Under a Violet Sky by Graeme Winton - HTML preview

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Chapter Four


The radio filled the room with Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez as Johnny flipped up the lid of his laptop and pressed the power button. The sun shone through white, skeletal cirri and threw shadows onto the magnolia coloured wall on his right. His computer sprang to life and told him he had several emails. He decided they could wait and opened Microsoft Word.

He had to write the article of his visions; the world had to know, the journalist in him had declared! Earlier, he had phoned a contact at a national newspaper and cajoled him into getting his editor to take a look at the article.

The shadows on the magnolia wall lengthened as Johnny saved the final piece of the document. He had worked through the afternoon only stopping for one roll-up break. He read through the whole piece then sat back and stared at the setting sun.

Classic FM pumped out Mozart’s Requiem as he opened his tobacco tin and rolled a cigarette. He blew smoke toward the ceiling and asked himself if he should send the email–the earlier bravado had evaporated!

The internet jumped onto the screen after he clicked on the broadband icon. Entering the mail section he composed the email to his friend in Manchester and then attached the article document. He then sat for what seemed like an eternity with the cursor on the send button. Then, finally he clicked on the small, red rectangle that would change his life forever.