The Burning Tree by Rory Dwane - HTML preview

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The loop was slipped over Ben’s head and tightened.

Ben stared up at Johnny with as much hatred as he could muster. If it hadn’t been for the rag stuffed in his mouth, he’d be spitting and cursing at him right then.

If my hands were free I’d strangle you right now…

Ben had tried standing up, but the rope had been tied so tight between his neck and legs that he was virtually hogtied. He knelt there, staring into the dark face of Johnny, he felt utterly helpless.

“Nice and tight, Benjamin,” said Johnny.

Johnny checked to make sure the rope tied around Ben’s hands and legs was secure, and then threw the rope over a thick branch. He climbed the tree and tied the rope to a large barrel that was balanced on the thick branch, and then got back down.

Johnny looked down at Ellen, he was about to check her hands and legs too, but she swung up her head, nearly hitting him.

“Who’s that, Johnny, is that you? What are you doing?” she looked up at him.

He was hidden beneath the hood of a rain jacket, looming over her like some grim reaper. Ben could hear the fear in Ellen’s voice.

“You’ll find out soon, you both will.” There was that voice again. It wasn’t Johnny’s at all. Ben thought he saw movement above them in the trees.

He walked over to Ben, kicking him into the ribs.

“How does it feel, Ben?” he pulled the knife Ben had taken from the kitchen from his belt and waved it in front of Bens face. He sliced the knife across Ben’s cheek, “How’s it feel, hmm?”

“Johnny, I know you don’t want to do this,” Ellen called over to him.

“Don’t you beg!” he shouted at her, punching Ben into the face with each word. “Not yet anyway,” he slid the knife back into his belt.

Johnny pulled the rag out of Ben’s mouth.

“Any last words, Ben?” he slapped Ben into the face.

“Stop it!” Ellen screamed.

Johnny turned to look at her, “really, you’re going to side with him, after what he done to us?”

Johnny took a step towards her, but he was still within reach.

Ben leaned forwards, trying to stretch the rope, he pulled and pulled.

The rope gave slightly. Ben stood up and head-butted Johnny, connecting with the side of Johnny’s skull.

Johnny stumbled backwards.

“Take that, you little shit!” Ben shouted at him.

Ellen moaned.

Ben stepped back letting the rope slacken, waiting for the next move. He tried fumbling his hands out of the knot but they wouldn’t open.

Johnny stood up, shook himself and stumbled over to Ellen.

“And he’s the reason you’re here,” Johnny mumbled.

“What?” Ellen said.

“You chose him,” Johnny pointed at Ben, “instead of us!”

“I didn’t choose anybody, I loved you both equally!”

“Don’t make me sick, you never loved him!” Johnny into her face, he slapped her.

“How could anybody love a psycho like you?” Ben shouted across to him.

Johnny turned and walked towards Ben, “Don’t call us that…”

“You killed May, and the girls at the park. You told me it all in the car, didn’t you? Admit it at least!”

“And… so what, it doesn’t matter now, does it?”

Johnny took the knife out and paced back and forth in front of Ben.

“Why Johnny?” sobbed Ellen. “Why would you do such a thing?”

Johnny turned and looked at Ellen. “Johnny’s not in charge anymore bitch. That May needed it. Deserved it… I couldn’t have that whore ruining things, bossing us around. Who did she think she was? And the girls, they made fun of us! And no one makes fun of us!”

“Why do you keep saying us, Johnny?”

Johnny pointed above them, into the dark trees. As the lightning flashed Ben though he saw something up there, he thought he could still see two green eyes watching them.

Johnny pointed the knife at Ben.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, none of it. We’ve got it all worked out. We’ll get Ben out of the picture and then you’ll love me.”

“You’re a fucking lunatic,” spat Ben. “You’re just a psychotic little mistake. That’s all you’ll ever be!”

“There you go again,” Johnny leaped forwards, the knife sliced into Ben’s face.

Ben tried dodging the attacks, but the knife sliced across his cheek, then his nose. Blood spilled down his face, the taste of metal filled his mouth. He went to kick Johnny but was pushed back onto his knees, the rope tightened around his neck as Johnny pulled down on the rope.

Johnny stood back out of reach, leering at Ben.

“We got you good there, Benjamin. We are too strong for you.” Johnny started laughing maniacally.

“Johnny, honey, you don’t have to do this. I know how much of a sweet boy you are,” Ellen pleaded with him.

“He was, wasn’t he?” Johnny smiled, turning the knife over in one hand, looking at the flecks of blood covering it.

“But it all changed. He got the taste for it, and nothing tastes sweeter. But you could never know… never understand.”

He slipped the knife into his belt.

“Say your goodbyes.”

Johnny walked over and picked up a smaller rope.

“Johnny?” said Ben.

“We are not Johnny.”

“I never fucking liked you, you little piece of shit.”

Johnny pulled a rope attached to the barrel, the bottom of the barrel grinded forwards then dropped from the branch. The rope attached to the barrel went taut, slowly pulling Ben up into the air.

“Ben,” cried Ellen. “No, please Johnny, stop!”

Johnny walked underneath him.

Ben kicked his legs, swinging back and forth. He couldn’t help but shake his head wildly, trying to escape.

“That’s it, Benjamin,” Johnny let out a giggle.

“Don’t fight it, Ben. It’s okay,” said Ellen.

Ben’s eyes found hers and he stopped fighting it. His throat was burning. It felt as if it were swelling on the inside.

He calmed down and tried to conserve oxygen. He looked down below him. Johnny was stood below, a black silhouette against the moonlit trees. He had a flashback of the black pram, that day in the park.

A bolt of lightning illuminated the face hidden under the hood, the green eyes watched him.

As his vision began to fade, Johnny smiled.