The Ghost Files Box Set by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Chapter Three


“I’ve found something.” Sam’s voice cut through the tension and he stopped at the threshold, darting his eyes back and forth between the two women.

“I don’t know who you people are, but I’ve never killed anyone.” Kay’s voice shook. Sam got ready to catch her just in case she bolted, but she just leaned against the wall like a dear caught in headlights.

“You didn’t mean to.” He told her softly. “It was an accident. You and your son were coming back from a Halloween party, your vehicles collided…”

“You’re lying! I was at a party tonight; it’s the first one we’ve been too! Why are you doing this to me?” Star stepped forward slowly, making it clear she meant no harm.

“It’s the same party Kay; you’re stuck in a loop, re-living this night every Hallows eve.” Kay’s face flashed with anger and she pushed past Star but Sam refused to budge.

“Move!” She commanded, he slowly shook his head. “My son is out there!”

“Actually he’s not Kay.” Star told her. Kay looked at her with fresh tears welling up in her red rimmed eyes.

“What do you mean…”she whispered, “he has to be…” Star’s hand dug around in her jeans pocket and produced a cell phone.

“He’s safe I promise you, Kay he was never here.” Kay swayed precariously and Sam steadied her, she clung to him tightly.

“Stop it.” She pleaded, and Star’s heart ached, but this had to be sorted once and for all. They had to move on.

“Kay he survived the crash six years ago…but you didn’t.” Sam placed Kay back onto the floor and he laid something in front of her, it was a dirty velvet bound book and as Sam opened it Star saw the pale light of the moon shine down through the window onto yellowed newspaper clippings. Kay picked it up and they saw her frantic eyes trail over the pages.

“He was a celebrated crop farmer, he won rosettes and prizes, he was something of a celebrity round here, so his death was well documented.” Sam told her.

“It says here he had a wife and new-born child.” Kay said suddenly looking up at them. Star held out her hand.

“Let me show you something.” Kay hesitated a second then swallowed hard. She let Star lead her outside to an overgrown yard at the end of which was a knarled apple tree, its bounty was still hanging from its branches black and crawling with maggots.

“Ugh.” Kay made to take a step back but Star wouldn’t let her. Beneath the tree was two unmarked headstones.

“Upon Giles’s death his wife soon realized that her husband hadn’t told her everything. He was behind on his mortgage, apparently he had quite the gambling problem. The bank seized the farm a month after he died. She had a three month old daughter to provide for and no one to turn to, so she…smothered her daughter while she was sleeping then hung herself from this very tree.” Kay staggered back horrified. Sam handed her the book and she just made out a small photograph glued to the last page. It showed the man that had tortured her cuddling a pretty redheaded woman with a bundle of blankets cradled in his arms, in the middle of those blankets was a new born wearing a pink dress, they stood under an apple tree with a barn in the background. They looked so happy and in love…

Kay dropped the book onto the ground and stumbled back holding her hands to her face. “After what happened here no one wanted to buy the house, the locals buried the family here under their prized and beloved apples and the house has been left to rot.” Star said sadly. “It was condemned a few weeks ago after kids lit a fire that gutted the place. Now do you understand?” She asked. “We’re trying to help you both move on, it was just a stupid accident with devastating consequences, but playing this out again and again is doing none of you any good. It’s time to let go.”

“Are you saying we do this every…” Images flashed through Kay’s mind, the headlights appearing from nowhere, Tyler screaming for her…

“Halloween. You crash, go looking for your son whom you think is lost in the woods, and Giles captures you and takes out he’s pain on you till the sun comes up.” Sam clarified. “It’s a vicious circle that can’t go on.”

“But Tyler…” Star handed Kay her cell. On the screen was a photo of a boy in his early teens, he had Tyler’s black hair and blue eyes, Kay touched the screen tenderly


“He’s been living with your mother for the past six years, he’s just discovered girls and loves to go skate boarding with his friends.” Star told her with a smile. “And still takes Freddie everywhere.” Kay gasped at the mention of the marble, her son’s most prized object.

Star, look out!” Sam cried jolting her back to here and now, Kay dropped the phone as Giles appeared behind Star and grabbed her hair, with effortless ease he sent her crashing into the side of the house. She crumpled to the floor in a heap. Sam dashed forwards and wrestled with him only to be flung away like garbage.

“Kay only you can get through to him.” Star yelled trying to get up. At the sound of her voice Giles charged for her but Kay stepped in his path.

“It’s me you want.” She told him and he slowed snarling at her like a wild beast. She looked at Star who smiled at her reassuringly before grimacing, she had pulled herself up but couldn’t put any weight on her left leg. Kay knew what she had to do.

“I know I’ve caused you pain.” She told Giles advancing towards him, he took a step back regarding her with fear. “I never meant to hurt you…it was an accident…just a stupid accident, and because of it I never got to watch my son grow up, and you lost your family…I’m sorry…” Tears spilled down her face and for a second the wind and rain abated, but returned with fury. Giles charged at her with murder in his eyes. Kay felt time slow and shot Star and Sam, who had come to the aid of his sister, a final smile before turning to face the man she had ruined.

“Forgive me…” She whispered. He halted and the rage in his face fell away, they stared at each other until the sun winked down at them from the grey storm clouds that were slowly dissipating. Kay saw tears slide down his cheeks before a smile parted his lips. A soft glow of light settled on him from the heavens and slowly he faded away. Kay stepped back. “What…?”

“He’s at peace.” Star told her making her way over, supported by her brother whom looked worn out. “He’s crossed over.”

“How can I ever repay you?” Kay asked them and Sam smiled showing off his pearly whites. Even covered in cuts and dirt he was still dazzling.

“Tell me what Heaven’s like.” He teased. They all laughed.

“So this is what you do for a living?” She asked them, “helping the dead rest?”

“Kind of.” He answered. “Take care of yourself and enjoy the afterlife.” He started off but when Kay turned to Star she was frozen to the spot and staring intently beyond the yard at a patch of treeline, straining her eyesight Kay made out a dark figure dressed in black with a hat obscuring his face, chills hit her and she got a feel of  something very old and…very bad coming off him.

“Who is he?” She whispered to Star who seemed taken aback by the question.

“You can see him?” Kay nodded looking at her perplexed. “Why?”

“Sam can’t.” Star answered returning her gaze back to the man but he had vanished.

“Star!” Sam called. “Do I have to drag your ass to the car, it’s been a long night, I’m cold tired and hungry not to mention sore, can you stop harassing the poor ghost and let her go to Heaven already!”

“Dick.” Star uttered.

“I’d like to be dragged by him any day.” Kay mused, she blushed when Star rose her eyebrows at her.

“Now that’s ugh worthy.” The girls giggled like schoolchildren before embracing warmly.

“Thank you Star for everything, and be careful I got…a bad vibe from that man, stay away from him.”

“I’ll try.” Star said cheerfully but Kay could hear the edge to her voice. A warm feeling enveloped her and Kay looked down at herself to see her insides glowing, Star stepped back as Kay slowly disappeared, replaced by a stunning rainbow and a blooming apple tree.

“Star!” She rolled her eyes.

“I’m coming! Jeez.” She yelled back hoppling over the rough terrain. All in all it had been a pretty good night, except for nearly being killed. She just wished that her parents, wherever they were, were just as peaceful as Kay and Giles.