A Continuing Experiment in Love by Nashid Fareed-Ma'at - HTML preview

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King then closes the article with a simple yet poignant point:

A sixth basic fact about nonviolent resistance is that it is based on the conviction that the universe is on the side of justice. Consequently, the believer in nonviolence has deep faith in the future.{108}

This is not a blind faith.  It is based on much of what has already been explored in the preceding pages: practical spiritual components, lessons, and practices that, when applied, yield forth fruits of the law of love and Truth. Gandhi shares this sentiment, as reflected in the following quotes:

Victory will be ours in the end, if we non-co- operate with the mind in its evil wanderings.{109} every problem lends itself to solution if we are determined to make the law of truth and non-violence the law of life.{110}

The law of love will work, just as the law of gravitation will work, whether we accept it or not. Just as a scientist will work wonders out of various applications of the law of nature, even so a man who applies the law of love with scientific precision can work greater wonders.  For the force of non-violence is infinitely more wonderful and subtle than the material forces of nature, like, for instance, electricity.  The men who discovered for us the law of love were greater scientists than any of our modern scientists.  Only our explorations have not gone far enough and so it is not possible for every one to see all its working.{111}

Getting a sense of the marvelous workings of the spiritual laws of love (ahimsa), Truth (satya), and being guided by the Absolute (brahmacarya), establishes and then deepens our faith in the unfailing efficacy of Satyagraha and Nonviolence. With this faith, we open to realize:

that in [our] struggle for justice [we have] cosmic companionship. ... Whether we call it an unconscious process, an impersonal Brahman, or a Personal Being [God] of matchless power and infinite love, there is a creative force in this universe that works to bring the disconnected aspects of reality into a harmonious whole.{112}

May we remember this explicit encouragement to engage the particulars of our struggle against oppression and injustice as part of a larger purpose of working toward and realizing that harmonious whole.  And do so in the nature of the title of King’s article: An Experiment in Love.  This is a direct reference to Gandhi describing his Satyagraha work as an ongoing experiment. In fact, he subtitled his autobiography The Story of My Experiments with Truth in which he explains:

Far be it from me to claim any degree of perfection for these experiments. I claim for them nothing more than does a scientist who, though he conducts his experiments with the utmost accuracy, forethought and minuteness, never claims any finality about his conclusions, but keeps an open mind regarding them.  I have gone through deep self-introspection, searched myself through and through, and examined and analysed every psychological situation.  Yet I am far from claiming any finality or infallibility about my conclusions.{113}

May we examine our present efforts in the context of the history of this work, including its ancient spiritual roots. May we proceed within the established spiritual pillars and principles, wisely applying what has proven to work and carefully adjusting to changing and new dynamics that call for innovative experimentation.  May we proceed with “utmost accuracy, forethought and minuteness,” combined with “deep self-introspection.”  And may we contribute to the expanding realization of this spiritual science we call Satyagraha and Nonviolence: not only addressing our situations but blossoming into the manifestation of a beloved community through our own individual growth and transformation.