Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia by Ellyn Kaschak & Sara Sharratt - HTML preview

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Abortions 80,95

ADMIRA 6,94,97-98,103-104,154

Afghanistan 49

African Americans, treatment of

in Europe 29-30,60

in U.S. 25,27-29,30,59,73-74,77

Agger, Inger 10-11

Akayesu trials 75

Alcohol abuse 98

Algeria 49

Amistad (film) 59

Amnesty Intemational 140

Anglo-Saxon law 48

Angola 14-16,64-65,75

APA Division of Peace Psychology 16

Apologies for atrocities 3,5,28,30,73-74

Arbour, Judge 55

Art therapy 117,142

Asylum; asylum countries 10,12,13, 40,119,124

Austria 124,125

Autonomous Women's Center Against Sexual Violence 83-89

Belgrade 83-89,92,94,155

Belgrade Institute for Mental Health 103-104,154,155

Blewitt, Graham 54

Bosnia-Herzegovina 79,84,107-120, 122,123,140

Bremer, Liv 123

Bribes 113

Bungalow indictment 74

Care providers in war regions. See also Training issues; related subjects

boundary issues 96,101,118, 161-162

coping mechanisms 96-97,104-106, 114-115,118

organizational support needs 97,98

pitfalls to effectiveness of 3-5, 161-165

relationship dynamics between local and foreign 113-115, 128-128,162-164

transference issues 5,118,163-164

trauma effects primary trauma of local caregivers 105,128, 161-162,164

secondary traumatization 4,5, 105,114,118,161-162

Caritas Leverkusen 123

Cellebici case 65

Center for Women War Victims (Zagreb) 94

Child soldiers 15,16

Children abused by traumatized parents 85, 112,117,154-155

conceived by rape 80,95,96

as war crime/rape victims 95-96

war events' and trauma effects on 18,93,117,141,142

in Angola, and responses to 15-16

psychotherapeutic support program for Bosnian women and 109-120

Christian Children's Fund 15

Civil law 63,65,66

Civil rights. See also Human rights; Women's rights

U.S. movement 28,35-36

war zone interventions toward strengthening 86

Clinton, Bill 28,73

Common law 63,65,66

Community-level trauma and interventions 3,4-5,14-16,18,57

Continental law 48

The Coordination of Women's Advocacy (CWA) 12-13

Costa Rica 40,45,46,49,52

Crimes against humanity 45,50,54,56,68,81

Croatia; Croats 80,85,93,121-138

Cultural issues. See also Western perspectives

in alternative therapeutic activities 117

in community-based interventions 14-16

in medical exams 101-102

of patriarchal social order 116-117,128-129,136-137

in peace-building programs 13-14

in training programs 130,136-137,138

Culture, war's destruction of 45. See also Genocide

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) 143

Dayton peace agreement 97,115

de Ia Rey, Cheryl 13

Derzic, Lejla 123

Detention centers; concentration camps 27,44,56,74,84,87,95-96,145-146

DHH 108

Domestic violence; peacetime violence. See Families; Violence against women

Drug abuse 112

Eisenhower, Dwight 38

Enslavement of women in wartime 36-37,79,80,81

Ethical issues in war-context therapies 4,10

and with other violence perpetrators 156-160

Ethnic cleansing. See Genocide

European Parliament 13

Evil, nature and prevalence of 4,5,27-28,50-51


counseling services for 141,142

cultural emphasis on patriarchial order and 116,128,136-137

ethnic/ideological divisions in 95,99-100,154,156

mother-daughter relationships 95-96,98

of rape/torture victims 32,50

trauma-related violence in 85,92,95,115-116,154-155,159-160

Fantasy exercises; dream work 99,105,117,127,133

Feminist therapy; counseling interventions. See also Psychotherapy

anti-violence work, premises of 125

Belgrade feminists' experiences with female war survivors 83-89

feminist principles and 8

global awareness in feminist views and 1-5,8,9-19,64-65,66-67,102

human rights action agenda for 17,18-19

peace psychology intervention project 8-19

systemic approaches integrated 158-160

theory and activism integrated 2

toward reconciliation and social memory 10-11

Feminist training program for Croatian psychotherapy professionals 121-138. See also Training issues

organization and financing 123

project design

assumptions 123-125

challenges 127-129

concept 125-126

evaluation principles and strategies 126-130

and coping mechanisms assessment 131-132

and group-centered work 127,130-131,132-134

and language use 134-137

project development history 122

First National Women's Political Caucus 32

Foca indictment 37,45,67-69,74,79-81

Ford Foundation 54


granting of, by victims 11, 158-159

sought by perpetrators 3,5,28,30,73-74

Fritz Perls Institute 123

Gavovic, Dragan 80

Gemeinschaft fiir Frieden und Hilfe (GFH) 143


relationship of violence, traumatization, and 159

women's acknowledgment of race and 31-32,35-36

Gender issues. See also Women's rights

of human rights 10,40-41

in perceptions of war crimes and victims 12-13,30-31,32,36-37

Genocide; ethnic cleansing 40,45,50,84

prosecution probability for 48-49

sexual violence as strategy of 41,44,45,59-60,75-76,87

U.S. African American treatment compared with 28

U.S. response to events of 35,48-49

German Evangelical Church 110

German People's Aid 123

Global awareness in feminist views and interventions 1-5,8,9-19,64-65,66-67,102

Golden Notebook (Lessing) 61

Goldner, Virginia 158,159

Goldstone, Richard (former ICTY Chief Prosecutor) 12-13,31,41,44,54-55

Grave Breaches 81

Group work

in caregiver training programs 115,127,130-131,132-134

PTSD treatment 146-150

refugees/trauma victim interventions 110,141-142

Guatemala 3,58,64-65


collective guilt 47

of local care professionals 96,102

perpetrators' acknowledgment/apologies 3,28,30,73-74

of war survivors 118,119

hierarchy of pain and 87

Handicraft activities 10,142. See also Art therapy; Occupational activities


internalized by victims 118-119

perpetuated by nationalism 86-87

and prevention of 102,105

Healing and recovery from trauma community-level3-4,5,15-16

cultural issues 15-16

and justice, connection of 3-5,23-24,47

by bearing witness to victim testimonials 3,10-11,86-87,92,96,118,123-125,128. See also Testimony, legal

by confrontation of perpetrators 3,5,12

Helsinki Watch 140

Herweg, Friedel 123

Herman, Judith 124

Hitler, Adolf 104

Holocaust 37,40,73,74

Human rights. See also Civil rights environmental preservation as 52

feminist professionals' action agenda for 18-19

hierarchy of, in wartime 88

internationalization of 40,41,42-43

women's rights as 10,40-41

Human Rights Watch 32

Humiliation of women in wartime 86,112,124,128

Humor, use of 96

Hungarian Crisis (1956) 122

"The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children" (UN report) 18

Impunity 2,3,47

Incest 67,92,95,97

Interdisciplinary interventions cultural issues 101-102

political interferences in 85. See also Nationalism

International Conference on Human Rights (1992 Vienna) 42-43,44

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). See also specific war crimes and cases

creation and purpose 49,64

gender policy development 55

investigative policies 55,67

and witness protection issues 12-13,65,119-120

members and staff. See also specific persons

experiences of stress and coping 5,26-28,37,49-52,57-59,60-61

interviews with 23-38,39-52,53-78

men-to-women ratio 44-45

sexual violence prosecution experience among 55

proceedings of 71

comparisons with Rwanda tribunal 12-13,74-76

vigilence of women's organizations toward 45,81

statutes of 33,50,54,81

Crimes Against Humanity 50,54,56,68,61

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 12-13,65,68,74-75

International criminal tribunals 1,2,3 World War II trials 68

International Declaration of Human Rights 40

International Humanitarian Law 80

Internationalism: colonialism progression to 62-63

Japanese American 73

Jews 28,73,74

Justice. See also International Criminal Tribunal subjects; specific crimes; related subjects

individual accountability toward 2,33,47

international community demands for 10,64-65,66 therapeutic role of. See under Healing and recovery from trauma

Karadzic 36,44. See also Foca indictment

Kelley, Nancy 2

Kleiverda, Gunilla 93

Kosovo 84,88

Kozarac 87

Krajina 123,154

Lamb, Sharon 158-159

Latin America 54,58. See also specific countries

Lessing, Doris 61

Little Rock, Arkansas, school desegregation (1957) 29,37-38

Machel, Grace 18

Male Krsna refugee camp 154

Male violence. See Violence against women

McDonald, Gabrielle Kirk 41,44,45

interview with 23-38

McKay, Susan 13-14

Media entertainment

U.S. courtroom-theme shows 63

violent content in 28,57,59

attention to war events and atrocities 41,87,124,140 and exploitation of victims by 84,94-95

and post-TV news violence syndrome 85

and to women's support efforts 122

Medica Mundiale 6

Medica Zenica 102

Mental Health Institute for Refugees (Pharos) 97

Mental health providers. See Care providers

Milosovitch [Milosevic, Slobodan] 46

Mladic 36,44. See alsoFoca indictment

Monteiro, Carlinda 15

Monuments to violence survivors 5,30,31,74

Morality, social and legal, discussed 62-63

Mostar 154

Miichele, Agnes 123

Muslims 27,45,79,80-81,85,93-94

Mutpcic, Atifa 145

Myths About the Powerless: Contesting Social Inequalities (Lykes et al.) 18

Nationalism hatred-arousing propaganda of 85

and feminist transnationalism responses 86-87,94,97-98,102,103-104,105

ideology conflicts

in families 99-100

with health care 85,94-95

implications of 93-95

and "mirroring" phenomenon of outsiders 105

morals of 62-63

women's suffering under patriarchal system and 123-124

Native (Indigenous) Americans 59

Netherlands: program sponsorship by


Nikolic case 44

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 12,14,16-17,45,86,93,97. See also specific organizations and programs

Northern Ireland 75

Norway Council of Mental Health 145

Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) 123

refugee project 139-150

Nuremberg trials 68

Occupational activities support program (Zenica) 141-143,144-148,150

Odio Benito, Elizabeth 27

interview with 39-52

Omarska 27,74,87

Oppression, internalized, and mechanisms of 102-103

OSCE Democratization Branch (Sarajevo) 10

Pasagic, Dr. Irfanka 143

Patriarchy; patriarchal systems 87,116

women's victimization compounded within 59-60,123,124,125

Peace, means toward achieving 2,47

Peace building, women's roles in 2,51

and project for 13-16

Peace psychology 8

and feminist intervention projects 9-19

Perpetrators of violence/atrocities chance and politics of actions of 45-46

collective guilt of innocents and 47

individual accountability sought toward 2,33,47

legal rights of 70

redemption through apology by 3,5,28,30,73-74

victim confrontation of 3,5,12

Physicians; medical personnel85,101-102,125

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), war-related 57,92

in children 15

evaluation and interventions for 145-150

as misnomer in former Yugoslavia 105

of torture victims 51

of war crime perpetrators 156

President's Interagency Council for Women 17

Psychologists; psychiatrists. See Care providers

Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsySR) 5,6,8-9,12,13,16-17

Psycho-Social Projects of the European Community Task Force 10

Psychosocial reconstruction, and women's peace-building role 13-14

Psychosocial services; supports feminist interventions in Belgrade 83-89

refugee programs in Zenica and Tuzla 139-151

Psychotherapy 114. See also Feminist therapy; related subjects

client self-discovery approach 24-25

relationship of justice and 1-5,23-24,47. See also underHealing and recovery from trauma

Punishment 2,158. See also International Criminal Tribunal subjects; Justice

and impunity 2,3,47

and stigmatization of perpetrators 4,5

and of victims instead of 2,47-48,65-66,73 violence victims' internalized

self-blame and 3,117-118,119

Quakers 58-59,63-64

Race, women's attention to issues of gender and 31-32,35-36


allegations toward Rwanda tribunal 74-75

toward African Americans, in U.S. 27-29,30,37-38

in Europe 29-30,36,60

Rape. See also Violence against women

power dynamics of aggression and 76-77

war-related sexual violence and as continuum of male violence 1,3,4,41,43,50-51,56,67,84-86,88,115-116,122,124

military sanctions of 30,36-37

as political asylum basis 124

as strategy of genocide 41,44,45,87

as torture 44,50,81,87

as war crime 32,44,66,68,87

defined 56

indictment/prosecution of 12,30-31,32,41,44,50,54,56,68,79-81

as weapon of war 32,87,124,140,156,160

Rape victims. See also Trauma, war-related; Violence against women

adolescents and children as 95-96

disclosure issues

in counseling approaches 9-10,93,95-96,112,142

legal testimony and witness protection 12,30-31,32,48,65,70,73

social and family persecution from 9-10,73,80-81,93

incidence of, in Yugoslavian war 31

men as 80

monument to 5,30,31,74

political exploitation of 85,94-95,101

rape impregnation 80,95,96

Recreational activities 117,142,143


avoidance of feminist agencies 104

displacement locations 140,141

asylum countries 10,12,40,119

camps/centers, and conditions in 93,109,113,141,143,154,155

interventions and programs for 10,12,93,97,110-111,139-150

population incidence 112-113,115,140,141

Reinhardt, Angela 123

Roe vs. Wade 32

Rwanda 12-13,49,54,65,68,74-75,76

Sarajevo 10,154

Sarovic, Irena 9

Scheffler, Sabine 123

Schiller, Karin 123

Self-help groups 110

Self-help psychoeducational brochure 9-10

Sellers, Patricia. See Viseur-Sellers, Patricia

Serbia 30,93,154,155,159,160

Serbian feminist organizations 94

Serbian regime 83-89. See also Nationalism

Serbs 79,80,85

Sexual dysfunction of men 98

Sexual violence. See Rape; Rape victims; Violence against women

Slavery. See African Americans; Enslavement

Smederevo 154

Social memory 10-11

Social values, inception and flourishing of 64

SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence (Belgrade) 84-85,88,92,99

South Africa 3,14-16,54,154,155,159. See also specific countries

Split (Croatia) 94,122,123

Srebenica 113,115

Tadic, Dusko [Dusan J, and trial of 24,26,27,29,33-35,37,41-42,65

Testimonials of trauma victims, and bearing witness to 10-11,86-87,92,96,118,123-125,128

Testimony, legal, of war crime victims/witnesses 30-31,42-43

witness support and protection issues 3,12-13,47-48,65-66,119-120

Tokyo trials 68

Torture, and victims of 9,37,40,44,50,79,81,112

Training issues for war-region caregivers. See also Care providers; Feminist training; related subjects

boundary issues 96,101,118,161-162

communication training 100-101

coping strategies 99-100,105-106

cultural considerations 101-102,130,136-137,138

evaluation for program development 96-98

experience-based knowledge development 98-99

interdisciplinary cooperation 101-102

organizational and management skills 100-101,125

for refugee counseling 141,143

social power differential recognition 102-103

for war-affected children's care 15-16

Transference and countertransference issues 5,118,163-164

Trauma, war-related, and victims of. See also Families; Healing and recovery; Post-traumatic tress disorder; Rape victims; Refugees; Training issues; Violence against women

community-level, and interventions 3,4-5,14-16,18,57

counseling approaches crisis intervention focus 118

cultural considerations 15-16,113-114,116-117

safe environments 110-111,114

social context approach 9-10

therapeutic model for 111

professionals, effects on local caregivers'primary trauma 99,105,128,161-162,164

secondary trauma of foreign caregivers and 4,5,105,114,118,161-162

on war crime tribunal personnel 5,26-28,37,49-52,57-59,60-61

psychological and physical effects 3,56-57,96,112

and coping mechanisms 92,118-119

pathological reactions 92

repression and denial 92,96,115,162

Tuzla 107-120,129,143-144,148-150

Tyson, Mike 33


United Nations 12,18,40,46,93-94

United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women (1995 Beijing), Platform for Action 14,16-17

United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) 108,140

United States 17,125. See also Western perspectives

apologies for atrocities 73-74

attention to events of wars and genocides 35,48-49

legalistic values in 63

witness cross-examination practices 32,33,47,48

military vs. social priorities 17 racial issues 27-29,30,37-38,59

Vatican, the 73,74

Vengeance; revenge sentiments of Balkans 30,92

diffusing through justice 4

violence fueled by 47


dynamics of aggression and victimization 156-157,158-159

ethics of social and war-related 58-59

military spending rationale and 17

vengeance as 47

Violence against women; sexual violence. See also Rape; Rape victims

social legacies from 59-60,77


as continuum of peacetime male aggression 1,3,4,41,43,50-51,56,67,84-86,88,115-116,122,124

and of everyday sexuality 76-77

and feminist systemic approach to cycle of 158-160

marginalized by war crime tribunals 1-2,30-31,49,68

sociopolitical context of 79-81, 86,124

therapy models' reorientation toward 4-5

Viseur-Sellers, Patricia 41

interview with 53-78


Walker, Alice 35

War crime tribunals. See International Criminal Tribunal subjects

War crimes. See International Criminal Tribunal subjects; Rape; Violence against women

War and Sanctions 155

War victims/survivors. See also Trauma, war-related; related subjects

aggressors/war crime perpetrators as 155-160

dynamics of victimization 156-157,158-159

hierarchies of violations and effects of 87-88

Weddington, Sarah 32

Wessells, Michael 15

Western perspectives; values 102,104-105,116

cultural and political sensitivity issues 15-16,18,95,101-102,104-105,116

intra-psychic recovery focus of 4-5

relationship dynamics with local care providers 128-129,162-163,164

resistance/resentment toward 95,97,155

Woman-centered programs for peace building 14

Woman-centered training. See Feminist training

Women in Black Against War 83-89,92

Women for Meaningful Summits 16

Women for Women 10

Women's Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina 94

Women's Association of Split (Croatia) 123

Women's Autonomous Center (Belgrade) 5

Women's rights; Women's issues. See also Gender issues

Foca indictment relevance toward justice and 79-81

human rights focus on 10,40-41

power structure representations for 46,49

Women's solidarity

toward peace building 2,51

in wartime 84,88-89,128-129. See also specific programs

World Council of Churches 140

World War II 30,36,40,41,68,97,108,122,124,154,155. See also Holocaust

Yugoslavia, former, conflict in 54,59-60,64,75,83-84,140. See also specific regions; cities

Zagreb 84,93,94,122

Zenica 84,102,110

psychosocial services project in 141-143,145-148,150

Zepa 115

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