The Ghost in the Darkness (The Ghost Files#4) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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“How do you know all this?” Thor asked breaking the long stretch of silence.

“The dead are a network of souls,” Edgar answered, “there were a few remaining from that time. Not anymore of course.” He turned to Sam, “your sister took them.

“What does this have to do with Star?” Sam asked Emily, ignoring Edgar’ bitter words.

“The Guardian was made to ferry souls, not to reap them.” Emily replied, “even he can’t change this. Guardians cannot hurt their charges. That’s why he needs Star. The Guardian has been waiting for the one that’s powerful enough to do this task for him.”

“Then why not me?” Sam argued. The guilt wouldn’t be denied. He was the reason Star was in this mess. He had bartered his own live for Star’s, and that simply would not do.

“That I can’t answer Sam.” Emily said sadly. “Star is his chosen one.”

“Then how do we kill this sucker?” Thor asked defiantly when Sam gave into his despair.

“You can’t.” Edgar chimed, “The only one with power to stop the darkness is its chosen one. Star won’t do it because with every soul she reaps for him, the closer she becomes to becoming him. I’m sorry Sam but your sister is lost.”

“Then why bother to help us?” Thor demanded angrily.

“Because you saved Emily.” Edgar sighed warily, “and because of the service Sam and Star has provided for the dead, these past years. Now we are even.” With every word the Minister’s voice faded till there was only Sam and Thor left in the basement.

“I don’t believe this!” Thor kicked the coffee table sending it crashing into the stone wall. “We can’t give up, not now when we are so close...”

“You heard them,” Sam said, “there’s nothing to be done.”

“Seriously?” Thor snapped, “your just going to give up? Star never gave up on you Sam, that’s the only reason you’re standing here.”

“And I wish I wasn’t, believe me. I would rather be burning in hell then endure this but maybe Star’s right. She made her choice, maybe we should respect it.”

“To hell with that.”

“Look,” Sam got to his feet, “we’ve done all we can do for Star. You heard what Edgar said, Star has to kill it and I’m not giving up on her, but right now there’s nothing I can do. What I can do is cut off this bloodsuckers’ soul supply. We help these ghosts find peace. We set them free and Star can’t touch them, that is what we can do right now.”

Thor looked at the cell where Star lay then back at Sam, he nodded. “What do we need to do first?”

We do nothing, I work better alone and someone should stay with her. I’ll go find Emily and see just what the hell happened here. I‘ll check in later.” Before Thor could object Sam flew up the steps and disappeared from sight.