Vampire Roadtrip by Doreen Serrano and Wade Lijewski - HTML preview

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Chapter XXI


The room Lucius led Jarek into was both massive and intimidating and it seemed to hold no rhyme or reason. He didn’t understand anything his gaze fell upon. The gray walls to one side of him were decorated with hundreds of sconces, all intricately carved into the heads of ancient animals. The other side boasted aged paintings of the Old World and previous headmasters. Above one row of antique frames sat a larger frame with the photograph of an egg displayed proudly behind its dark glass.

A hammock swung from one corner, though no wind was present and no rope anchored it to the ceiling. Beside it sat a large cage filled with black rats that climbed over and under one another and made squirming noises that sent a shiver up Jarek’s spine.

Walking deeper into the room, he passed a large, four-poster bed to his left that took up the first quarter of the room. It was beautiful and lavish with teak, dark cherry wood, a tall canopy, and it boasted long vines and Indonesian flowers that had been hand carved into the wood. Its ceiling was lined with panels and bars that reached the top of the canopy and wrapped themselves around the bed.

To his right, he passed a bar that carried an old century wine and decanter set on its marble counter. Thinner sconces to each side of it contained long red candles in their candle holders. Further into the room, he stopped at what appeared to be levitation hooks that hung from the ceiling and it produced in his mind visions of a master in training, hanging from hooks that penetrated flesh on the road to enlightenment. The sight made him want to turn back the way he came but a voice from behind changed his plan.

“Welcome,” Lucius said in a lower tone than Jarek had heard upon their first meeting.

He turned around to face the headmaster and was stunned to see the dramatic change in his appearance. No longer disheveled or counting in egg measurements, he had become what Jarek envisioned during the roadtrip.

The headmaster’s previously tousled hair was slicked back and shiny and his red velvet smoking jacket conjured up visions of Hugh Hefner lounging around in his mansion. The thought made Jarek want to laugh but he didn’t dare. This was not the quirky Lucius who climbed out of the car with eggs in hand and strange theories in his mind. This was the authoritative and commanding Lucius who would not stand for even a hint of disrespect.

“Thank you,” Jarek answered.

“I’m glad you made it,” Lucius replied. “I was rooting for you the whole time.”

“With all due respect, sir, something tells me that’s a fib.”

Lucius laughed and used his pointer finger and thumb to pantomime a small increment.

“Maybe a little,” he admitted with a warm smile. “I’ll admit there were times when I should have had you killed, especially after I heard word of your drive through debauchery,” Lucius shook his head and grinned. “But, I refrained. Entertainment value, you know?”

“Yeah, sorry,” Jarek said, shaking his head in apology. “Leo.”

“Right, Leo,“ Lucius agreed. “Poor doomed mess of a fellow, he was. Now, what can I do for you, old boy? What have you come to ask of me?”

Thoughts of Leo saddened Jarek more than he had ever expected. Though they had remained adversaries throughout most of their life together, the grief he felt for him filled his heart with dread but he decided to dismiss the thought until later.

“I want to be on my own,” he said firmly. “No pack, no League, no leader,