Tales from Purgatory by S. Zachary Schumer - HTML preview

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Revenge is a beautiful word. It rolls off the tongue like the brown soap your momma used to wash out your mouth, after you swore. You would gag for an hour, and then go back to swearing.

Revenge burns through me like a wooden steak burns through the heart of a vampire. Now, that’s what revenge is all about. Not that crap that the weak-minded talk about. A twit would smack someone or put sugar in a gas tank for revenge. I laugh at those feeble attempts.

That’s revenge with lower case letters. That’s not for me. I use all capitals in bold print. Yah, that’s what I want to do. Reach through the eye socket and tear out the brain. No twit business here. No sir!

I have spent a great deal of time contemplating revenge. In fact I wallow in it like a pig on an Alabama farm. Some times, I swim in it like a catfish waiting to become a sandwich at the golden arches.

Yes it’s mine and mine alone.

I know that bunch. Oh, how I have studied them. Over and over again.

They live down the road. In every town in this country. Perhaps every town in the world. They are easier to find than a cold.

They have that holy grin on their faces. It doesn’t matter. They are the ones to blame.

Time to focus. Set my sights and load my weapon. Shoot my blame like fire out of a hemorrhoidal rectum. I can, I will.

Their crime is the crime of self-righteousness. That whole bunch believes it is good and does good, that’s righteousness. After a while they figure that what ever they do become good because they are good people. We all know who is on their side.

So, tonight I will paste on a smile and fill my flask. I’ll go over there and hear about their holy beliefs and how they can save me. I’ll eat their food and accept their hospitality. All I need is a minute by myself.

I’ll pour out the gasoline all over the drapes and light it. We can all go to hell together.