The Preternatural by Daryl Hajek - HTML preview

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While Josslyn fixed some herbal tea, she offered a word of caution to both herself and Nathan to be careful while they maneuvered around the mess in the kitchen.

Soon, Caden and Trina came down.

“Oh, man!” Caden signed.

“What happened here?” Trina signed.

“Who did this?” Caden signed.

“We’re not sure,” Josslyn signed, “but I think we may have an idea.”

“A ghost?” Trina signed. “Or maybe a poltergeist?”

“A poltergeist is a noisy ghost,” Caden signed, a little exasperated. “Poltergeist is German for 'noisy ghost,' and they usually rap on walls, doors, windows, move furniture and objects around, and footsteps are heard, and maybe on occasion, they’ll throw something across the room, but not always.”

“Let me show you something.” Josslyn pointed to an area on the floor by the stove.

Caden and Trina stared at a single footprint in a mixture of ketchup and flour. The footprint appeared inhuman—fifty percent larger than a normal human foot, both in length and width. Not only were the five toes larger than human toes, but they were more round and spaced apart by a half-inch, whereas human toes were oval in shape and set closer together.

“What is that?” Trina signed. “Now that’s really freaky!” She felt goosebumps run down her spine.

“Glad I brought this down with me,” Caden signed. He pulled out his smartphone from his rear pants pocket and took a few snapshots and videoed the strange anomaly for ten seconds.

“We should get a Roman Catholic priest to come out here,” Nathan signed, “and check out the house and see what could be done.”

“But we’re not Catholic,” Josslyn signed.

“What about a demonologist? They’re like a type of exorcist.”

“I know. I was thinking of having Pastors Alex and William from our church come and give the house a blessing and say a prayer.”

Trina looked her mother in the eye. “So, now you’re beginning to believe this house is haunted?”

“Yes,” Josslyn signed.