Under a Violet Sky by Graeme Winton - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty Three


Erin and Johnny stood in her bathroom and looked at the foamy water, which was in a tranquil state once again. She had told him what had happened from when she had entered Blakely’s office.

“The water, just boiled?”

“Sounds unbelievable, but look at my skin,” she said as she held her arms out.

“What could make water boil in a bath?”

“Beats me,” she said, pulling the plug.

“Are you going to get a plumber to check the bath?”

“That was nothing to do with the bath.”

They headed downstairs and Erin headed into the kitchen, and shouted: “Coffee?”

“Please.” Johnny answered as he sat on the settee in the lounge and stared into space.

“Listen John,” said Erin, entering the living room with two steaming mugs, giving one to Johnny before sitting down. “I’m going to quit the Agency.” She held up her hand when Johnny started to say something. “Its true my orders were to take you to another site, but I… I couldn’t. Anyway I think they would have killed me as well. And please don’t take my decision lightly; I stayed with the Agency after nine-eleven when droves of officers quit and became contractors for huge amounts of money. I still put country above financial gain.”

“Where do we go from here?”

“We’ve got to flush out who’s behind all this.”

“How are we going to do that?”

“Well, I’m going into Langley tomorrow to write up my report and do a bit of info gathering.”

“Better be careful.”

“What made you come back?” she asked, sipping her coffee.

“I told you, I love you feisty American women especially ones that are CIA agents.”

Erin tipped her head back and roared with laughter.

“No, I realised I had walked out on something special and you were right: I do just think about number one.”

“I was angry.”

“And right.”

“Are you hungry?” she asked looking toward the kitchen.

“Oh yeah!”