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Child Sex Abuse


Child sexual abuse issues are generally handled by state and local authorities, and not by the federal government. There are many sound reasons for this, including the relationship between the states, which generally have broad authority within their jurisdictions, and the federal government, which has constitutional limitations on its authority. As a result, the Department of Justice generally has no province over these matters. If, however, a child is sexually abused on federal lands, such as a military base or Indian territory, the offender may be prosecuted under federal law in addition to, or instead of, state law.


Except in limited circumstances, federal laws typically do not apply to child sexual abuse matters that takes place wholly inside a single state. These matters are therefore generally handled by state or local authorities and prosecuted under state laws. However, if the sexual abuse of a child occurred on federal lands, the offense may be prosecuted under federal law. Federal lands include areas such as military bases, Indian territories, and other government– owned lands or properties (See 18 U.S.C. §7).


Under federal law, offenders convicted of sexually abusing a child face fines and imprisonment. Furthermore, an offender may face harsher penalties if the crime occurred in aggravated circumstances, which include, for example, the offender used force or threats, inflicted serious bodily injury or death, or kidnapped a child in the process of committing child sexual abuse.


U.S. Laws on Child Sex Abuse

18 U.S.C. § 2241– Aggravated sexual abuse

18 U.S.C. § 2242– Sexual abuse

18 U.S.C. § 2243– Sexual abuse of a minor or ward

18 U.S.C. § 2244– Abusive sexual contact