The Station by Clifford Beck - HTML preview

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Chapter 2



Main Street was several blocks from the high school. At the end of the school day, any students not living on the outskirts of town would walk into Norway's business district and fan out toward their respective homes. That day, most took the opportunity to gather amongst the towns fast food restaurants and video game stores. But there were always those who saw time off from school as a chance to catch up on assignments, start papers and read ahead in their textbooks. One particularly industrious student was Samantha Thompson, otherwise known as Sam. She was a small girl with a thin frame and hair dyed an almost platinum blonde. Yet, in spite of her studious nature, one of her few passions was comic books and when she wasn't studying, she could almost always be found in the town’s only science fiction book store. However, today was different and Samantha, choosing to bypass the bookstore, decided to go to the library for a quiet place to study. But two blocks from her destination Samantha was startled by a voice that had suddenly come up from behind her.

“Hey, Sam!” the voice shouted.

Samantha turned to find Henry at her back. They were in one or two classes together, but were barely acquainted. In fact, Samantha saw him as somewhat of a nuisance and in trying to distance herself from him made him that much more interested. He had grown a faint mustache and let his sideburns grow down in an attempt to impress her. However, this only resulted in attracting the attention of everyone else and it didn't take long for him to earn the nickname 'Wolfman'.

“Hey...uh...Henry, how's it going?” she asked.

Her discomfort should have been obvious, but Henry had been blinded by infatuation.

“Uh, not much”, Henry answered. “So, what are you doing this week?”

Samantha was exceptionally intelligent and having anticipated Henry's question, already had an answer.

“This week?” she replied. “I thought I'd get caught up on some homework and I've got that paper on the paranormal to start, so I'm going to be in the library a lot.”

Samantha was kind with her lie and Henry believed every word of it.


They stood on the corner in a tense moment of discomfort as Samantha waited for Henry to leave.

“Well,” she began. “I should get going.”

“Oh, yeah,” Henry replied. “You know, if you need any help...”

“Oh, thanks,” she interrupted. “But, I got this paper to do. So...I guess I'll be seeing you.”

Henry replied after a pause as he stood admiring her boyish hair style and the curves of her cheeks.

“Um, yeah. Sure.”

Samantha turned and made her way toward the library, leaving Henry flushed and sweating, his eyes fixed on her as she walked away. But his moment of admiration was broken as he was startled by a familiar voice, accompanied by a sharp slap on the shoulder.

“Wolfman! How's it hangin'?”

Eric was the kind of person most people would refer to as a 'smart ass', someone who was constantly trying to prove himself while taunting others. As intended, Henry was startled by his sudden appearance.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” he began. “Why do you have to do that?!”

Eric giggled as he continued teasing him.

“C'mon Henry,” he replied. “You know I'm just messing with you.”

Henry was clearly irritated by Eric's behavior.

“Jesus, you're such an asshole.”

Without a moment's hesitation, Eric put an arm around his shoulder while looking at Samantha as she entered the library.

“So,” he began. “You got a thing for Sam, huh?”

Henry was becoming more irritated by the moment. But both being in the eleventh grade, he had no choice but to put up with him.

“Dude, what do I keep telling you?” Eric said. “She's not interested. I don't even think she likes guys.”

Henry became infuriated by what seemed to be an accusation.

“That's not true!” he yelled. “Sam's just a loner. She just needs a little more time to figure out her feelings!”

With this response, Eric saw an opportunity to continue his harassment as he made an obviously transparent attempt to be supportive. “

Henry, look, I'm just trying to look out for you. I mean, if I didn't like you I wouldn't bug you so much, okay?”

This was of little comfort to Henry and as he pulled away from Eric's playful grip, turned and stormed away. But even as he made his way back down Main Street, he could hear Eric continue calling to him. His only response was to turn back and angrily raise a middle finger. Eric, of course, found his display of anger amusing and went on his

way with a smile of satisfaction.