Vampire Roadtrip by Doreen Serrano and Wade Lijewski - HTML preview

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Chapter XIX


Lucius stared at the movie screen and ignored his guests, as though expecting his movie choice to begin so that he could begin enjoying his selected sweets. The room grew silent and after a prolonged moment of quiet uneasiness from the group, he stood up and exited the room again, through a different door.

“This is bullshit!” shouted Leo, marching toward their host’s exit.

“To come all this way and not…”

His words were cut short when he felt Lucius standing behind him.

“Quite the temper you’ve got there, son,” he said. Refusing to turn and face him, Leo stood in silence.

“And rightfully so Leo… you’ve experienced great loss. No doubt you are here to gain understanding as to why and perhaps more important, who did this to you?”

Leo turned around slowly and nodded, lacking words for the first time he could ever remember.

“Perhaps… in time… your maker will reveal himself to you,” added Lucius, his eyes panning his guests repeatedly and ending on Dominic.

Leo’s anger built up again and he found himself losing all ability to maintain the guise of respect to his master, who continued to stare at his leader.

“Why the hell are you looking at him?” Leo asked as he burst out in anger. “He’s not gonna do anything to control my response. We’re beyond that now. I traveled all this way and I want some answers, dammit!”

“What do you think?” Lucius asked Dominic.

“Still?” Leo yelled, enraged.

“I’m the one talking to you! Look at me! And I want to know right now, who did this to me?”

Tilting his head to the side and dropping it slightly, Lucius tried to reiterate his point softly. “Perhaps in time… your maker will reveal himself to you.”

“I’m sorry, Leo,” Dominic said quickly, the words delivered in a flat, gentle tone.

“What? Leo asked, partially annoyed.

He was about to tell Dominic to shut up for the first time in their history together. He was getting ready to unleash his rage in a manner that he knew would bring shame to his pack. He had grown tired of the cryptic comments and the waste of time and was preparing to put an end to it in his own vicious, trademark way. But then the words hit him like a ton of bricks and he understood Lucius’ comments and Dominic’s apology more clearly than he wanted to.

He paused quietly as he looked to the other faces in his pack and he felt the anger rise like bile into his throat. His chest heaved and his fangs were released without inner warning. Seeing nothing but his devoted leader in a sudden hue of glowing red, Leo’s mouth curled and he opened it, having no idea what words would come out.

You?” he croaked out in a raspy whisper.

“You?” he asked again in a tone that had raised several hateful notches. “You son of a bitch!”

He spun in a circle of clouded anger with his fists clenched and the words flowed off his tongue in a rage that circled the room. Dominic knew that nothing he said would matter so he didn’t speak at all. Instead, he just stood staring at the man who had once been his brother with a look of remorse that dulled his usually lively features.

“You? You piece of shit! Jesus Christ! I shared a home with you? Son of a bitch! Why, Dom?”

Leo’s eyes panned the room rapidly as he paced until a shiny gleam of silver caught them and in one motion, he retrieved the Samurai sword that hung above the fireplace. Pressing