Under a Violet Sky by Graeme Winton - HTML preview

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Chapter Fifteen


Johnny climbed in between the crisp, white sheets. The room smelled of hospital sterility, but he cared not, because he was totally exhausted, both physically and mentally. He switched the television off with the remote control and closed his eyes.

He dreamt he was crouching by a dry-stone wall. There was a flash of light from behind the wall which frightened him, but he couldn’t summon up the courage to look over the top.

After a few moments a voice boomed out: “I know you’re there!”

Every atom in his body told him not to, but he stood up, and he realised where he was. The voice belonged to Samael. “Mr Duncan, I believe I have something you want.”

“What?” Johnny uttered, surprised that he could talk.

The demon king waved an arm, and Johnny stood in a city which looked familiar. Caitlin walked by; she seemed to be searching for something. “Caitlin baby!” he shouted as tears welled up in his eyes. But she kept on walking. It was as if he was behind soundproof glass - able to see, but not interact.

Suddenly he was back behind the wall. “Okay, what do you want?”

“Now Mr Duncan you will do nothing to influence your wise men from undertaking the work they are about to do on the dimensions. As soon as you admit to the visions as being fabricated you will have your daughter back.”

Johnny awoke and sat up. He was sweating profusely. This gets worse, he thought. At least he knew he was getting Caitlin back–if a demon could be trusted!