The Ghost Files Box Set by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Chapter Five


The newspaper article on Hattie Jamieson’s sudden disappearance was their one solid lead, and Sam threw himself into the task at hand instead of worrying about the state of his sister. He knew she was lying about not remembering anything but he was afraid of finding the truth.

What if there was something wrong with her that Sam couldn’t fight?

He had lost his parents he wouldn’t survive losing Star too. Early the next morning he checked on his sister then drove to Angel Crest. Even though it was barely past eight Lucy was sitting on the front steps, waiting for him. “Morning.” She beamed. He couldn’t hide his slight smile at her eagerness. Under different circumstances he might have been tempted…but he was here to solve a murder not his out of control sex drive.

“Lucy, do you know this girl?” He asked taking the print out from his jean pocket. She examined it and laughed.

“Sam, it says here she went missing in 1938! A bit before my time.” She handed it back to him.

“I know that, I just thought you might have come across her in your old family’s photos, or something.” A puzzled frown creased her forehead.

“Are you saying we’re related?” Sam looked at her.

“Lucy, she worked here as a scullery maid. She disappeared right here on these grounds.” Her mouth dropped open. It was all in the article, how she never returned home after work, had last been seen coming out of the master bedroom, and that was the last time anyone saw her. Before Lucy could respond a voice interrupted them.

“So this is your handyman.” Sam turned and nearly dropped the sheet of paper in his hands. Laura, Lucy’s older sister was leaning against the porch railing with a sneer on her face, a sneer that faded when she saw Sam.

“Sam this is Laura, my sister.” Lucy introduced grudgingly, but it wasn’t required. They had already met in a nightclub in New York. She had been hard to forget. He realized Lucy was looking at him and turned away.

“Hey.” He said casually to Laura as he slipped past to the house. He was in the foyer when the door banged shut behind him.

“What are you doing here?” Laura hissed, spinning him around roughly. “Are you blackmailing me?”


“Just because my father’s rich doesn’t mean…”

“I’m not here for you.” He interrupted. “I’m working, remember?” She gave him a suspicious glare.


“Really. I didn’t even know you lived here. You didn’t exactly leave your name and number behind.” She smirked and Sam was instantly transfixed by her beauty. Long waves of shimmering blonde cascaded over her shoulders, and her perfect bronze skin looked so good he wanted to touch it.

“You didn’t seem the kind of guy that would use it.” She said, running her hands up his chest. Lucy’s scream made Sam forget all about his arousal and he dashed back outside.

He skidded to a stop on the porch and Laura slammed into him. Lucy was cowering beside Sam’s parked Chevy, an old man dressed in a carbon dated suit pointed a trembling finger at her.

“She’s coming for…”

“Sam!” Star’s voice cut the old man off and Sam saw his sister freeze when the ghost turned his attention to her instead. He used the distraction to extract Lucy, who was shaking so bad she couldn't walk. He left her in the arms of her sister and started toward Star.

“You.” The ghost whispered staring straight at Star. The sound of a engine reached their ears and the ghost vanished. Minutes later the Backwater’s Bentley pulled into the drive.

“Lucy?” Mrs Backwater ignored everyone else and ran to her daughter who was scared to death.

“What’s going on here?” Lord Backwater demanded, slamming the car door. Sam looked at Star and knew she was thinking the same thing.

“Lord Backwater,” she started. “My name’s Star West and this is my brother Sam. You knew our father John; he did some work for you a while back.” The Lord stared at her with cold eyes until he suddenly slapped his thigh.

“The detective?” Star nodded.

“How is he?”

“Dead.” Sam butt in, the smile vanished from Lord Backwater’s face.

“Look your family is in grave danger.” Star told him. “You must leave this house immediately.”

“Leave?” Backwater repeated perplexed. “Why the devil should we do that? This is our home girl!”

“Sir,” Sam tried. “What happened to your father wasn’t an accident. Lucy’s right, he was murdered, and his death is only the beginning. You have to leave now!” The Lord’s face turned bright red with rage.

“How dare you!” He thundered. “My father was an old sick man. I don’t know what Lucy has been telling you…”

“Listen to him father.” Lucy pleaded fending off her mother. Sam looked on in shock as Lord Backwater tumbled to the ground in a heap.

“We had to hurry this along.” Star said when they all stared at the thick heavy log in her hands. Sam nodded his praise and immediately set about lifting Lord Backwater into the car with the help of Lucy.

“I’m calling the police!” Mrs Backwater exclaimed getting to her feet, but Laura held her back.

“They’re right mother, we have to leave now!” Something in her daughter’s stricken face changed her mind and she grudgingly let Laura lead her to the Bentley.

“Are you okay to drive?” Sam asked Lucy, peering through the passenger side window. There was a grim determination to her face when she nodded. “Drive to town and stay at my office,” Sam handed her the office door key from his key ring. “Wait there till I come for you.” Lucy took the key and gunned the motor, leaving air borne gravel in her wake as the car sped off.

“You ready for this?” He asked his sister. They both stared up at Angel Crest Manor, a bolt of lightning lit up the darkening sky. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“I did some digging in town.” Star replied as they started up the steps. “Mrs Marsden, the old midwife claims Hattie was with child when she disappeared seventy five years ago. She went to Marsden for help because the child’s father was Lord George Backwater…”