The Ghost in the Darkness (The Ghost Files#4) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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He was in hell. That was the only way to explain the pain ripping through every bit of him. His head felt as big as a melon and a colossal headache burned just behind his sensitive eyes.

A throaty groan escaped his dry mouth as he rolled onto his back. That must have been one almighty bender, he thought to himself. Above him a slight breeze rustled the canopy of leaves that masked the night sky.

Arching his stiff neck he took in his soiled appearance. Ripped jeans, torn shirt and his shoes were missing. Red and angry looking gashes covered his bare arms.

“What the...?” He asked out loud. Something rattled around his mouth and he spat teeth onto wet concrete. He was lying in an alley. Music boomed out of the door off to his right. Where was he?

As he fought to get vertical his vision swam. He fell back against the cool stone wall of the alleyway and gulped down some much needed air. He groped around for his wallet, keys, cellphone, all of which were missing. “Fuck.” He groaned with realization, I’ve been mugged!

When the world stopped spinning he stumbled through the door. Inside the music was even louder. The sports bar was packed to the rafters and every eye focused on him as he staggered past, still disorientated.

He thought about asking one of the patrons for help but thought better of it. Help was a thing of the past, his mugger were probably eye balling him right now with a smug smirk on their ugly face.

He made it outside not a clue where he was or how he was going to get back...wait a minute...where was home?

“You look like death warmed up.”

The voice cut through the man’s desperation and he turned his head. On the sidewalk, leaning against a car was a punk. The guy wasn’t dressed as a good-for-nothing-punk-ass-mugger but one never knew, did one? And besides he didn’t like the way this kid was looking at him.

The man staggered away wanting to get as far from this stink hole as he possibly could but the punk called his name.


At least he could still remember his name, slowly Sam turned. “Have we met before...?” Was all he could muster, the ache splitting his head was making it hard to do anything.

The punk moved towards him. “No.” Opening the passenger side door he motioned to Sam. “Come on.”

Sam looked at the Mustang then at the driver, did he really expect him to just get in? Sam may have just woke up in a pool of his own vomit but he wasn’t naive. “Yeah, right.” He snorted.

“Star sent me.”

The mention of his sister made Sam reevaluate his position. The punk looked as serious as a mourner at a wake. Ash coloured hair cuddled pale cheeks. The kid looked haunted, looking in his blue eyes made Sam think of himself before he had en-listed.

The kid sighed and pulled out a cell. He dialed a number before throwing it to Sam. “Hello?” There was a pause on the other end.

“Hey.” Sam physically relaxed at the sound of his sister’s voice.

“What’s going on? Whose the kid?” As he spoke a bad feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. Something just felt wrong.

“Just get in the car Sam.” She hung up, leaving Sam to stare at the screen feeling like a lemon. Star sounded different, her voice had lost all its warmth.

“What the hell is happening...” he mumbled handing the cell back, with no where else to go Sam reluctantly got into the Mustang. The engine purred as the kid fired it up and glided it smoothly down the road.

Sam said nothing as dark shuttered stores rolled past. He glanced at the kid who had his eyes fixed on the road ahead. “How do you know my sister?”

“We went to school together.” Came the measured reply. The kid’s face gave nothing away as Sam studied it.

“I didn’t catch your name.”

“I didn’t throw it.” Sam’s brows rose at the comment and the kid sighed. “My name’s Thor.”

Sam tried not to laugh. “Thor?”

Thor cringed, “my mother’s a fan of Greek mythology.”

“You have my sympathy. So are we gonna stop with the bullshit?” Sam added. Thor cast him a dumbfounded look. “My sister wasn’t exactly popular at school. I knew all of her three friends, and with an unforgettable name like yours...” Sam let the accusation dangle silently between them.

The scenery out of the window had changed. Town gave way to countryside. Rolling dark fields bathed in moonlight spread out around them. “We’re here.” Thor said steering the car onto a dirt track.

Sam looked up at the old abandoned farmhouse that loomed over them in the darkness. It was falling to pieces. Bits of tile littered the overgrown yard. The window panes were broken and the frames rotting. From the downstairs window came a glimmer of light.

Thor killed the engine and his lean frame skipped up the porch steps. “Watch your step.” He told Sam who followed close behind. Inside was as derelict as the exterior, broken floorboards poked out from masses of dead leaves, decaying wallpaper still cling to the walls in places and the stench of urine filled the air.

A woman looked up from a makeshift table in the parlour. Glasses perched on her slender nose emphasized intelligent brown eyes. “Thought you’d gotten lost.” She smirked at Thor who crossed the room and opened a cooler sitting on the floor. He tossed Sam a Bud.

Sam glanced at it then at the woman. “Alright. I’ve been pretty patient up till now. What is going on? Where’s my sister?”

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

“Thor!” The woman admonished giving him a stern glare.

The kid shrugged it off while opening the bud and took a swig. “He deserves to know mom.”

“Deserves to know what? Who are you people?” Sam demanded. “I swear if you’ve hurt...”

“Do you remember the lake?” Thor interrupted.

“What lake...” As he spoke memories came flooding back as did the cool, murky water of Sliver Lake. The pain in his head intensified as Sam felt the water all around him. He was choking, something was pulling him down...he was going to drown.

“Ryan...” He heard himself whisper right before the ground came up to meet him.