The Draculan Hunter by E.M. McCarthy - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


The museum was filled with those individuals who were seen and those who came to see them-- senators, governors, Hollywood starlets, industry tycoons. Kelly had never seen so many luxury cars: Jaguar, Porsche, Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini. All were parked along the closed off block surrounding the place. Sigman's father must be important she realized. She saw a limousine stop next and she waited to greet the next guest inside the lobby. She was startled to see her Great Aunt Betty Harper wobble in with her cane.

“Dearest Leola!” Her aunt kissed her in greeting and almost fell over.

“Are you okay?” Kelly asked.

“Yes, dear. I'm happy to be here. It's not every day that my niece gets engaged. And not just engaged to a nobody! To find your true love is the son of tycoon Count Van Horn...well, you did well for yourself, Leola.”

“I'm Kelly. I'm the younger one.”

“Oh, dear. Now I understand.”

“Understand what?”

“When I phoned to congratulate you, I phoned Leola. I thought it odd that you hadn't a clue to what I was talking about. I had to read the invitation that I received over the phone.”

“You called Leola? She knows about the gala?” Kelly had hope for the first time that she might escape her fate.

“Yes, that's right. Will you introduce me to your fiancé?”

Kelly glanced over at Sigman Van Horn who was beside a menacing looking man who Kelly assumed must be his father. Sigman saw her stare, and he whispered in the ear of his father, then made his way through the crowd of bejeweled ladies and sophisticated gentlemen.

“Here comes Sigman now.” Kelly said. “Please don't say anything about Leola to Sigman.”

“Why not, dear?”

“They don't get along.”

“Oh!” Her great aunt's hand flew to her mouth to stop her from speaking.

“Neither do my parents. They refused to attend. So please, don't say anything.”

“Oh, I won't, I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings.”

Kelly smiled at the mention of Sigman and feelings. If he and his relations had any feelings at all, it was equivalent to those a tiger might have as he pounced on his prey.

Sigman bowed to Kelly's great aunt. “Charmed to make your acquaintance. You must be Kelly's aunt.”

“I'm delighted to make yours! Welcome to the family.”


Kelly and Sigman entered the museum main hall which was filled with dim chandeliers. Kelly's expression became that of a patient receiving a grim prognosis with no chance of survival. Sigman took her by the arm and led her through the crowd. He took a detour away from the gathering and into a coatroom.

Sigman pulled her close and whispered, “It won't be long now.” He began to kiss her on the throat. His unexpected advances took her by surprise, and she pushed him off her.

“What are you doing?” Kelly asked.

“I'm getting ready for the after party. You know that tonight I'll change you into a Draculan.”


“Yes, that's why we're having this party. Once our engagement is announced, then I'll change you. Afterward, we can eat the guests. Simple and elegant.”

“How would you get away with that?”

“Oh, the fire.”


“Oh, sorry. The explosion. I keep forgetting what Amwolf told me–”


“I think that's correct. I forget what he said exactly.” He pulled her close to him and said, “I had to pick out the locale, the china plates, and the floral arrangements, as well as send out invitations. I can't remember the unimportant details...”

“You're going to kill all these people and destroy an entire building?”

“Don't worry, the building's insured. Why are you so glum? Soon you'll be my bride. It is the happiest day of your dull, meaningless, and pathetic life. I'm surprised you humans don't cut your own throats after seeing your little insignificant lives. Yet, you are being raised to the highest height of existence, a Draculan! Don't you worry, I'll think of a way you can thank me.”

“Thank you?”

Sigman bent down and kissed her neck as Kelly cringed. “Ohhh, darling. I feel your pulse and all that blood inside. Do I shock you if I say you're the best bite I've had in centuries?”

“Yes.” Kelly pushed him away as her dress’ strap fell over her shoulder, and she fixed it.

Sigman purred, “I love it when you recoil! It makes winning all the sweeter.”

“When will it happen?”

“After the announcement. I'd say rather shortly. Mommy hates it when Dad talks up his meals, and he always gets crazy with fresh blood running around. Speaking of Mommy and Dad, I should go and find them. Why don't you stick to the upper part of the museum? Your first hunt will be the most difficult. I'll make sure there's something easy to tear into...” Sigman began to laugh. “Tear into! Sometimes I crack myself up!”

He continued to laugh as he walked away from the coat room into the main floor. Kelly followed. She scanned the huge room; in the center was the bones of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The killing machine's shadow fell over the guests of pedigree and social significance. How would she warn them? Why would they believe her? Then she hoped. Kelly hoped that Liam would be there somehow.


Liam Abraham had no plan. He was dressed in a black Armani tuxedo, dagger inside his coat pocket. He hovered near the caterer's van. The workers were moving swiftly as trays of food were being taken inside through a back door. He picked one up and followed a waiter. As he continued through the side concession area of the museum on the lower floor, he took a glass of champagne and instantly blended into the crowd. He saw many people, but to find all the Draculans intermixed with humans would be difficult. He scanned the room for Kelly. Then he looked up and beyond the railing above him, and he saw her. Dressed in an elegant gown, hair in an up-do, with an exquisite red ruby necklace falling to her breasts, she leaned over at the same moment that he looked up. The two locked eyes on the other, hers filled with relief and gratitude, his full of fear and anger.

How would he save her? How would he warn all the people they were in danger? If he could find a way to expose the crowd to a force of light, something like a thousand LED's, then he'd kill them all. At that he had a lightning rod idea, and he nodded at her as she straightened up and nodded back. Then Liam picked up a tray, and with the other waiters, left through the back entrance.


The orchestra played sweet classical tunes and the guests began to dance. Amwolf bowed to Kelly. “May I dance with my future sister-in-law?”

“Oh, why yes,” Kelly said. She realized it was to her advantage to be on the dance floor, and more difficult to locate so the announcement would be delayed.

Sigman was addressing two debutantes as she passed him on her way down the stairs. Sigman put out his hand as Amwolf and Kelly passed, forcing them to stop on the steps.

“Would you ladies care for another glass of champagne?”

“Yes,” said the taller one.  The woman giggled.

“Splendid! If you both go downstairs, there are plenty of waiters to assist you,” Sigman said.

“Oh,” said the shorter woman.

“Come! Come! Don't dilly dally!” Sigman clapped his hands, and the ladies went down the stairs as Sigman watched.

“Where are you and my betrothed going?” Sigman asked Amwolf.

“Don't get all bent out of shape. I'm just dancing with her,” Amwolf said.

“Dancing? All right. But, no nibbling on her neck, and no looking into his eyes. Understand?” Sigman said.

Amwolf said, “Fair enough unless she asks me to bite her.” Sigman was silent. Amwolf stated, “You never told her, did you?”

“Told me what?” Kelly asked.

Amwolf said, “Since you're able to carry and bear vampire children--”

Sigman said, “No slurs! Draculan children!”

“Anyway,” Amwolf said, “you may choose to wed either of us with our parents blessing.”

“See, I knew Mother likes you best.”

Amwolf answered, “What are you complaining about? Dad put you back in his will and on the trust fund payroll. So why do you care which of us she chooses? You're the one who hates all his brides!”

“Not true, not true. I was angry when those Draculans hunters killed them.”

Amwolf said, “You were not! You tried to post Victoria's address on social media sites that Draculan hunter used to trace down fifty of your brides! Do you really want to be his wife, sweet, innocent Kelly? Remember, I'm a doctor!”

“I found her first, and Dad said he'd prefer me to have a new bride, so there!”

“That's because he figured you'd cost him less money if your new bride kept you from your binge drinking and wild partying!”

“You don't even like Kelly! You just want what you can't have!” Sigman said.

“I do like her...enough.”

“See, see how he treats you! Believe me, he won't shower you with diamonds like I will!”

“And how long will that last? Until his roving eye catches another pretty young thing! With me, you'll have a steady Draculan with a stable job!”

“Ha! You mean a boring life. And don't forget what a health freak you are too. You'll be having her diet on those homeless men she's so fond of helping! At least I'll let her cut loose after the baby is born. I'll pack the both of them off to an apartment across the globe where she won't have to see me and I won't have to see her! Wouldn't you like that, dearest?'

Kelly was stunned. She stammered, “Y...yes.”

“Time to dance!” Kelly Harper was led to the dance floor by Amwolf Van Horn. She avoided eye contact. Amwolf held her too close.

“If I told you you'd be better off with me, would you look into my eyes?” Amwolf said.

She glanced at him. He reached out and held her chin firmly. With a hypnotic look, she answered, “Oh, Amwolf. You're the better Draculan.”

“Yes, I am.”

“You have a stable job.”

“Yes, I do,” Amwolf said.

“Even if you eat the homeless, you help people at work.”

“I help all kinds of people, Kelly. I only feed when I must to live. It can be the same for you. You may continue your work at the shelter. I'll work at the hospital. Once our child is born, then we will be extremely happy.”

“The shelter,” Kelly said.

“Yes, that's right. I'll see to it you run the shelter.” Amwolf leaned down and kissed her with passion, fangs beginning to protrude and be visible. Kelly reciprocated the kiss as he touched her throat with one hand.  “If I bite you now, there will be no turning back.” They swayed as he danced her to the nearby coat room.

“The shelter?” Kelly said as she lost eye contact as they reached the privacy of the closet. Amwolf’s fangs were bared as he ran his hands along her backside. His eyes closed as he began to lunge at her.

Kelly said, “Sister Maryann is dead. You killed her.”

Amwolf stopped as his fangs reached her and stood straight up. “Look into my eyes, and the third bite won't fill you with pain. If you don't let me hypnotize you, the pain will be worse than childbirth. I don't want you to suffer.”

“Did Sister suffer?”

“No.” He shook his head as he massaged her neck. He moved behind her and looked her over. “Nobody suffers if I hypnotize them. I don't like pain. And you look so delicious in this dress.” He moved his hands over her neck and kissed it.

“Isn't your brother going to be angry that you're doing this?” His fangs retreated back inside his mouth.

“Eventually he'll get over it.” His fangs came out again. As she turned to him, she screamed.

Then with a blunt force, Kelly witnessed a flash of a silver dagger cut into Amwolf Van Horn's neck.

Within a second, he turned to dust before her eyes. As the dust fell to the coatroom floor, Kelly made the sign of the cross over them. “Mercy,” She prayed.

“Thank God above I found you!” Liam said.

She reached for Liam Abraham and hugged him. He held her tightly for a moment, then let go, wiped his blade with a napkin, put it back in his sheath, and tucked it back into his tuxedo pocket.

“Come on, we're getting out of here!” Liam said.

He took her hand and they ran for the front lobby door. An announcement came over the intercom, “Ladies and Gentlemen. It is time to gather in the Grand Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn have an important announcement to make.”

Kelly and Liam got to the front door and then, as if a hurricane blew over them, out of the corner stepped Sigman Van Horn, with a coat draped over his shoulders like a cape. The Draculan faced the hunter as Kelly stood in between. Sigman stood six feet three inches over Liam's six foot one. The men's eyes took a hard stare at the other and Kelly saw Sigman reach for another woman--her great aunt Harper, who happened to be asleep in a chair next to the door. 

Aunt Harper woke up and said, “I haven't had champagne in years. Leola? Is it time for your engagement to be announced?”

Sigman helped her to her feet. “Yes, exactly. Kelly darling, if you go with me, I'll let your dear great- aunt go.”

“Go where? I just got here,” her aunt replied.

“Yes, it's time,” Kelly said.

“No!” Liam said.

Kelly turned to him, “I must. I let them get Sister Maryann. I can't let them take my aunt too.”

“If you go, you'll be one of them,” Liam said.

“Don't look so angry, Draculan Hunter. You should be flattered that you'll be her first bite,” Sigman said.

Sigman bared his fangs, and Kelly said, “Not here.”

Sigman said, “The dagger? If you don't hand it over I will make a mess right here and now.” He grabbed Kelly by her arm and twisted it behind her back, causing her to cry out.

Liam took out the dagger from his pocket and handed it to Sigman. “Here you go, vampire.”

“Call me by my proper name. Draculan. Words hurt you know!” He let go of Kelly's arm and she followed Sigman to the main hall. 

Liam turned to Kelly’s great-aunt and said, “Get out now if you want to live. I mean it!”

Great Aunt Harper looked at him with great fear, and then opened the front door and exited the museum.

Liam closed his eyes for a minute. He turned towards the main hall. He would save Kelly Harper. This time he had a plan.