Does Islam Snatch the Rights of Women? by P.Zainul Abideen - HTML preview

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The Law of Inheritance

Even if it is less or more, in the wealth left by the parents and the relatives, the men and women have rights. This portion of share is a compulsory duty.                                 (Al-Quran 4: 7)

If your wife does not have heir, you are entitled to half what she had left. If she has child you are entitled quarter of what she had left. This partition is a must and it should be done only after repaying debts and the legacies. If you have no child your wife will get quarter of what you had left. If you have child your wife will get One-Eighth of what you had left. This partition should be done only after repaying debts and the legacies.

If the deceased is either male or female and if they have no child and if they have a brother or sister they will get one-sixth. If it is more they will get one-third after repaying debts and the legacies. All should be partitioned without bothering anybody. This is the order of Allah. He knows well and He is more tolerant.                                                     (Al-Quran 4:12)

Allah ordains that a male’s share should twice of female child. If all are female either one or more they will get two- third of a father. If he has only one female child, she will get half of the property. If the deceased have heirs the parent of the heir will get 1/6. If the deceased have no heir, the parents will be the heirs. The mother will get 1/3. If the deceased have a brother, the mother will get 1/6. This partition should be done only after repaying debts and the legacies. You know not whether your parents or your children are nearest to you in benefit. These are settled portions ordained by Allah and Allah is All-Knowing and Wise.

                                                                              (Al-Quran 4:11)

If the deceased has no child but a sister, she will get half of his property. If she does not have child her brother will be her heir. If she had two sisters they will have 1/3 each. If she had a brother and a sister the brother will get double of sister. Allah instructs this, in order that you will not go astray. Allah knows everything.                                                        (Al-Quran 4:176)

The right to select a bride-groom

O! Faithful servants! You have no right to get women by force. You don’t torture them to take back what you have given to them voluntarily, except when she is guilty of open lewdness. Be polite with her. Allah may have reserved goodness what you hate from her.

                                                                                 (Al-Quran 4:19)