Victim City Stories Issue 1 by Dale Hammond - HTML preview

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June 6th


"I climbed out a window over part of the roof, looking for the car keys.  I heard all the screaming, so I just stayed there, hiding behind a chimney," said Angela, sipping apple juice from a straw in her hospital bed.

"You were found in the side yard in your current condition," said Detective Corley, motioning to the casts and splints.

"Yeah.  I guess I fell."

"You guess, or do you know?"

"I remember falling, and I remember landing, but I don't remember why I was falling.  I fell asleep on the roof, for I don't know how long."

Angela had her leg and arm in casts.  It hurt her ribs to breathe and her head wouldn't stop pounding.  A doctor entered the hospital room.

"Detectives, is there anybody's safety in danger that can be aided by Ms. Windham’s immediate testimony?"

Detectives Corley and Barnes rose from their seats before they were evicted.  Detective Corley handed the doctor a business card.  "Please give us a call if she gets discharged before we come back."


"Why does she think Colt Wylie did it?" Det. Barnes thought out loud as they walked through the parking garage.

"Out of that bunch of kids, I'd pick him.  Three juvi sexual assaults that got dropped," said Det. Corley.  "I don't think he was in any position for this, though."

"C'mon, Corley," Barnes laughed.  "He was overwhelmed with guilt, hogtied himself naked under the porch, and committed suicide choking on the sewage pipe rammed down his throat."

"I wouldn't be surprised if that's what forensics comes back with, this fucking scene.  Weekend after graduation and I work two intoxicated manslaughters, only to find seven dead teenagers.  And they couldn't be in the city limits and be PDs problem?"

"Haven't you heard?" Barnes smiled.  "We're working Victim County now."