The Burning Tree by Rory Dwane - HTML preview

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The steam rose from the hot water, making the sweat drip from Ellen’s forehead like a river. Ellen wiped it away with her apron and looked over at Johnny who was sat at the kitchen table drawing with crayons. Ellen finished putting the food onto his plate and walked over to the table.

“Put that away honey, it’s time for dinner.”

He slid the paper across the table as she put the plate down in front of him. She walked around to look at the drawing.

Johnny was playing fetch in the front garden. Ellen was standing up on the porch, waving down at him.

“Where’s Ben?” she asked.

Johnny shrugged, “I dunno.”

“Well, on a nice day like that,” she pointed at the sun in the corner. “I’m sure he’d be out there playing with you.”

“Maybe,” Johnny began to eat.

Even if Johnny isn’t Ben’s son, thought Ellen. It would be nice if he helped out. Showed more care for him. Was she wasting her time with him, were all of these years gone to waste? He seemed so right at the start.

Ellen closed the dishwasher too hard and it slammed. She took a deep breath, wiping the hair from her face.

It’s going to be fine. We’ll just have long talk and work things out.

“Mom, are you okay?”

Ellen turned around, Johnny was staring at her.

“Of course, just tired from cooking, that’s all. It’s really warm, isn’t it? How about we have some ice-cream for dessert?”

“That sounds great!”

Johnny finished eating and went into the living room with a bowl filled with vanilla scoops. Ellen walked over and picked up the wall phone to book May, the babysitter, for tomorrow.

She desperately needed some R&R.

*      *      *

The next day she ordered the birthday cake, then drove to the hair salon. After getting inside and checking in with the receptionist, she sat down and started reading a magazine. A few minutes passed by, she was halfway through the relationship advice section when the phone behind the desk began to ring.

“Hello Beauty Boutique, how may I help you?” the receptionist answered. “Uh-huh, yes she is… Ok one moment please.”

She stood up, “Mrs. Wells, there’s someone on the phone for you.”

Ellen put down the magazine and stood up. She took the phone from the receptionist, “Hello?”

“Mrs. Wells, this is Officer Jacob Hammond. First of all let me tell you your child’s safe”


“I’m afraid there’s been an accident at your home. Half an hour ago smoke was seen coming from the front of the building. Ms. Parse received multiple burns and she’s at the hospital right now, I’m told it’s still touch and go.”

He let it sink in. “But as I said you’re sons unharmed. He was in the backyard when the fire broke out. I have him here now at the station, can you come over?”

“Of, of course… c-can I speak to him?”

There was a ruffling noise as the phone was handed over.


“Johnny, are you okay?”

“Yes mom.”

“You’re sure?”


“I need you to stay there with the policeman, okay? I’ll be right over.”

“Okay mommy.”

“I love you, Johnny.”

“I love you too.”

She hung up the phone and handed it back to the receptionist, her hand was shaking.

“Is everything okay?”

“No, there was a fire. I-I have to go,” she left the hair salon in a daze and got in the car.

Closing the door, she saw in the mirror that there were tears running down her cheeks. Mays face floated through her mind. She switched on the ignition and drove to the police station.