Vampire Roadtrip by Doreen Serrano and Wade Lijewski - HTML preview

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Chapter XIII


The massacre silenced all of them and they drove in silence until their hunger returned. They were awake, alert, and energized by the feeding but scared and ashamed because of how they went about it. After stealing the cash from the driver’s wallet and swiping the plastic gas can from the back of the van, Jarek had left them roadside in pursuit of the closest gas station. Within minutes, they had refilled their tank enough to make it to a gas station and then put as many miles as possible between themselves and the carnage they left behind. None of them referenced the destruction of the children or the damage they had caused within; they did everything they could do to block out the memories entirely.

With Dominic back at the wheel of the hearse, Christoph sat in the back and thought about the dangers that still lie ahead. He forced himself to concentrate on only positive thoughts and refused to let himself get sucked into the darkness that called for him. He had one wish and nothing would stop him from his meeting with Lucius. His request was long overdue and the time had come to ensure that his greatest desire was finally granted.

Christoph thought about the little things in life that had always inspired him. He appreciated his ability to still appreciate the smaller things. The loss of their spirits had only strengthened their desires because feelings of longing lived within their hearts and not their souls. He still felt his nerves jump when they passed towering trees and open fields and fast food restaurants. He craved fast food almost as much as he longed for blood and knew it would be a struggle if ever he had to choose between a midnight massacre or a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

Each time they passed an interstate sign that invited drivers to a salty and delicious exit he would become as excited as a five year old. At the wheel, Dominic tried everything he could to keep Christoph’s attention on the left side of the road rather than the exit signs. Knowing they were low on money and pressured for time, he quickly thought of ways to divert his attention from the golden arches he saw coming up on the right.

“Hey guys, look!” he exclaimed, pointing a finger through his driver’s window toward absolutely nothing.

Christoph sat up straight. Squinting his eyes, he peered out into the darkness through his back window but saw nothing but the occasional silhouette of an elm tree flashing by.

“What is it, Dom? I don’t see anything but trees.”

Dominic glanced toward Raina and motioned with his eyes to the upcoming burger joint as way of seeking some help. They had done well on time because of his ability to thwart any more unplanned stops and didn’t want anything to waylay their schedule, not even a quick stop through a drive-thru. Catching the near desperate plea in his eyes, she jumped in to help.

Wait a minute!” she exclaimed, leaning over Dominic’s lap to share in the roving eye search. “I thought I something too!”

Jarek remained quiet in his seat behind Raina but found the situation amusing. Bored to tears, he had kept himself entertained by making games out of anything he could. Noticing the fast approaching McDonald’s and their pathetic attempts to divert Christoph’s attention, he decided to make a small wager with himself.

“Christoph wins or I take a shot,” he thought to himself, eyeing the flask that was hugged between his knees. It shone back up at him and he smiled at the inscription Raina