widow but, without the death and the money-grabbing. Okay, not so much a Black Widow but, she couldn't think of another name.

She needed to look good. Good enough to eat.

Her skin was meticulous, virtually un-blemished. Only a small mole on her jaw spoiled the view. She had contemplated going under the knife to have it removed but she'd backed out at the last minute. It had frightened her, almost to death, in fact. She'd bolted out of the surgery without thinking about where she was heading. Thankfully a coma had wiped everything from her mind from before the accident. It also meant she had not been aware of the use of scalpels to fix her broken body.

That didn't protect her from the dreaded things when she finally awoke. It ended up with her in isolation and the nurses complaining about the extra work she had given them. She'd been glad to leave.

She thought back to that moment when she'd collapsed at work and all because her co-worker was waving a piece of cutlery around as he talked. It turned out to be only a spoon but, that didn't become clear until too late. Serena had already wet herself.

The whole experience had been embarrassing and pathetic.

Knives frightened her. Those long serrated blades and the reinforced handles...she shivered. Ever since her brother had stabbed their mother to death she'd been freaked out. She remembered the glint of the cold steel, the blood and her mother's expression when she realised who was wielding the knife. Her son; her sick, ungrateful son.

The nightmares, were so real and so clear in her mind, she didn't sleep for weeks after. The family home felt different. No, it was the whole family that had felt different. She'd left a month later.

She could never forgive her brother for that appalling act. They were manipulators, destroyers of peace and relationships but, not in that way. Her brother now languished in prison right where he belonged. He'd been a complete and utter fool.

Serena continued to admire herself in the mirror. Years of target practice had made her over confident and vain. The mirror wasn't full length. It didn't need to be. She could close her eyes and see the whole length of her body in her head.

Her body was perfect; nipples on pert boobs and a bum to match but, without the nipples on. There had been once but, she had tattooed them away. Tattoos the colour of your skin was the future of cosmetic surgery, she thought.

Unfortunately there was also a side effect to her lifestyle.

Bit by bit little blemishes would appear on her skin. There was nothing she could do to stop them but, she could limit them. Only by succeeding at conquests could she stop new ones from appearing. However, she had messed up just the once hence the ugly black mole.

It was her face that she worried about. She'd seen what age and hormones could do to a girl. So could smoking but she had never wanted to try. Some of her girlfriends had but, it gave them bad breath and everything smelt of smoke.

She'd thrown one girl (an old school mate) out of her flat by her hair and flung the ashtray out with her. The smell, the coughing, the expense, it'd all gotten to her. The ashtray, heavy and made of glass with gold trim, had smashed in the girl's face. She had subsequently filed a complaint of assault against Serena.

Serena had promised the investigating officer sex if he said the crime wasn't a crime at all. It had worked too well. After that one grope, Serena couldn't get rid of him. In the end, she'd had to make threats against his marriage and career if he didn't fuck off.

Smoking had been seen as hip at school. But, she refused to get drawn into the girls' cliquey circles. She had been pushed to the outside but her confidence didn't waver. It just gave her time to gather her thoughts of getting her own back.

She'd done that alright. She had wheedled her way into the trousers of their boyfriends, right under their pretty little noses. How they must have hated her! After she had shagged them rotten, poisoned their minds against their former girlfriends, she would dump them.

So, there it was. Two relationships completely destroyed and neither of the parties even gave a thought about Serena. Well, maybe just at the beginning. They needed to let off steam. It was only fair that she let them.

The spreading of the lies came next; the lies about both parties. When she had finally finished her crusade, the whole school had been divided down the middle, girls on one side and boys on the other, each spitting lies and retorts at the other. It made for interesting viewing.

After she had left school, her work had continued. She had flirted, lied and manipulated her way into both, men and women's pants alike. She'd had fun, earnt a bit of money but, it had never been enough.

There was something she needed to finish.

There had been a girl at school; just this one girl that she had wanted to grab hold of and then to fuck men out of her system. But, there had been a catch, a tall, dark-haired kind of catch. She had plotted in her head ever since. It was the one couple that had eluded her at school.

The possessive, good-looking, son 'f a bitch hadn't wanted Serena anywhere near them. Could he sense her intentions or perhaps it was the smell of her snatch? Either way, she couldn't get a handle on him at all. So, she'd thought about it and waited. An opportunity to get back involved with Stevie had eventually materialised.

To Serena's dismay, she was still attached to the same damn guy. He was still a possessive little toe-rag, too.

What to do? What to do?

Okay, if she couldn't get in his pants, maybe she could get in hers!

First she had to be sure that the girl didn't recognise her. Serena popped up in shops, restaurants and even her place of work. It felt creepy but, it had worked. The girl's eyes were blank; no recognition. Perhaps there was nothing in that skull of hers at all?

But, she'd still hung onto that guy...

Glancing at the clock on the wall, she realised that she had wiled away too much time. Grabbing her jacket and purse, she rushed out the front door into a waiting taxi...

Just as she'd hoped, she was there well before her 'targets'. She needed that time to prepare and to reject any offers that may come her way. If an angrily hissed, "Piss off, loser," didn't work then she had a 'Don't come near me if you value your equipment,' kind of expression that did. She never had to do both.

She kept watch on the door. Most of the people there were so up themselves, they thought she was eyeing them up.

No, she thought, I quite like the door. Its opening will be the start of something huge.

Whilst waiting and watching, she'd caught sight of an old girlfriend, the very same one she had assaulted. She gave the girl the evils. Stupid slag; no change in her personality by all accounts. By the time, she remembered what she was doing, they'd already made their way to the bar.

She was there in all her innocent glory. Serena rubbed her hands together in glee. Oh, look-see! That flipping guy was still there with her, hanging onto every inch of her anatomy. He made killer eyes at every bloke in the room. Nice guy.

Serena watched them dance. They were very close to actually making love right there on the dance floor. She cringed. Get a room, please!

It was time to make her move...

She was surprised at how easy it was to persuade them that she should go too. It was almost as easy as it would be getting into Stevie's pants, she figured. She had introduced herself again to the lanky bitch, deliberately ignoring him. He would get the cold shoulder until she was satisfied she'd done her job right. The taxi ride was spent in silence.

At the flat, the guy disappeared through a side door. The squeaking of the tap gave Serena an indication of just how long she'd have to make the girl's acquaintance. Ten minutes should be ample.

Stevie was already half-lying on the bed. The wanton hussy was already giving her a look of 'come take me.' Serena pushed the girl down further onto the bed and slowly took off her own blouse. Her breasts were now partly free.

She leant down and kissed the girl. She found Stevie, wary but willing. They spent a few minutes just getting to know one another through their lips and tongues. Serena's kiss became stronger and deeper as little by little she kicked down the remaining bricks of Stevie's protective wall.

She could feel her pussy beginning to drip and she made thrusting movements with her hips. She wanted to be against the girl's own sex; mashing their clitorises and folds together. Serena knew that it would send her out the door and Stevie through the roof.

"You are so beautiful. Better than I ever imagined you to be," she whispered.

That was a lie. Serena had only ever imagined what it would be like to destroy the relationship. She was using her sex as a tool to accomplish that. It was a means to an end that was all. Of course, she got pleasure out of it. She always did but it was just one road she could take to her final goal.

Sex always yielded the best results. It made things so much more complicated but that was what was needed to really fuck with people's heads.

The sex-starved bitch now wanted her to take her camisole off. Lifting her arms over her head, she pulled it off. She then flung it over her shoulder to get it out of the way. She made a path that hadn't existed before, with her mouth, from Stevie's lips to the bottom of the silky fabric. Pushing it up with her mouth she propelled herself back up to one nipple. She sucked at the flesh, whilst running her hands down to start relieving the girl of her jeans.

By the time Alistair returned from the shower both, the girls were naked. Serena's bum swung provocatively in the air. She could imagine just how hard Alistair would be. Her hands continued to caress Stevie's skin as again her lips moved lower.

Finding the strength that even she didn't know she had, she lifted the girl and placed her further up the bed. Now, her rump was in a good position to be used and abused. Even though she was expecting his touch, she gasped in surprise. Whilst she sucked at Stevie, Alistair was doing the exact same thing to her.

She felt his hands on her hips as he primed himself to take her. Thrusting rhythmically, he drove himself onwards and upwards to his coming.

After they'd entered back into the room metaphorically, Alistair finally managed to introduce himself to Serena properly. As naively as she could she replied:

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She knew, at the end, that the pleasure would be all hers.