Under a Violet Sky by Graeme Winton - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty Five


Lindsay Koenig sat bolt upright in his bed and switched on the light, which sat on his bed-side unit. Shadows jumped on to the walls. “Who’s there? I know there’s someone there!”

A figure stepped out of a darkened corner of the room, which caused him to stumble out of the bed. “You…but, that’s impossible, you’re…”

“Dead,” said Erin in a rasping voice. “And it was you or your associate that killed me!”

“But wait it’s me… we have a deal!” Koenig said when he realised who it was.

“Yes, but you’re not Christ and anyway you got what you wanted: the place destroyed” She said with a cackle.

Before Koenig could put up his mental shields, his mind was penetrated and images of the people who's shape he had assumed appeared. What gave him the right to steal their identities they demanded?

His eyes were open as his body rose into the air, but he saw nothing in his bedroom, instead he saw a dark, tumultuous world where a stairway led up to another smaller depressing world. He noticed people climbing the steps with bowed heads, before his lifeless body fell to the floor. The dull thump causing the light on the unit to topple over and make the shadows on the walls briefly dance.