Under a Violet Sky by Graeme Winton - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty Two


Heb Dewar climbed the central stairs with a heavy heart; he knew what would unfold that day. He popped his head into the office he shared with Chris Gaft. “Hey Chris, what’s happening?”

“Captain wants to see you, well both of us really, about the Miller case.”

“Okay, let’s go,” said Heb throwing his newspaper onto the seat behind his desk.

He knocked on the varnished door which had Captain Brendan O’Neil on it in gold lettering.

“Come in,” said a gruff voice.

“Yeah Captain, you wanted to see us?” Heb asked, as he marched into the small office followed by Chris Gaft.

The captain, a man with thick, brown hair above a craggy face with tired grey eyes said: “The Miller case, how are things progressing?”

“Things are going well,” said Heb before he relayed the events of the past few days.

“Well it sounds like you’ve got your man. I want an arrest made–there’s pressure from above.”

Heb gazed at his boss's family photographs on his uncluttered desk. “I’m not sure that Duncan did it. He claims he was framed. He was in a dubious car crash prior to this.”

“That crash was an accident. I want him arrested–today gentlemen.”

Where was this pressure from above coming from, thought Heb as he sipped a coffee at his desk and stared out of the window? Some CIA buddy of the captains; or a favour called in by somebody higher up!