Escaping Hell by Jon Stauffer - HTML preview

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I don‘t recommend that anyone jump up and quit his or her religion, because I am fully aware of the implications involving family and social ties.

There is no need to create riffs where none are needed, but at the same time, we must bear in mind, certain facts. Just place these facts on a shelf in your mind, and don‘t worry about whether or not they are true.

Contemplate them on occasion, analyze the situations you encounter in life relative to them, and even engage in your own research. When the time is right, you will know whether or not you can accept some of these things as your truth.

Some people will know right away, that what I have written constitutes their truth, while the majority will never question that which they have already been taught. They have never inquired as to who writes the history, who writes the prevailing theology, or who decides what is or is not politically correct. They haven‘t a clue about who authorizes the publication of that which they are taught in the educational stems, because they have been taught what to think, rather than how to think. It‘s much easier to go with the flow and accept what the majority accepts, than it is to question political, educational, or religious authority.

Although this was Lucifer‘s world in ancient times, the same as it is now, it was not until the advent of Judaism and its offshoots, Islam and Christianity that humanity began to suffer constant sorrow through oppression, war and slaughter. Forget about what you‘ve been taught in school, or seen in movies, because the early Church being successful in its ―inquisition‖, wrote the history its way, and painted a picture of its enemies (particularly Escaping Hell©

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the Scandinavians) as being barbaric pagans who expressed their nature by raping, burning, pillaging and plundering the ―meek‖ and ―passive‖


The untold story, however, has the inquisitors of the Christian faith raping, burning, pillaging and plundering the farmers and merchants of not only Norway, Sweden and Denmark, but wherever they went, in behalf of the god of this world, and doing it in the name of Jesus.

―Viking‖ is an Old Norse term for a ―raid‖. After about seven hundred years of having their culture and its spiritual tradition decimated at the point of a Christian sword, these farmers and merchants went a Viking in defense of their homelands; but it was already too late. Lucifer and his religious heroes with occult powers backing them won the day. It is his world after all, and look at what a prize we have now.

Every time I hear someone Praying: ―Thy will be done‖, I cringe at the thought of what that might bring. When I hear Christians in the patriot movement speak of giving this nation (America) back to god, I realize that the struggle for freedom is already lost.

Life has taught me over the years, that those who claim to be led either by god, Jesus or the Spirit, tend to use what they call god‘s will, to engage in all forms of treachery and deceit. Being led in such a way, all too often serves as a mask for their indulgence of the lower emotional passions, and an opportunity to fleece those they consider to be their sheep.

It‘s my hope that I have been successful in explaining that which I had to present adequately enough, that most of your questions have been Escaping Hell©

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answered somewhere in this book. I realize that such an expectation is unreasonable, however, so we have a place on the website for questions and answers, where further questions have been anticipated. In addition, we will make both monthly discourses and workshops available to those who contact the Mani-Om-Sah Institute at

Thank you for checking out our website.


Jon Stauffer

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Ǽsir – Mythologically, these were the race of gods and goddesses associated with Odin, in the realm of Asgard. Historically, they were a tribe of ancient Europeans possessing either red or blond hair.

Akasha – Known throughout both India and the New Age Movement as a library of records for all karmic responsibility, both personal and group.

Alchemical – A reference to the energetic process of inner transformation which takes place as spiritual purification occurs.

All‖ – The original source of all creation.

Andromies – An extraterrestrial race associated with Dominion that possesses an insectoid-beetle type genetic structure.

Anunnaki – An extraterrestrial race associated with Dominion that possesses a reptilian type genetic structure.

Astral – A type of spirit world for disembodied spirits awaiting rebirth.

Astral Center – Centers in the third dimensional astral realm, where individuals are taken by agents of Dominion, for the purpose of receiving allotted karma, and prepared for their next life.

Auric Capsule – See auric field

Auric Field – The aura, which is made up of the Etheric Body (DNA Template), the Astral Body (Sparkling or Emotional Body), The Casual Escaping Hell©

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Body (Subconscious Mind), the Mental Body (Pure Mind Essence), and the Upper Etheric Energy Matrix.

Bardo – An after-death state experienced by many, in which they float through the worlds of their unconscious.

Bhagavad-Gita – A book of Hindu scripture.

Bi Polar – A mental disorder with alternating periods of elation and depression.

Causal Body – That portion of the Auric Field which serves as the subconscious mind.

Detachment – Not to be confused with indifference, detachment is a state of consciousness which allows the individual to experience life without the rollercoaster ride associated with emotional extremes.

DNA Template – The ―Etheric Double‖ which consists of a Sound Matrix, and serves as a template for the manifestation of the physical form and its DNA.

Dominion – The god of this world, also known as Lucifer.

Dracos – An extraterrestrial race, possessing the Dragon-Moth type genetic structure. This is an albino race, also known as the Draconians.

Ego-Self – The physical consciousness which is separate from the Higher Self, that says ―I did such and such yesterday, I‘m doing this now, and I have such and such plans for tomorrow‖.

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Einherjar – Literally, ―Odin‘s Chosen‖. Mythologically, these were the battle-slain, who were escorted to Valhalla. Today, they are available to assist those of us who can call upon them.

Elder Futhark – The oldest known runic system of Northern Europe.

Esoteric – Spiritual knowledge that has traditionally been reserved for those who become ready, and who are entering the priesthood.

Evolution – A process of upward development, not to be confused with notions of humanity having evolved from apes.

Exoteric – Religious teachings given to the masses that are designed to promote good behavior.

Goyim – A Jewish term for all non-Jews, meaning ―animals‖ or ―cattle‖.

Great Abyss – The demarcation between the Spiritual Planes of the 13th, 14th, and 15th dimensional realms, and the material worlds of dualism.

Hamingja – The Old Norse term for the Higher Self.

Hamr – The Old Norse term for the DNATemplate.

Harmonic Universe – A sub-universe, consisting of three dimensional realms and their astral planes.

Higher Self – The higher aspect of the self, which is indigenous to the spiritual planes above the Great Abyss, and which is capable of guiding and directing us. This has been known variously, as the Soul, Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the God within.

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Higher Will – Consists of Natural Law, the activities of the Silent Ones, and the ―All‖.

Hugr – The Old Norse term for the Auric Field.

Inner Sanctum – A place established within the Astral Body, where we can access our inner wisdom, peace, and the Higher Self.

Karma – The result of a past deed, or an emotional reaction to environmental stimuli. This can also be seen as the result of the law of compensation.

Macrocosm – The whole of a complex structure.

Maya – Illusion.

Mental Body – That portion of the Auric Field which serves as the mind, where memory is stored (beyond the brain), and where mental habits are also stored.

Merkaba Field – This is an energy field which encompasses the Auric Field. It is constructed of two equally sized, interlocked tetrahedral of light, with one right side up, and the other upside down. This construction forms what is called a Star Tetrahedron. It is also known as the Divine Light Vehicle.

Microcosm – A miniature representation.

Multiple Integrals – As related to the time loop, these consist of the tonal frequencies necessary for the formation of the entire loop.

Narcissist – One who possesses excessive interest in him or her self.

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Nefilim – An extraterrestrial race associated with Dominion, which is similar in appearance to the Northern Europeans.

Norse – Relating to the ancient Northern Europeans of Scandinavia.

Odin – The mythological god of European heritage. Also, An extension of the ―All‖, manifested from Sound Quanta, and possessing actual existence.

Old Norse – A reference to the ancient language of the Vikings.

Omin – The ―Light‖ counterpart to Odin who, when they took physical embodiment, became known as Frigga to the Norsemen.

Önd – Universal, creative energy which is electromagnetic in nature, consisting of Light and Sound at the quantum level.

Ørlög – The Old Norse term for Karma.

Pagan – Literally, ―Country Folk‖. Angry Christians turned this into a derogatory term because they couldn‘t adequately monitor the Pagans who continued to practice their Folk Heritage.

Particum – A term for Sound Quanta.

Partika – A term for Light Quanta.

Partiki – A term for Light and Sound combined.

Perceptual Awareness – See my explanation on page 90, to understand that this is not a redundant phrase.

Prieure de Sion – Also, ―Priory of Sion‖. Descendants of the Merovingian line of kings, who form the seat of the Illuminati, or Zionism.

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Psychic – Of, or related to the Astral plane, or the Astral Body.

Psychic Time Loop – A personalized time loop attached to the Astral Body.

Quanta – The plural form of quantum.

Quantum – A discrete quantity of radiant energy.

Reincarnation – The cyclic process of life, growth, death, and renewal/rebirth.

Remote Viewing – A term used by government agents for the process of viewing places and occurrences without the use of standard technologies; Like astral projection.

Runes – Stave forms which represent universal forces.

Runic Forces – The actual universal forces themselves.

Samskaras – Units of energy stored in the unconscious, or the Akasha, which serve as the seeds of karma.

Silent Ones – Ascended beings that have advanced to the point of being able to govern the universes as emissaries of the ―All‖.

Spiritual Realms – The 5th Harmonic Universe, above the Great Abyss.

Vapor Light – This marks the dividing line between things. This is where energetic exchanges occur, whether between objects, or between water, air and fire – fire, earth and air. This is the balance point between all things in creation.

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Vitkar – The plural form of Vitki. These were the Spiritual Adepts of Northern Europe, who carried the esoteric precepts for our Northern European ancestors.

Wyrd – The ancient European term for samskaras, or the seeds of karma.

Zeta Grays – An extraterrestrial race associated with Dominion, which is characterized by gray skin, a lack of hair, and oval faces and eyes. These are not to be trusted under any circumstances.

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