Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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Female in Al-Quran

Fourteen centuries ago, through Al-Quran, Allah ordered Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) to guard the rights to female and enhance their decorum. Let us see some verses of Al-Quran.

Similar rights are given to men and women

As women have duties they have rights also in good manner. Men are superior to women in some aspects. Allah is the wise and the supreme.

                                                                               (Al-Quran 2:228)

Men and Women are clothing to each other.

                                                                               (Al-Quran 2:187)

O Men! You are all created from a single man. Have respect on Him. He created the woman, the pair from the man. They both flourished all of us. To whom you all submit your requests obey Him. Be polite with relatives and Allah is watching you all.

                                                                                  (Al-Quran 4:1)