Liberation by Liberationist111 v7 CONDENSED VERSION by Liberationist111 - HTML preview

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NOTICE: This is the condensed version of the liberationist doctrine. For the full version, see "Liberation v7 by Liberationist111." Readers who only read the condensed version may not gain the level of understanding that comes with the full version.

Preface: Before you read this book, I recommend that you read The Dictator’s Handbook, by Bruce Bueno de Mequita and Alastair Smith; The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene; Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert Cialdini; Our Masters’ Voices: The Language and Body-language of Politics, by Max Atkinson; and Power: Why Some People Have It and Others Don’t, by Jeffrey Pfeffer. Once you have read this entire list of books, you will be able to understand my book. In fact, this list of books is the most essential part of my book. Consider what follows as no more than my humble attempt to relay the conclusions Ihave reached after reading these books in order to save you months or years of reflection. Liberation now.

Author’s Note: I will write this book in the plainest language possible so that anyone, no matter what age or level of education, will be able to understand these ideas. That is the idea. I hope that one day, even four- or five-year-olds will understand these ideas and break the chains of their slavery. Liberation is the most dangerous belief that slavers will try to get rid of. Liberation is a belief that questions the structure of the world, of politics, and of power. I pray that those who read this book will spread it to the ends of the earth so that every person may be made free. Liberation will come.

Author’s Note: Liberation as a doctrine is not meant to encourage intolerance of other viewpoints. Anyone who shouts “Liberation” without regard for local issues is at once considered a possible traitor to everyone else. Liberation can be integrated into liberal, social democratic, conservative, and many other ideologies. Seek not violent revolution but clever wit. The best way to liberate the slaves of the world is not through violence but through clever planning, negotiation, and political skill. Do not lay your cards on the table and tell the oppressor what you want. Make them want youth liberation, and they will free all slaves without a second thought. Shout liberation from the rooftops, but fool oppressors into thinking that you speak their own language. They will unwittingly unlock your shackles in their mindless quest for money and power. Oppressors respond to direct confrontation with force; whether or not the rebellious souls were violent or not is irrelevant. In order to outfox an oppressor, you must first pretend to be on their side up until the moment in which you outwit them and gain freedom for yourself and your people. Even then, once victory is within your hands, it is better to keep silent about your goal of liberation because direct confrontation will always bring with it the promise of violence.

Liberation is carried out by the clever soul who is driven by the suffering of their people; they hide in plain sight and do not raise a fuss but wait for the moment and strike. Then, once she stands victorious atop her oppressor, they can enact a policy of liberation and free those who are in chains.


Author's Note: Be clever and full of tricks, and your people will survive forever. -


This doctrine will be called Liberation, so that anyone who wants to free themselves from slavery will know how to do it. Today, there are 2.4 billion people under the age of 18, which is a good estimate of how many people are child slaves. Child slaves here mean people under the age of majority, because there is no country on earth where parents do not effectively own their kids. People under the age of majority are property in all but name, owned wholly by their parents or whichever state-appointed representative, and that makes them slaves. Liberation is a doctrine based on the freeing and enfranchisement of youth. Liberation's ultimate goal is divided into three parts. First, the end of youth slavery both as human property of their parents and as slave labor for the K–12 education system. Second, the complete and total enfranchisement of each and every youth ages 0-17. Third, more youth liberationist policies designed to break the power of parents over youth and allow them the full rights and freedoms that adults enjoy.

Author’s Note: Liberation now!

Slavery and Liberation.............................................................................. .............................

Youth Slavery............................................................................................................................. .................

The Need to Vote........................................................................................................... ........................

Debunking Propaganda about Kids.................................................................................. ......................

Child Abuse and the Parental Oppression of Kids...................................................................................

Home is a Black Hole................................................................................................ .............................

Kid Actors, Musicians, and Artists.......................................................................... ................................

Compulsory Schooling......................................................................................................................... ...

Strict Parents and Justifying Child Abuse.................................................................. .............................

Crazy Slaves......................................................................................................................................... .....

Gang Slavery...................................................................................................................................... .......

Slave Laws................................................................................................................... .............................

Protection From Who?.............................................................................................................. ............

The Difference Between Slavery and the Slave Trade.............................................. ................................

Profiteering............................................................................................................... ................................

Compulsory Education............................................................................................... ..........................

Adoption............................................................................................................................................. ..

Children’s Entertainment and Literature.................................................................................... ..........

Co-Optation and Costly Mistakes............................................................... ...........................

The Winning Coalition................................................................................................... ............................


Co-Optation................................................................................................................................. ..............

Teen Representatives............................................................................................... ...........................

Child Rights............................................................................................................................... ...........

Astroturfing and Slaver Ideologies.................................................................................. .....................

Change Comes Like Lightning.................................................................................................... ..........

Policy Demands for Liberation................................................................... ...........................

Liberation................................................................................................................................. .................

Abolition of the Age of Majority................................................................................................. ...........

The End of Age Restrictions......................................................................................... ........................

The Right to Drink Alcohol....................................................................................................................

Right to Choose and Refuse Medical Care............................................................................................

Ban Compulsory Schooling.................................................................................................................. .

Free Food for Kids.......................................................................................................... ......................

Freedom of Assembly.......................................................................................................................... .

The Child Trafficking Industry................................................................................ ..............................

Destroy the Troubled Teen Industry................................................................................................... ..

Juvenile Prisons.................................................................................................................. ..................

Freedom of Movement....................................................................................................... ..................

House Keys.............................................................................................................. ............................

Voting Rights, Automatic Registration, and Online Voting............................................. ......................

Child Abuse Tickets................................................................................................................. .............

Ban Mandatory Curriculum Requirements............................................................. ..............................

Ban Homework............................................................................................................................... ......

Drop In Centers for Youth.................................................................................... ................................

Ban Primary and Secondary School Diplomas................................................................................ ......

Fines for Forcing Youth Into Cars.............................................................................. ...........................

Recoding............................................................................................................................ ..................

Witness Protection for Kids...................................................................................... ............................

Child Support to Youth..................................................................................................... ....................

The Right to Work....................................................................................................... .........................

The Right to Equal Pay........................................................................................................... ..............

Tax Credits for Desk Jobs.............................................................................................. .......................

The Abolition of Debt Slavery........................................................................................................... ....

The Right to Our Own Earnings............................................................................................... .............

Afterword....................................................................................................................... ................................


Slavery and Liberation

Author’s Note: Everywhere we are born in chains, yet believe ourselves to be free.

We are brainwashed. We have never tasted freedom. Otherwise, we would be addicted. - Anonymous

Author’s Note: Resources on youth liberation include The Anarchist Library, We Don’t Need No Education by Pink Floyd, and the magazine/newspaper NO! Against Adult Supremacy. May we all be born free one day.

Author’s Note: Youth Liberation NOW!

Youth Slavery

All people under the age of majority are slaves. They are property in all but name.

In fact, any parent, legal guardian, or similar person can do anything to their minor short of selling them, and even then, there are many who find ways to sell youth as sex slaves, debt slaves, or chattel. It is said that man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains. We take a different stance. Let it be known that man is born a slave and dreams of freedom. Why should new people be subordinate to those who created them? Parents are not gods; they just had unprotected sex, which any animal can do. Even with half a brain, a hole in the brain, or a brain tumor, people can still have sex. People are naturally driven to procreate, so it is ridiculous to give anyone absolute power over a new person. History has shown that absolute power is a recipe for disaster.

The Need to Vote

Let it be known that kids should be born free and that they may register to vote when they figure out how. Even the dumbest person will figure out how to sign a few registration forms once he masters communicating in his own language. Kids are fluent in their own languages by age four, so of course they should have the right to vote. Every kid should be born with the right to vote, and kids may become fluent even sooner than four if given autonomy. There should be no competency tests for or age restrictions on voting because the right to vote is a human right.

The fact is that voting itself is an easy process. The politician makes promises that she may or may not honor depending on whether a person is a member of the winning coalition. She then goes on to win office and proceeds to default on all promises made to those who cannot threaten her tenure in office. Voting is easy,


and it is a right. No one should be a slave. New people are people just like anyone else. To deny such an argument is to be pro-slavery, because youth will never be able to free themselves from slavery if they cannot vote to change the laws. To deny autonomy and full citizenship to young people is to support the enslavement of kids everywhere. It is to side with the human traffickers, the sex slavers, and the monsters who pretend that they care for kids. In order to break the vicious slavery that plagues 2.4 billion of the world’s people, we must grant them the right to vote from birth. Only then will youth have the tools to free themselves.

Debunking Propaganda about Kids

What is common for people to rationalize the oppressive slavery of youth is that those under the age of majority are considered “children,” a word that is a slur. It means incapable, helpless, and moldable. In other words, younger people are considered to need their parents to look after them. This is not only a rationalization of the oppressive slave structure (the age of majority) that we have legislated into place; it is complete propaganda. Kids start talking at 18 months, and by 4 years old, they are attending pre-school. At 5, they are in kindergarten and are able to communicate their needs. The only ones who get in the way are adults, who tell them what to do rather than letting them do what they want. Kids are naturally seen as shy, unconfident, and unsure. They are seen as stupid because no one asks for their opinion. They are set up to fail and infantilized, even though they are perfectly capable of rational thought. Ask any kindergartener whether they think for themselves, and they will tell you. Kids are not robots, not helpless, not dummies, and certainly not stupid. They need freedom to act for themselves. The truth is this: only with the freedom and power to make decisions for themselves will kids learn not only responsibility but also how to protect themselves. Without the freedom to decide and the power to protect themselves, they will, of course, lapse into helplessness. However, this is not because of their age but because of slavery. Any slave will tell you that slavery leads to helplessness. People often say that slaves are stupid or don’t know what’s best for them. How could they possibly learn when all their choices are taken away? They are left with the only choice that is left for them—the choice that all kids face today. Obey or die. Most likely in a lot of pain, and not until they have been made an example of, tortured, humiliated, and castigated in front of all the world to see.

It is time to end this oppressive rule known as the age of majority. It is time to grant full citizenship powers to all citizens of all countries, no matter their age. This is a time for liberation. This is a time for freedom and power. There will be no justice in this world until kids are liberated from the real slavery they labor under.

The most persistent and common phrase used to justify youth slavery is that parents “protect their kids.” To which the smartest reply is: “Protect from who?”

This is not prehistory, when kids could get attacked by lions, tigers, and bears. This


is not a hunter-gatherer society where even the most innocent deer could happen upon and kill a kid. Kids do not need to watch out for big cats, wolves, coyotes, or foxes. There is nothing to protect them from.

Now that the situation has changed, the legal powers that parents have need to go.

Parents do absolutely nothing to protect their children nowadays. Bullies at school?

It was clearly the kid’s fault. Abusive teacher? The kid’s fault. Rape or violence in the home? The kid’s fault. Malnutrition? The kid should’ve eaten. The kid has an infection? The kid’s fault. Did the parents hit the kid? The kid’s fault. Parents do less than protect their kids; in fact, they actively hurt them and then claim that they are trying to protect them. A common piece of propaganda is that parents want what is best for their children. If they really wanted what was best, they’d set them free.

Everybody needs to grow up; it should not take 18 years to do so. That’s two decades. Two decades is a very long time—much longer than it should take for any person to make their own decisions. Four is already enough to start making one’s own decisions. No one needs to wait until they’re 18. Before the advent of modern medicine, 18 was age for a midlife crisis. To infantilize people and treat them as if they are incapable of making their own decisions is to treat them as less than human. In order for this horrific oppression to end, the legal structure keeping children in place needs to end. Abolish the age of majority. Grant a universal franchise vote to all people, regardless of age. No competency tests. No qualifications. No parental approval. No laws that can be used to strip kids of their rights. The truth comes down to this: They are citizens, and as citizens, they must have the right to vote.

One of the most disgusting ways that adults talk to younger people is through the use of animal speak, commonly known as “the voice you use to talk to a dog or puppy.” By treating their children like animals incapable of rational thought and talk, they degrade their kids to less than human. That needs to end.

It is a fact that stripping someone of their autonomy is enough to set them back years, even more so for a kid. Autonomy is an important part of childhood development. In fact, it is why kids go through the “no,” phase and why teenagers rebel. More accurately, it is why kids of all ages rebel. It is only puberty that breaks the social brainwashing of “obedience is virtue” and once again awakens the teen to their need for autonomy. It is not that teens are rebellious, it is that all kids are rebellious but it has been brainwashed out of them and does not break loose until puberty. With hormones and desires raging rampant in a teenager’s body and mind, they are once again awakened to the concept of autonomy that they had when they were a toddler. This time, however, they are physically big enough to walk out the house and physically big enough to do what they want. It is during one’s time as a teenager, when they have grown physically strong, that physically restraining your youth becomes a risk reward tradeoff that is not worth it. Thus, because of


puberty’s hormones, desires, and physical largeness that we see rebellion.

YouthLiberation now.

Author’s Note: Oppression hardly ever looks like Orwell's imagined jackboot in the face forever; on the contrary, it is almost always presented as a duty of care. Done for our own good, carried out reluctantly – difficult decisions made, always on our behalf and in our best interest. - Vyvian Raoul, Dog Section Press Author’s Note: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was a landmark work that showed the reality of slaves living in the slave industry known as psychiatry.

Author’s Note: We now see the oppression of even the protestor. The pathologizing of the protestor as mentally ill is the crackdown of the modern state on those who are dissatisfied with the quality of life the state offers. Now, even protests that do not harm anyone and do not inconvenience anyone are dangerous. Now, if you stop working, then you will be enslaved. It is the ultimate oppression, sparing no one, no matter what class or financial background they come from. Never in history has the personal protest been rebranded as a sickness of the mind. Now, we see it has.

Child Abuse and the Parental Oppression of Kids Child abuse hides in plain sight. While many large coalition states move towards lower rates of child abuse, this often depends on the area and which laws are enforced. There is also a move towards the “aesthetic” of good parenting, rather than the abstinence of violence and oppression towards kids. For example, kids may be beaten but blood must not be drawn. If blood is drawn, it must be cleaned up but not shown at school. Beat kids on their bottoms or other areas that they are covered with clothes, so that marks of beatings do not show. If bruises are visible, they must be covered with makeup or explained away. Adults must not use their full strength so that there will be no broken bones, lacerations, or unexplainable bruises. These are the horrific rules of “parenting” in large coalition states.

Child abuse can be visible in public as long as it is “aesthetic.” For example, beating your kid in public, such as a supermarket, is socially acceptable as long as there are no bruises or marks, it does not look serious. The nature of the beating is also specific to “parenting customs,” for example throwing an object at a kid, slapping them across the face, shoulder or butt, or beating them with a slipper or belt. One thing that is never acceptable is beating a child’s face. A parent who beats a kid’s face will expect a stay in jail, but this is as far as protection for kid’s go. There is cultural significance to beating a kid in the face that signifies a child abuser and sends other parents rushing for their phones to call the police. As long as these

“parenting customs” are met, other parents will not intervene nor harbor any ill will


towards the child abuser. Again, these are the horrific rules of “parenting” in large coalition states.

This is the nature of child abuse in today’s large coalition states. Large coalition states across the world are moving toward a policy of “no visible child abuse.” This mainly means that parents who are not clever enough to hide child abuse get in trouble with the law.

As stated before, whether parents get in trouble for visible child abuse depends on the town or city. For example, in places where law enforcement is at best spotty and the police never respond to calls for help, these “aesthetic” rules are gradually dropped. In places where there are high crime rates and the police never show up, blood and bruises will sometimes be visible on the child as they go to their prison camps known as K-12 schools.

Home is a Black Hole

One of the biggest problems with solving the crimes committed against kids is that home is a black hole. Anyone outside the immediate family has no clue what is going on inside the home. The government will also not currently step in to surveil the inside of parents homes, at least not with those under the age of majority being left out of the nominal selectorate (the people registered to vote). Crimes against kids such as the theft of their property, violence, harassment blackmail, rape, molestation, slander, and more can go on inside homes. Without proof of their property and with their parents being the ultimate authority, their parents can naturally get away with these crimes. Kids grow up owning nothing because their parents can always take it away if they want to. Clothes, laptops, phones, textbooks, backpacks, shoes, bikes, and more can simply be taken away. It is enshrined in the law that the parent has the “right” to “manage” their kid’s assets.

There is most often no way to prove that clothes have been stolen. Kids would need to put GPS locators on all their clothes to prove that they have moved, and even then they would most likely still be inside their parent’s house and so nothing could be proven. Pictures could be taken of their clothes in their proper place, but that proves nothing except that the picture was in the past and the clothes are not where the picture said they were. The same goes for laptops, phones, textbooks, backpacks, shoes, and bikes. Cars are quite a bit more difficult to hide, and it is usually very difficult for a parent to steal their kid’s car. Once a kid has a car, it is unlikely that a parent might drive off with it unless the title is registered in their name. Even then, unless the legal “right” to “manage” their kid’s person and assets is repealed, the parent may drive the car wherever they wish.


Kid Actors, Musicians, and Artists

There are of course many ways in which kids are skilled. Some are exceptionally good at acting and get offers to play roles on Disney Channel or other famous TV

networks. Of course, just because a kid is skilled does not mean that they will get to reap the rewards of their efforts. Many kid and teen actors find themselves exploited by their own parents, who take their hard earned money for

“safekeeping.” They of course siphon the money off and use it for their own purposes, leaving the kids poor and dependent. They are doubly slaves, both because they are legally considered the property of their parents, and because they are forced to work while the parents take their salaries. The parents force their kid through violence, blackmail, and all sorts of evildoing to continue their acting career, generating more money for the parents. This might even lead to situations such as conservatorship and guardianship, where the parent enslaves the kid as soon as they age past the age of majority, so that they can continue exploiting their kid until their dying breath. It is the ultimate torture to be a slave. It is the ultimate stripping of rights, liberty, agency, identity, and personhood.

Compulsory Schooling

Compulsory schools are the reeducation camps where kids go to learn the doctrine of obedience. Day in and day out they go, until they know obedience more than they know themselves. They are hollowed out and filled with obedience to authority who exploit them on a daily basis. Parents, Teachers, Principals, Coaches, Therapists, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Politicians, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and more. Kids are taught to worship every authority without ever contemplating that power corrupts and all these authority figures are really just people with power.

Educated, maybe. Qualified, sure. But also completely unaccountable with their power, extremely good at pursuing their own self-interest, and all too human to resist the abuse of power. Kids are taught to blindly follow those who are the most dangerous for their own well being.

Strict Parents and Justifying Child Abuse

There is a new strict parent. One who treats their child badly because they do not score well on the meaningless tests that they are forced to do at a prison that they did not choose to attend. School is an organ of oppression and the strict parent latches on that to justify the horrible way in which they treat their kid. Teachers structure their grading so that a very small portion of a class gets As, and the rest get Bs, Cs, Ds, Es, and Fs. This is by design and both explicitly codified in some


school rules and implicitly in others, but all produce the same effective policy of only a few students getting A grades. Again, this is intentional in order to create obedience in youth. The design creates justfiication for punishment because it leads to the belief that some kids are smarter, more hardworking, or virtuous than others because of their grades. In reality, youth grading standards are designed to grade kids on standards that make no sense and have no real world value.

The fact that most kids will not get good grades means that strict parents will punish their kids regardless. Of course, they already know that the grading system is rigged to fail their kid; their own kids will explain that to them all the time and complain to them about it. This truth that they know does not stop them from hurting their own child because the point of being a strict parent is not to teach any value or to secure their kids’ future. The point of being a strict parent is to hurt their kids with complete justification and plausible deniablility. Herein lies the mechanism of oppression. A strict parent can lock their kid out of the home to freeze in the winter, force them to drink only the heavy metal laced tap water instead of the filtered water that they drink, give them less than the necessary amount of food so they will always be hungry, rip up their clothes and steal and sell their belongings, force them to work hard labor in “punishment” for their bad grades, hand them off to relatives who they know are sexual abusers in order to rape their kid without laying a finger on them, pretend that they keep forgetting to buy them food and clothes so that they will both starve and not be able to go to school because they do not have clothing, and so on and so forth. There are countless ways in which strict parents can claim “meritocracy,” (whatever that means, who ever heard of treating your child with less love because they don’t what you want or treating them better because they do) while in actuality reveling in their own cruelty. This is the hidden truth behind the facade of reason and authority. Good grades are shackles which bind youth who comply with their parent slavers’ unreasonable demands. Bad grades are the excuses which parent slavers try to get in order to hurt their kids.

Grades are a targeted tool of the dominators of youth.

“Excellence” is a lie. “Academic achievement” is propaganda. Grades are oppression.

Author’s Note: Running away is freedom. Rebellion is truth.

Author’s Note: Do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter if your parent-slavers approve. Do whatever you want. It is your life, your body, your right. It is your right to do whatever you want. Be afraid, because they might try to stop you. Be bold, because you won’t let your fear tie you down.


Crazy Slaves

Abusive parents will label their kids as mentally ill. Specifically, abusive parents who have pushed their kids far enough that their suffering becomes visible will label them as mentally ill to hide their crimes against their own children. They seek to avoid legal punishment or public shame for their actions, and so they punish their kid by calling them defective. That is the driver of youth treatment in the mental health industry, and yet it is just the tip of the iceberg.

Despite no concrete evidence of mental health diagnoses being anything more than pseudoscience, youth are continually and consistently deprived of their natural liberties, forced into mental hospitals that are really for-profit prisons, and forced to ingest drugs, in a blatant example of for-profit slavery. There is no such thing as mental illness, at least not the way that we think of it. No one’s brain can be mentally diseased but physically healthy. There is also no such thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain causing “mental illness.” That myth has been completely debunked. Rather, there are normal behavioral reactions to the abusive slavemasters we call parents, who abuse their kids because the law does not protect youth.

Oppression is ubiquitous in every country, and disobeying your parents is not a mental illness but a natural and healthy behavior that should be celebrated.

Disobedience marks the beginning of a separate identity for youth, one not based on the dominating will of their parents but based on their own independent spirit.

It is no surprise that mental health diagnoses peak during youth, the time at which we are slaves to our own parents. Those with absolute power over youth will do despicable things to their kids; to be sad, afraid, or lose a grip on reality is a normal reaction because slavery is not healthy or natural. We pretend that it is the kids’

fault that they grow afraid of their parents and authority figures, but it is really the fault of the wicked slavemasters who abuse their own offspring. Force-feeding drugs to a slave for profit will not solve problems, obviously. Yet we call these abused youth crazy, imprison them, and force them onto drugs to feed a profitable industry.

The drugs slowly degrade the kid’s body and brain, and the person is left a shallow husk of the vibrant person they once were. Slavery has never been so widely promoted by parents who claim to care for their kids. Youth liberation now.

There are many parents who beat, starve, and rape their kids and then call them mentally ill. Even the kids will buy into that evil fiction, claiming that they have

“depression,” “anxiety,” or “psychosis.” There are kids who are rented out as sex slaves, forced to perform hard and dangerous labor for free, or literally sold as debt slaves, then claim they have horrible mental illnesses. There is no mental illness; there are only the normal reactions to being abused, oppressed, enslaved, and tortured. There is no one who can say different because there has been no kid in modern history who has grown up outside of the slave practice we call the age of


majority. End the mental health system and refuse to profit off of the oppression of 2.4 billion souls. The psychiatric industry is an organ of oppression that dominates youth and facilitates parental control over them. It forces youth, who are already slaves as human property, into for-profit slavery, demonstrating that even a slave can be enslaved more than once. To participate in slavery is to practice evil. Youth liberation now.

There is no such thing as mental illness. There are only the natural reactions of youth who have been oppressed and abused. To argue otherwise would be to ignore the power structures put in place by those who have significantly more power than us. For example, therapists, social workers, and psychiatrists work in psychiatry.

They schedule appointments with “clients,” then sit and wait and say nothing, so that they can trap a kid into saying something that will get them in trouble. They are natural predators who use what kids say against them. Sad that a parent, a sibling, or a grandparent died? Depression. Nervous because your parents blow up at you seemingly at random? Anxiety. Your parents are lying to you, but you can’t figure out how or why? Schizophrenia. Your parents punish you viciously for being a certain type of person, so you behave differently outside of the home so that you can feel normal? Multiple personality disorder. Parents who manipulate your emotions by doing something nice for you and then hurting you? Bipolar. Quadruple and quintuple checking your tests and assignments because your parents beat you when you get bad grades, and then the behavior spreads to other things like light switches and washing hands? OCD. Your parents never let you have friends, so now you’re terrible in social situations? Autism. Your parents pump you full of sugar and then force you to sit in a class for eight hours a day? ADHD. Your parents constantly tell you how smart and great you are, and you end up unmoored from reality?

Delusions of grandeur. Every seemingly strange reaction can be explained using knowledge of the youth’s family and their living environment. Any youth’s supposed

“mental illness” can be unmasked by looking at the behaviors of their parents, who are both their owners and the people who they spend the most time with.

So now we have our answer for why self-destructive behaviors crop up among youth: oppression and slavery. Mental illness is unmasked as the natural reaction to oppression, confinement, and the inability to escape. It can often be seen as a protest against unfair conditions. When masters become unbearably abusive or when an attempt to escape fails, this self-destructive behavior can be seen as a sort of protest. The thought process of a kid using this sort of protest is this: “If you abuse me for failing to meet your standards, I won’t try at all. I will destroy myself and, in doing so, hurt you in the process.” Yet oppression finds a way, and with the creation of the mental health industry, even these protests are rendered ineffective.

Instead, hospitals, psychiatrists, and oppressors (such as social workers, case managers, psychologists, and therapists) now draw hefty salaries as youth are forcibly drugged, confined, and brutalized. Never before has oppression been so profitable. The only way out is to ban coercion of any kind. No more court-ordered


treatment, involuntary commitments, psychiatric wards, funny farms, wilderness camps, etc. Let no one, no matter whether 4, 5, or any age under 18, be forced into

“treatment” without consent that can be withdrawn at any time, for any reason, and under any circumstances. Let the youth of this world live free lives without enslavement. Youth liberation now.

It is important to recognize that even without the use of torture, beatings, and rape, the oppression of youth can still occur. These self-destructive behaviors will still occur in youth as long as they are the human property of their parents. This is because stripping someone of their autonomy is, by nature, the most damaging act.

We are born with curiosity; it is always said that kids have a natural curiosity. This is by design; it has been designed into us so that we may understand our environment and learn at a quick pace in order to make use of our big brains. Curiosity is a survival adaptation that we have developed so that we can learn which plants are okay to eat and which are not, so that we can learn social structures, so that we can communicate with each other, so that we can watch our parents hunt animals and learn how to hunt, and so that we can come up with creative solutions to our problems. Creativity is a built-in adaptation that has allowed us to survive. Yet somehow adults claim to know better than kids. Instead of providing them useful information and letting them make their own decisions, adults make decisions for them without their consent and refuse to tell them the reasoning behind them.

Taking away a kid’s autonomy is not just immoral; it is oppression. It is a disruption of the natural biological process that kids use in order to quickly and rapidly understand our world, a process that goes on until and during puberty. In fact, it may well go on after puberty, but since curiosity has been so ruthlessly squashed out of us when we became city-type civilizations instead of hunter-gatherer tribes, we will not know until liberation occurs. This stripping of autonomy will cause the natural reactions that we inappropriately deride as mental illness. This stripping of autonomy is abuse in itself. This is why even in democratic countries that have lower rates of violence towards children, natural reactions mislabeled as

“depression” and “anxiety” are commonplace and on the rise. There is a growing push by the slavers known as parents to strip youth of their autonomy. Even then, these natural reactions can usually be seen as an attempt to regain autonomy.

Those who experience the natural reactions grouped under “depression” will commonly tell others to leave them alone. This is the correct advice. They have been abused and ordered about for far too long and now need space in which to decide what is best for them. Given time and autonomy, given the normal rights and dues that a parent owes a child, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing, given space and as much distance as they need, they will heal. Attempting otherwise will only hurt them further.

In the end, psychiatry turns youth into slaves for profit. It does this to the benefit of abusive parents who want to cover up the horrific damage that they do to their


children. Psychiatrists and their ilk lock up youth against their will and pump them full of harmful drugs for profit. In this way, the forced drugging and imprisonment of youth for profit provides jobs for oppressors and money for drug companies.

Imprisionment and drugging against one’s own will for the purpose of profit will always be slavery. Any youth incarcerated in a psychiatric institution loses their rights to their body, loses the right to leave, and is doubly a slave. This has to stop.

Youth liberation now.

Author’s Note: Slaves do not rebel because they will be tortured for months or years on end. Torture will strip you of your will, your soul, your purpose, and your identity.

Torture reduces one to a puppet. That is why slave rebellions do not occur. What then is the solution? Is it obedience? Is it rebellion? Is it to report to a higher authority? No, the answer for slavery is to outwit your masters and escape. To escape, a slave must make no mention of their plans for escape. Instead, they must pretend to be an obedient, grateful, devoted slave right up until the moment where the master looks away, then they must dash for freedom in such a way that the master will never find them. The most effective escapes are always from the slaves that the masters consider to be the most obedient, broken, and subservient. Never in a million years would a master think that these downtrodden lot would ever know the reality of their circumstances, so they relax their measures of oppression and allow opportunities for them to escape. They are confident that their tools of oppression have worked, and so when a slave finds a way to disable those tools and escape, it comes as a complete surprise.

Author’s Note: When escaping from a guardianship or conservatorship, the best way is to fake your own death. When you go missing so completely that your master thinks you dead or laughs at the idea that you escaped, then you have truly escaped the spider’s web.

Author’s Note: The history of slaves goes entirely unrecorded. If you asked a slave what they felt about such and such, they would never be able to answer honestly.

They are killed, brainwashed, oppressed, repressed, and suppressed. So it is that the history of possibly most people, and so possibly most of history, has been erased. We demonize slaves without ever labeling them as such. Children instead of youth slaves, crazies instead of psych slaves, criminals instead of gang slaves, servants instead of eunuchs and court and family slaves, whores and prostitutes and wives instead of concubines and marriage slaves and sex slaves. We blame and we blame and we blame. We deny their slavery. Maybe one day we will learn.

Gang Slavery

There is another brutal form of slavery called gang slavery that affects youth who are born into families that commit crime. Many youth are born into families that commit crime; some of these may be white collar families, and some of these may


be blue collar families. While blue-collar crime families are on the decline in truly democratic states, white-collar crime families are on the rise. These are not on the scale of romanticized organized crime but are localized to just the family unit and a few relatives and accomplices. White collar crime exists in a significant portion of lower middle class, middle class, and upper middle class families, as well as the traditionally wealthy. Youth who are born into blue-collar or white-collar families may be forced into crime by their families, who take advantage of the parental control laws over youth that prevent youth from running away and other people from harboring runways. With no place to go and the only other option being defiance of the malicious criminals who own them, youth fold into their families’

crime webs. This crime functions as a collar that binds youth to their parents on top of the regular slave laws; complicity ensures that youth will never expose their parents to authorities.

Youth who do try to expose their families (usually chosen instead of committing crime at the urging of their parents) may be outed to the police as scapegoats, framed for crimes they didn’t commit in order to discredit future testimony, and punished in brutal and extralegal ways involving poison, violence, blackmail, and psychological torture. Many youth who have tried to expose their families have found themselves crippled with neurodegeneration, multiple organ issues, broken arms and legs, and more. Criminal parents will often use proxies to deal out punishments to their children, such as unnamed sex traffickers who kidnap the kid from school to have sex for money, a group of thugs beating up their kid on their way home from school, a relative sending them delicious food only for the food to contain low doses of poison, and more. There are many ways in which parents illegally brutalize their kids that are easy to conceal from the law.

The slave laws that prevent youth from having freedom of movement, the right to represent themselves, and status as their parents property combine with the legal structure of marriage to create airtight alibis for crime families. The legal structure of marriage disincentivizes divorce and incentivizes the sharing of assents and mutual investment. This incentive is so strong that parents often cover up each other’s crimes rather than simply get divorced, even for major crimes like assault, murder, human trafficking, torture, fraud, and embezzlement. This incentive creates a unified self-interest when it comes to preserving the financial wellbeing of both parents at the expense of the kids. The combination of slave laws and marriage structure works against youth born into such families by ensuring that criminal parents will always act as each other’s alibis against their own kids.

The fact is that any evidence youth can collect on their criminal parents will be stored in their parents’ house, which the parents-slavers can destroy at will. Without evidence, it will always be the word of one kid against the word of their parents, and because they are unified in their denial of the kids’ accusations, no action is taken by the courts or by the police. Even if they aren’t unified, there is precious little the


kid can do; instead, one parent must expose the abuse and personally file for divorce and custody. Where both parents are abusive, and they usually are, the whistleblower has no hope of escape. This leaves the whistleblower in a situation where the parents will seek revenge for trying to expose them to the authorities. In this revenge situation, the whistleblower now has a complete lack of legal rights because anything that happens to them will not be believed to be the fault of the parents. It is in these relationships that we see things like serial rape of a child by their parents-slavers, starvation of a child disguised as anorexia or picky eating, forced drugging of a child disguised as the child having a drug problem, and broken bones and bruises disguised as the kid riding their motorcycle or doing stupid stunts without protection.

Families who are successful (by which we mean they commit crime and are not charged or prosecuted and are never convicted) at career crime have financial connections to local, county, or state/provincial government, allowing them to commit crimes without drawing the scrutiny of law enforcement. This kind of connection is especially true for white collar crime families, who will have no criminal charges ever levied against them and yet have committed so much crime that they could be locked away for the rest of their lives and then a few more lifetimes. This environment makes it impossible for youth to expose their families and escape, which makes them doubly slaves. First as human property to their parent-slavers, and second as gang slaves to the crime syndicate, forced to carry out, aid, and cover up crime in order to avoid the ire of their parents and relatives.

These youth are not guilty; they are completely innocent. However, the only way to free them is to repeal the slave laws of custody, guardianship, conservatorship, and power of attorney (and all the other laws like these four). We must also give them the right to legally represent themselves as adults, independently of their parent-slavers. Unless youth stand up to protest for freedom from slavery, until youth march en masse through the streets and force, through protest, the government to grant youth complete freedom as freepeople, these youth will continue to have their lives destroyed by their criminal parents.

Slave Laws

There are many youths who are trapped in abusive guardianships, conservatorships, power of attorney, and the like. These often have links to human trafficking and child laundering, and most often, these youths are kidnapped from their parents and laundered through courts both domestic and international to reach their customers. These slave laws are used for a wide variety of purposes, from using kids to inherit their parents’ money, to child laundering for traditional human traffickers (although each and every one of these slave laws is the definition


of human trafficking and slavery), to selling kids under the guise of adoption to parent-slavers who want a custom child of their own.

One such slave law is guardianship, which is used to launder kidnapped children from both domestic homes and abroad. These kids are kidnapped and then laundered through the court system with the help of a guardian ad litem, who covers up the kidnapping and recommends guardianship. It is strange that the outcome of who owns a kid can be determined solely by the words of one unelected and unaccountable court official. Such an official, who cannot be held accountable by the subjects of their actions and does not need to worry about popularity ratings with kids, is therefore completely open to bribery and conflicts of interest. The courts grant the kidnapper guardianship, and parental control over the child is terminated. The kid’s property rights change hands, becoming a slave to the guardian rather than to their own parents.

There are many such child laundering transactions in the United States, and they are almost impossible to undo because the courts will uphold them to cover up the complicity of one or two of their staff in human trafficking. This is because an investigation of one court official will often lead to the scapegoating of another (or the uncovering of the crimes of another, since all hands are tarred in the US court system). It is in their immediate self-interest to keep such activities quiet. Just because there are only a handful of court officials in any district court involved in child laundering does not make it less common. Child laundering is extremely common among transfers of ownership of children in the United States. In fact, it is much more likely than not that a child transferred from the custody of one person to another will have their case involve illegal elements essential to securing the court judgment, such as lying under oath, fraud, coercion, bribery, intimidating the opponent, and kidnapping. The adoption industry, for example, is so rife with coercion and illegality when it comes to securing babies for adopters that it is indistinguishable from the human trade. Of course, even if it were all perfectly legal, it would still be property slavery and a way for people to obtain human property without money being directly involved (although money may heavily influence the likelihood of getting the kind of kid that the adopter is looking for, and large sums of money need to be paid to qualify for adoption in the first place).

There are many slave laws in many countries, and there is propaganda (laughingly described as “rationale”) that justifies each and every one. Guardianship is the idea that one person may be owned by another so that the master may care for the slave. This, of course, is a lie—a slavery loophole invented so that some might carry on the practice of slavery long after it had been “abolished.”

Conservatorship is the idea that a youth (again, a person ages 0–17 or under the age of majority) needs their funds managed by a manager so that they do not squander them all or so that the funds can grow. This, of course, is also a lie; such


arrangements are made for the sole purpose of stealing money from the youth.

Sometimes the kid is entitled to or inherits money from their relatives, and the conservatorship is for funneling money from the kid to the conservator. This is often the case in inheritance scandals.

Power of attorney is similar, the idea involves both the care of the person and their estate. It is a combination of guardianship and conservatorship. It is used for slavery and financial gain.

Custody is the idea that one person deserves the rights to a child, typically awarded because of a divorce. In reality, it is only the petty and cruel attempt of one parent to hurt their ex-lover by ensuring their kid never sees them again. It is a petty battle fought to “win,” not for any real love of the kid. It prevents the kid from leaving and gives the parent control over that kid as human property.

There are many more slave laws than those that are discussed here. Each varies according to their jurisdiction, and each carries with it its own unique brand of slavery and cruelty. Oftentimes, these arrangements have multiple purposes, such as slave labor and tax fraud or tax fraud and inheritance. All of these laws, however, conform to the three types of slavery: property slavery, labor slavery, and slave renting.

It is the goal of youth liberation that all slave laws be immediately abolished and that every kid in every nation, regardless of birth, sex, gender, age, and health, be set free. No kid, no matter how sick, criminal, young, or for any other reason, should be made a slave. Everyone deserves the common birthright of freedom.

Author’s Note: The imagining of false enemies is the principal tool of parent propaganda. The parents will protect the children from enemies who mean them harm. The enemies, of course, are fabricated. The only ones who mean harm to the child are their own parents. It is the devils you know that are far more deadly than the angels you don’t.

Protection From Who?

One of the biggest ways that people rationalize slave laws is that those who are enslaved need protection. They say, “Children need protection; teenagers need protection; youth need protection.” Again and again, the propagators of this oppressive rhetoric drill this propaganda into our minds. Protection, protection, protection.

Protection from who? Parents often say that they need to protect their children, but who would hurt their children? Other children? When other children hurt their child, parents almost always say that it is their child’s fault. They tell their child to make


up, to say sorry, and to stop being annoying. They say their child did something wrong to annoy the other kid. They will beat their own child before they admit that another kid has ever hurt theirs. Kids don’t need protection from their parents, and their parents will never give them protection. After all, their parents are their captors, their owners, their masters, and their enemies. Parents often use other kids hurting their own as a reason to abuse their child. They permanently sabotage their kids with all sorts of fake diagnoses like autism, ADHD, and Asperger’s. They will brand their child for life as broken before they ever admit that they are too scared to defend their own kids from other kids.

Parents also do not protect their children from adults. Most sexual abuse happens inside the family, and the vast majority missing children are kidnapped by their own flesh and blood. These are adults who have decided to kidnap a kid for their own purposes, and the parents let them do it. These are adults who decide to sexually abuse a kid for their own purposes, and the parents let them do it. Sometimes, the pedophiles are the parents.

Parents do not even protect their children from their own family. They bring around aunts and uncles who will beat, rape, and force their kids to perform hard labor.

This is slavery, abuse, and torture. While the laws of age of majority stand, this practice will continue no matter how many social workers the government employs, no matter how much funding is granted to Child Protective Services (CPS), and no matter how much child support and educational training is given to new parents.

The fact of the matter is that parents abuse children not because they are uneducated but because they enjoy it or the effects it produces. Even when parents do not abuse their kids with their own hands, they like the docile nature of the recently abused child. Abuse causes obedience in the victim, and so many parents are happy to stand by and let it happen if it produces a more obedient kid. It is the possession of another human being that provides a massive incentive to abuse a child. People are wary of government leaders with limited power; how much more should kids be wary of their parents, who have absolute power?

The lie of protection is more than just propaganda. It is a lie designed to create an enemy for the child to fear. Obey me, and I will defend you from this enemy, the parent says. It is family fascism, state communism, and many other authoritarian ideologies all rolled into one. By creating an enemy, parents distract from the fact that they are the real danger to their own children. Their financial mismanagement and emphasis on short-term personal gain at the expense of their children are nothing short of disastrous. Parents cannot protect their kids because they are in a position to be their enemies. Abolish the age of majority and give the vote to everyone, from birth. Liberate all kids and make the schools provide three square meals a day so that kids can fulfill their daily calorie requirement at school. Make kids independent. Liberation now.


The Difference Between Slavery and the Slave Trade No doubt, readers are wondering what the difference is between slavery and the slave trade. Slavery is very simple, although there are two common forms of it.

Property slavery, or keeping a human as property (or changing their legal status to one of property), is the act of using power to take away a named person’s autonomy and award their legal rights and powers to another named person, who may or may not stay fixed. Labor slavery is the act of forcing someone to do labor while keeping or putting in place legal and/or physical measures that prevent them from escaping and/or refusing to work. The slave trade is the explicit selling (but not renting) of property slaves in return for cash. The slave trade itself is much smaller than it used to be. However, slavery itself is much more prominent than it has ever been, even accounting for the increase in the world population. Slavery has worked its way into society in every nook and cranny, hiding in plain sight. It must be rooted out, and slaves must be freed so that they can finally live as people. The number of property slaves in the world is 2.4 billion. These kids are also labor slaves in that they are forced to go to school by their parents (who employ physical measures), and they (the kids) can be convicted for not attending (legal measures).

Even though the slave trade has diminished, kids are property slaves, labor slaves, and may be involved in a cousin of the slave trade, slave renting. While parents cannot traditionally sell their kids, they can rent them out to this or that institution for profit. This form of slavery is mostly commonly found in debt slavery, a form of labor slavery where parents rent their children out as workers to pay their debts.

They may also rent them out for other things, such as when rapists pay the parents each time to drug and rape their daughter (or son). Parents taking their kids paychecks is also a form of slave renting.

Parents do not deserve their power over kids, and no amount of good behavior will ever change that. Autonomy is a human right, and it is the right of every person not to be a slave in any way, shape, or form. Parents do little more than teaching their kids to read, spell, and do their times tables, and yet they have the power to make life-changing decisions for their kids. It is no wonder that their kids end up emotionally and often physically hurt because of it. Slavery can never be a tool for anything other than evil.


Just because the slave trade is a fraction of what it once was does not mean that slaves are any less profitable. In fact, slaves are even more profitable now than they ever were. Kids sports teams, child pageants, children’s fiction, young adult fiction, kid game shows, kid spelling bees, kid toys, science fairs, compulsory schooling, the mental health industry, and so much more. Each of these profit-oriented practices is deliberately designed to profit off of kids. These practices are designed to profit


from parents pushing their kids to compete with each other in the most unfun way possible. These practices are kept around for the profit of parents, teachers, administrators, coaches, psychiatrists, therapists, authors, and whoever else wants a piece of the pie. There are endless funds to be reaped from exploiting kids for profit.

Compulsory Education

Compulsory education is a profit-oriented industry deliberately designed to profit off of kids. Textbooks, school buildings, teachers, administrators, clerks, librarians, marketing, advertising, and so much more. All of these terms have one thing in common: they require the flow of money to stick around. The flow of money from those who have it to spend to those who have the power to make that money come their way.


Adoption is possibly the largest legal youth trafficking scheme in today’s world.

Infants are ripped from their mothers’ unwilling arms, either through force, bribery, coercion, deception, or otherwise, and laundered through the legal process. No mother would willingly sell her baby, and yet babies are ripped away from their mothers on a daily basis. Then they will rot in state orphanages, group homes, foster homes, or shelters. They will be exploited at every turn, with everyone making a profit off of them. Foster parents profit from foster kids through payments by courts; legal guardians profit through inheritance of parents’ assets; guardian ad litems and court visitors profit through obscene court-paid fees and inane bonuses in a form of legalized corruption; case managers profit from kids by drawing hefty salaries for pretending to help kids while they actually help abusers; shelter, group home, and orphanage staff profit by landing a cushy job; nonprofit directors draw obscene salaries through consultancy fees and many other forms of legalized corruption and embezzlement; donors profit by looking charitable and rehabilitating their public image. It is only the kids who do not profit—the kids who are oppressed and enslaved. Adoption needs to be abolished. Kids should go where they wish, eat what they want, and do what they like. Autonomy is a right; no kid should be trafficked through the human trafficking practice known as adoption, whether through private means or through government means. Adoption is the trade of kids, and it must end.

Children’s Entertainment and Literature

Children’s entertainment and literature are two very repressive industries because they specialize in infantilizing children and treatting them like idiots in order to


make a profit. Carefully curated fiction, movies, and TV-shows drug the child just like soma from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. The child drawn into the whimsical world of the centrifugal bumblepuppy, a world of nonsense, while they need to be learning about the world and how it works. This media is intentionally addicting and intentionally bland and lifeless, making sure that kids are both cute and stupid, naive and ignorant, obedient and unsuspecting. It is a drug, just like Soma.

Author’s Note: This next section makes references to ideas written in The Dictator’s Handbook by Bruce Bueno De Mesquita and Alastair Smith. Without it, readers will be unable to understand the following text.

Author’s Note: We have been lied to. It is unfortunate.

Co-Optation and Costly Mistakes

There are several easy to make mistakes that can cost the youth liberationist movement dearly. These following sections are our attempt to prevent youth liberationists from being coopted as we protest for our fights.

The Winning Coalition

While it may sound nice to ask all the nice and well-meaning folks within the coalition (usually comprised of the very rich, middle-class swing state voters, and the working poor) to help the youth enfranchise themselves and end the two-century-long tradition of youth slavery in the United States, the reality is that despite the wide variety of people within the coalition, they all want the same thing.

They consistently want the disenfranchisement of everyone outside of the winning coalition. In other words, an apartheid-style regime (other definitions include the disenfranchisement of a large portion of the population). They want this type of regime because it increases the benefits that they receive through the state by allowing taxation to flow directly from the disenfranchised to the coalition. No matter their background, whether working poor, middle class swing state voter, or very rich, such an apartheid-style regime would allow those within the coalition to become fabulously wealthy. This apartheid-style regime has already existed in the US since the Constitution was ratified on September 17th, 1787. The United States has been an apartheid-style regime for most of its history. Enfranchisement has been a struggle, with the winning coalition fighting hard to keep those outside of the coalition from gaining the vote. The 30% of the voting-eligible population who are disenfranchised is a low percentage, as far as the history of voting in the US

goes. Enfranchisement numbers continue to creep up despite the efforts of the


coalition because the president seeks to increase the total nominal selectorate of the winning coalition. In the long term, the winning coalition is losing the battle over the size of the nominal selectorate. National leaders want to enfranchise as many people as possible, so their aims are more aligned with the Youth Liberation Movement than those within the winning coalition. Those who are disenfranchised—

the 30% of the voting eligible population who are disenfranchised and the 20% of the US who are under the age of majority—would do well to band together in a protest movement for automatic voting registration and the irrevocable right to vote for every person within the United States. Such a movement could, with the right strategy and careful planning, result in universal enfranchisement in the US, the end of apartheid-style voting laws, and the end of the American slave state.

It is in the interest of the Youth Liberation Movement to be careful with who we pick as allies. If we pick just one of the two major parties as allies or the winning coalition as allies, we risk complete co-optation. If given the chance, the winning coalition can and will outspend and destroy the Youth Liberation Movement. Do not trust the coalition because they will prevent youth from freeing themselves. Curfew laws, “parental neglect” laws designed to keep kids within their owner’s reach at all times, and the reeducation camps known as compulsory schooling are only the beginning. The grim reality is that as dystopian as youth slavery is, it can get a lot worse if the Youth Liberation Movement plays its cards wrong. There are not many wrong cards to play; they mainly boil down to violence, destruction of property, attempted overthrow of government, and rhetoric actively encouraging violence.

Liberationists may be quick to brush off such warnings with the idea that further oppression can only strengthen the desire to revolt and stoke the flames of change, but this is not true. There is a reason why slave revolts are few and far between, and there is a reason why tyrannical regimes survive for so long. Sufficiently brutal oppression will force the vast majority of people to value their lives and health over freedom. Despite freedom being priceless and despite the limitless good that can come from a society where those under 18 are not slaves, the Youth Liberation Movement must be strategic. We must screen those we let in on our strategies and plans. When we plan protests, we must be careful. We must operate in secret and be bold when we get the opportunity. The Youth Liberation Movement would do well to study suffrage movements of the past, such as the Women’s Suffrage movement in many countries or the Civil Rights movement in the US.

Author’s Note: Beware of parents bearing gifts. They will butter you up so that you will turn on your fellow youth. Don’t be co-opted. Don’t let yourself be turned into the face of the enemy.

Author’s Note: Co-optation is clearly present in today’s youth. A fifth grader will mock a fourth grader for being young, short, and stupid. A sixth grader will call a fifth grader immature and childish. A seventh grader will consider themselves part of the adults and “not those screaming children.” An eighth grader will consider


anyone under 11 to be a baby, an infant, or a fetus. We are all the same. Why do we fight each other? We all want the same thing. We all want to be free.


There are many ways to co-opt the Youth Liberation Movement. The ways in which tyrannical regimes co-opt grassroots movements are infinite and the ways in which governments will try to co-opt the Youth Liberation Movement will also be infinite.

The following section will list as many methods as possible to try to prepare all youth liberationists to understand when those within the coalition as well as the slavers known as parents seek to co-opt the movement.

Teen Representatives

Teen representatives are a way in which the winning coalition and parent slavers try to co-opt youth liberationists. Parents will often say that school boards need teen representatives. The teen representatives represent the interests of the students. In reality, these “teen representatives” act as agents of oppression, given rewards such as money, property, public exposure, community service hours, jobs, internships, or even just something to put on college applications. In return for selling their souls to the parent slavers, they turn around and parrot parent propaganda to the high schoolers, silence their conscience screaming that this is evil, and vote in accordance with the parent slavers on school proposals. Schools do not need to have teen representatives. Currently, schools in the US and everywhere where schools have truancy laws are reeducation camps for kids. The only curriculum these reeducation camps teach is obedience, and they use the law to make criminals out of those kids who simply wish for freedom. There is no such thing as truancy, only the parent slavers’ use of the police to punish kids who simply don’t want to be forced into obedience and brainwashed to bow their heads and close off their souls, hearts, and minds to their own oppression. Truancy officers are the agents of oppression who seek out escapees from the brutal reeducation camps and lock them up in prisons.

Child Rights

“Child rights” is a fake movement that lays the groundwork for the rights of

“children,” a propaganda word designed to get parent slavers on the same page about youth. That they are property, not people. Some “child rights” include “the best interests of the child,” “family guidance as children develop,” and “the responsibility of parents.” “Best interests” is a keyphrase for slavery, something that will be discussed later in this text. Any time the words “best interests” come up in a conversation about a kid, slavery is sure to be behind the wizard’s curtain.

These “child rights” all boil down to one thing: parental control and enrichment. In


the end, the goal is to enrich the parents, guardians, or whoever fills that role. This slaver will then attest to “looking after” their kid while pocketing the difference and treating the youth like garbage. “Child Rights” is an attempt to provide private goods to the poor parent slavers of the coalition and even the poor parent slavers of the nominal selectorate. It has nothing to do with helping those under the age of majority and actually provides money and parent propaganda so that parent slavers may be made more powerful in their campaign of oppression against their own kids.

Slavers are thus given a blank check for child abuse. It is very common for the parents to “eat while the kid starves,” sometimes metaphorically and sometimes literally. A youth liberationist must hear the word “child rights” and understand that this means “slavers.” Youth liberationists must react strongly to such attempts at co-optation, seeking to end such attempts by fencing them out of conversations, kicking them out of youth liberationist circles, changing meeting places and times without their knowledge to avoid such peddlers of youth slavery, undergoing a strict vetting process to prevent such malicious propagandists from getting inside the movement, and publicly blacklisting them and their parent propaganda to keep slavers from controlling the movement.

Author’s Note: Politics is like lightning. A single movement, a series of protests in the span of a few years, and the most domineering oppressive organs of oppression can be dismantled in a manner of keystrokes. Do not listen to those who tell you that political change is gradual. They are lying.

Author’s Note: It is impossible to “change the system from inside.” That’s a cooptation lie designed to turn those who want change into agents of oppression. The

“system” will change you. The only way to make the laws change is through protest.

Astroturfing and Slaver Ideologies

Communism, fascism, liberalism, conservatism, and social democracy. All ideologies that appeal solely to those over the age of the majority are ideologies that are designed to be compatible with youth slavery. It is the truth that without the right to vote, these ideologies are little more than words in the wind. There is no pro-youth slavery ideology on earth that will win youth the right to vote, win them automatic registration, and win them the abolition of the slavery of those under the age of majority. The fact is that as of the time of this writing, July 4, 2023, there is no major political party on earth that is pro-youth liberation. This will continue to be a fact right up until the moment when youth liberation occurs. Political parties pander solely to those within the coalition and those likely to be in the coalition. Those youth who cozy up to the leading political parties of whatever country, province, or city they may live in will always sell their souls for pennies while the wealth of youth liberation is within arms reach. Co-optation will always occur when those who seek to convert youth to the slavers’ ideologies come to the youth slaves in false


friendship and claim that their slaver ideology of choice will help them out. They are the same type of liars as the preachers who preached to the black slaves during the slave trade. They are the same type of liars as the missionaries who came to the Native Americans and brought with them plague, conquerors, genocide, and oppression. They are the same type of liars as the missionaries who came to tribal Africa and brought colonization with them. They are the same type of liars as the so-called “humanitarians” who bring foreign aid money for their dictators so that their dictators have the funds to rule, oppress, and commit genocide for another half century more in return for pro-American policy. Pro-slaver ideologies will never clamor for liberation. They will always agitate for parental control, for those under 18 being property, for compulsory schooling, for curfew laws, for capturing and dragging runaways back to their slavers, and so on and so forth. They will always pass laws that strengthen parental control, that make those under 18 property of their parents or whoever else, that make leaving school a crime, that prevent youth from freedom of movement, and that criminalize the harboring of escaped slaves. It is the runaway laws passed by those who subscribe to conservatism, liberalism, social democracy, and every other current major ideology that have, so far, prevented an underground railroad for youth from forming. Liberationists must remember that no matter how good the propaganda of slavers is, it is just propaganda. Any ideology or belief that does incorporate the liberation of youth, the complete and automatic enfranchisement of every youth from birth, and the abolition of youth slavery to parents, state-appointed officials, and whoever else, is just another slaver ideology. Liberationists must do well to screen such ideologies out of their agitation for rights, or else risk being co-opted. The mantra of all cooptation is “not yet.” Youth have been enslaved for all of written history. Since the creation of slave laws millenia ago that made youth the property of their parents, youth have suffered. The time for not yet came and went millenia ago. The time for

“now” is here.

Change Comes Like Lightning

Political change comes like lightning. There are many co-opters who argue for

“gradual changes” and “working within the system to change it.” In reality, this is nothing more than an attempt by co-opters to waste time. The truth is that there are some decades where nothing happens and there are years where everything happens. Protest is they key to creating lightning-fast change. Only a mass protest of youth, sustained in commitment for months on end, with protests gaining in mass and popularity, can affect the change needed to secure victory. Between 1910 and 1920, the suffrage movement took off and seized its chance to secure victory. While much can be said about the suffrage movement slowly gaining popularity in the late 1800s, the reality is that without the massive surge of protest from women between 1910 and 1920, suffrage would have never become a reality. Suffrage was not a popular idea among men, but it was very popular among women. Yet women were


not enfranchised and would never be if they depended on men to enfranchise them.

It was the fact that they rallied so strongly in those years for the right to vote that brought about their triumph. It was not a slow process of convincing of the public, but a hectic war fought tooth and nail for their political rights. Then, when World War I started in 1917, women seized the opportunity and turned out in droves to win suffrage. It was those three years that culminated in the 19th Amendment.

This is the hurdle that youth liberation faces. In order for youth liberation to succeed, youth ages 0–18 must turn out in droves to fight for their own right to vote, for their right to be people, to be freed from their status as property, and for every other right that they deserve. Change comes like lightning, but it is the storm that produces lightning that is created by the fierce outpouring of protest. As long as youth are willing to fight for their rights through sustained mass protest for years on end, youth liberation will come quickly. To believe in gradual change is to be coopted; policymakers do not have the best interests of youth at heart, and neither does the adult population. The parent population, obviously, has never supported youth liberation and never will. It is not a matter of public opinion, and to believe so is to be co-opted. It is only through the struggle of protest that liberation will come.

Author’s Note: We must not just bang the drums for change. We must make the change in real, codified law. We must come up with the laws ourselves, in real writing and fully thought out, and pressure politicians to adopt the laws we have created. Only then will we be the owners, the stewards, and the gardeners of our own countries. This is our country. It is our birthright to write the laws of our land.

Policy Demands for Liberation

Everyone should read The Dictator’s Handbook by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith; it is a groundbreaking work, and this entire doctrine cannot be understood without the crystal clear picture of politics that the Dictator’s Handbook provides. Everyone should go and read that book.

Here are policy recommendations to fix the ills described in the chapters above.

Author’s Note: It is said that man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains. Yet everywhere, we are born into legalized slavery of the most difficult kind. Childhood.

If only the laws were changed to allow us the right to be born free instead of slaves, then the dreams of childhood may become the reality of the world—not tomorrow, but today.

Author’s Note: Children spend their first two decades dreaming. They dream of the day when they will be adults and do what they want to. But they are already adults,


in the sense that they are ready to make their own decisions. They have been born adults; they have been born ready to decide. Only the law says they can’t.

Author’s Note: Youth liberation is as inevitable as the sun’s rising. It will come someday. We must prepare to make sure that day is today .


Liberation is the abolition of the age of majority and all laws that grant guardianship, custody, conservatorship, power of attorney, support persons, or any other law that allows a named person to make decisions on behalf of a youth. Let all youth have autonomy and freedom; let all youth be freemen. This includes any child marriages that the kid cannot leave, as well as indentured servitude and mandatory labor. Liberation is the granting of the vote and full citizenship rights to all youth, regardless of their circumstances. Liberation is the granting of full citizenship rights to 100% of the people under the age of majority in any country. This means that all youth must be completely free, not just in name but in practice. Free to work, to eat, and to have fun. Free to be something more than they were as slaves: their own people. Youth liberation should be more than just an executive order, though an executive order must come first. Youth liberation must progress from executive orders to laws and finally a constitutional amendment. Only with an executive order, a federal law, and a constitutional amendment providing redundancies for youth liberation will the slavers be held at bay forever. To repeat, there must be an executive order that liberates all youth. Second, there must be a law that gives kids the vote and allows legal autonomy. Third, there must be a constitutional amendment that gives youth the same rights as adults. Slavers are always waiting for another foothold—another way to oppress kids and force them back into slavery.

We must not let them. Only through this triple redundancy will kids finally be safe.

It should be repeated that youth liberation must come first, before the expansion of the winning coalition. That is the only way forward. Liberation will come.

Author’s Note: Youth liberation is the bedrock of all of these policy recommendations. To attempt to abolish compulsory schooling without liberating the youth is to attempt a short-sighted policy that will get repealed in the long term because the youth cannot vote to sustain it. The same goes for free food for kids, freedom of assembly, the abolition of child trafficking, and other oppressive practices designed to profit from the slavery of youth. In order for proper policy to be enacted, youth must be completely liberated and given the vote in all elections.

Abolition of the Age of Majority

The age of majority should be abolished, and all age-related restrictions should be lifted except for the age of consent. Full citizenship, including the right to vote, the


right to make one’s own decisions without the “assistance” of a legal representative, the right not to have a curfew, the right to assemble, etc.

Author’s Note: The best education is the one that we give ourselves, the one where we are our own teachers, the one where we decide. The best curriculum is our own, voluntarily made choices.

The End of Age Restrictions

All age restrictions must be repealed, except those consent laws that prevent adults from having sex with those under the age of majority. This will be discussed further in the sections to come.

The Right to Drink Alcohol

The age restriction on the right to drink alcohol needs to be repealed. One issue with the drinking age that isn't brought up enough is that it provides blackmail for parents to use against their kids. Kids who righteously drink alcohol underage are under the thumb of their parents, who use such drinking as leverage against them.

Thus, youth can be coerced into doing things that they do not want to do simply because they are exercising their bodily autonomy.

Not only can youth be coerced by their parents but also by criminals. Career criminals routinely use such blackmail to convince youth to commit crimes in order to avoid court charges for underage drinking. A significant portion of people who supply alcohol to underage youth are part of criminal organizations. Blackmail about charges of underage drug use is one of the many ways that individual criminals, low-level gangs, and large organized crime use to recruit youth. It is the right of all youth to exercise bodily autonomy, and age restrictions on drinking alcohol go against that. Second, it is the right of youth not to be subjected to blackmail by any person or organization, including their parents, and age restrictions on drinking alcohol promote such cases. Third, it is the right of youth not to be forced to commit crimes or join criminal enterprises. Age restrictions on drinking alcohol promote such cases. All age restrictions on drinking alcohol should be repealed.

Lastly, underage drinking laws provide a blind spot for child abuse laws. For example, especially cruel parents may force feed their kids alcohol, knowing that the kids cannot report it without being carted off to jail. This can make the kids complicit in their own abuse, actively covering for the parent not only to avoid receiving further abuse but also to avoid criminal charges.

The age restriction on the right to drink alcohol should be repealed.


Right to Choose and Refuse Medical Care

The right to choose and refuse medical care is an important part of youth rights that needs to be made explicitly clear both in federal law and by executive order. There is no excuse for stripping a human being of their free will. Youth need the right to choose and refuse their own medical care, just like adults. Youth slaves can become psych slaves when pushed by their parents into the psychiatry industry in order to cover for their own abuse. Parents abuse kids constantly, consistently, and without fail. The more abusive parents will often cover up their beating, starvation, brainwashing, and torture of their children through the use of the psychiatric industry. That is what it is there for, after all. Parents will pay a premium in order to get their kids diagnosed with this or that disease, either to give them the license to abuse their kids more or to cover up the abuse that they have already done to their kids. In the psychiatric industry, the focus is on the made-up “problems” of the kids rather than the abuse of the parents. The psychiatry industry and parents partner together to abuse kids, and that must end. In order for youth to avoid the injury that comes with parents trying to cover up their abuse, they need the right to choose and refuse medical care. No forced inpatient treatment, no “voluntary” inpatient treatment, no psychiatric wards, no interventions, no therapists, no social workers, no case managers, no residential treatment centers, nothing. There should be no medical center in this world where youth are forced to “receive” medical “care”

without their consent. Liberation now.

Ban Compulsory Schooling

Compulsory schools are ghettos for kids where they train them to be obedient. We are brainwashed and completely broken by the time we get out of school at 18. 13

years of mindless obedience and nothing to show for it except a lack of soul.

Through compulsory schooling, our soul is carved out and obedience is poured in.

Thus, we enter society handicapped by the propaganda of blind obedience. We obey without thinking, without question, and without purpose. We trust authorities without reason, always giving them the benefit of the doubt. It is the nature of power to be suspicious, and yet we are brainwashed into thinking otherwise, that those with power are to be respected instead of wondering how they got there in the first place and what exactly they plan to do with all that power they have.

Compulsory schools should be referred to as they really are. Compulsory schools are reeducation camps where obedience is trained into kids using the law to keep them in line. It is a crime to leave your reeducation camp and live as you please.

These camps drill obedience into kids day after day for thirteen years until obedience becomes easier than thought, as easy as breathing. Enough is enough.

End compulsory schooling. Liberation now.

It has come to light that compulsory schooling may actually be destroying the eyesight of youth. In places like Korea, 65% of the elementary school population


has bad eyesight. In east Asian countries, the total percent of high schoolers who have bad eyesight is between 80 and 90%. Bad eyesight is a disability. Mandatory schooling cripples youth. Parents are crippling their children. Between the ages of 0

and 18, youth need to be outside much of the time in order for their eyes to develop. If they don’t, they are at high risk of developing bad eyesight, which continually gets worse once it appears. This is natural, of course. Humans are designed to be outdoors; their original profession was hunter-gatherer. Take an animal out of its natural habitat, and it will suffer crippling side effects. While it is the choice of any youth to spend however much of their time indoors as they want, it is completely unacceptable for a parent or any other person to decide that for them. Compulsory schooling needs to be abolished for the sake of the horrific crippling that is going on around the world. Compulsory schooling is a violation of basic human rights; it is a barbaric practice that equates in its evil to cutting off the fingers and toes of youth.

Free Food for Kids

Kids are dependent on their parents for food. Parents restrict food to arbitrary mealtimes and their say-so, making it difficult or impossible for kids to eat according to what their bodies tell them. Smaller kids get less and larger kids get more; that is the lie that parents feed kids. Yet most growth happens when kids are small, and that is when they need the most calories. School districts must provide three square meals a day for every kid in their district, served at school and able to be preserved past mealtimes in case of lateness or absences. Kids need to eat, and the window of time between birth and puberty goes by very fast. These three meals a day must be for every kid, not just the poor and not just the rich, but every kid, so that every kid is no longer dependent on their parents’ arbitrary whims for sustenance. These meals should contain all the daily caloric requirements for adults, so that the three meals together meet the 2000-calorie mark. Kids only get one body, and they are stuck with it into adulthood. It is vital that they meet caloric requirements to ensure maximum growth. No one under the age of majority should go hungry.

Freedom of Assembly

In order for the slaves known as youth to organize, they must be free from the shackles of oppression. This means dismantling laws that prevent those under the age of majority from gathering. There are many laws that prevent freedom of assembly for youth, such as truancy laws, unaccompanied minor laws, curfew laws, runaway laws, keeping the peace laws, public disturbance laws, gathering laws, and loitering laws. All these laws must be repealed so that youth may gather, whether to enjoy themselves or to protest for governmental change; it is their human right. The youth are on fire. It is no secret. Freedom brings with it a hunger for change that is so profound that it can change an identity. So too is the power of freeing the youth to assemble. When everyone under the age of majority can freely assemble, then


there will be a great reform of the laws on youth rights. Every fire in the heart of a kid will be magnified tenfold when they are together with just one of their peers.

Together, as a political force, they will bring about a great change in youth rights.

The Child Trafficking Industry

Adoption, custody, guardianship, and all laws like them that involve the legal transfer of a minor from the “care” of one adult to another must be abolished. Not only the transfer of youth, but the legal ownership of children through custody, guardianship, conservatorship, and more must be repealed. Under no circumstances should another person be given legal powers over a youth that custody, guardianship, conservatorship, and all similar laws entail. Youth should be completely autonomous, just like adults Youth should have no one claiming to represent them or actually representing them in legal matters, just like adults. Such

“representation” should be banned under every circumstance, including criminal conviction, in a constitutional amendment as well as in the regular law. These laws are nothing more than the enforcement of a tax system where child trafficking is regulated through the use of taxes. Child trafficking is legal, but the government always takes its cut. There are parties who profit, such as adoptive parents, the courts, human traffickers (of which are usually adoptive parents and court officials), guardian ad litems, court vistitors, foster home staff, orphanage staff, case workers, child psychologists, case managers, and more, who all make a living engaging in the legalized transfer of young human beings. This trafficking industry is not for the benefit of the kid but for the benefit of those who transfer kids from person to person. At every step of the chain, another adult takes their cut, whether it be money or the personal satisfaction of owning a human being. That needs to end.

The entire trade needs to be shut down, starting with adoption and ending with custody, guardianship, and any law that makes a kid the property, whether implicitly, explicitly, or practically, of an adult. Kids should not be allowed to be transferred from one adult to another. In fact, kids should not be bound to adults, beholden to adults, “in care of” adults, “supported by” adults, “in custody of”

adults, or any of the other propaganda terms to describe the enslavement of someone under the age of majority to a named person or organization. Kids should be free: free to go where they wish, free to sleep where they wish, free to dine with who they wish, free to eat what they wish, free to wear what they wish, free to learn if they wish, free to learn as they wish, and free to travel as they wish. Kids should be free to do this all legally, without the permission of an adult, without forms, and without bureaucracy. Kids should be free.

Destroy the Troubled Teen Industry

The Troubled Teen Industry is a network of for-profit concentration camps that kidnap kids and brainwash, torture, and rape them while claiming all the while to be


“therapeutic.” In reality, it is just another network of leeches feeding off the practice of youth slavery. The ability of parents to sign off on their child being kidnapped must be revoked. Therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness camps, residential treatment centers, and bootcamps that prey on kids must be banned under the constitution. Concentration camps must be made illegal for any and all purposes.

Juvenile Prisons

Juvenile prisons are the bane of modern youth. Even the slightest step out of the line of oppression, the slightest attempt at freedom, can lead a kid into the prison system. Laws must be made lenient for youth, and juvenile prisons must be abolished so that youth can learn to make the right decisions on their own. The healthy way to grow up is to test boundaries so that the best balance may be found.

To punish crimes instead of preventing them is to keep kids from learning. Juvenile offenders are locked into small enclosures (called jail cells) like animals and punished repeatedly. It is in that environment that they become wrathful. It is said that a cornered animal will always fight back, and it is the same for human beings.

Juvenile prisons force lessons into the brains of human beings that the only way to get authority to take their boot off their necks is through violence. The juvenile prison practice and all prison practices for kids must be abolished. This abhorrent practice must be replaced by laws that prevent crime rather than punish it.

Sentences must be replaced with community work and restitution. The caging of youth like animals must stop. Again, laws must be put in place to prevent crime instead of punish it. Criminal law is in its infancy in that there are many bloodthirsty policies in place to punish the “rebellious,” “irrevent,” and “disrespectful” youth. We must stop substituting bloodshed for progress.

Freedom of Movement

Youth are bound to one person and one person only. Their parents. Why should this be the case? Why should youth be bound at all? They should not be bound to anyone; they should be completely and totally free. Youth of all ages, whether they are four years old or 17 years old, must have the right to leave. Whether this involves staying out past curfew or past a parent’s mandated return time, leaving for a week or a month, or leaving those adults permanently, all kids must have the right to go somewhere else. No kid must have to stay with people they do not want to stay with. There are always people outside the family unit willing to provide food and shelter for a child. It is the law that currently prevents kids from exercising freedom of movement. Even if they only leave in order to protest bad conditions at home and later return when parents concede to provide better living conditions, that must be their choice. Whether by protest, fleeing, simple enjoyment of freedom, or practice exercising their freedom of movement, the ability to leave must be codified into law. First with executive orders, then the law.


House Keys

It is important that kids have the freedom to leave and return to their homes at will.

While legal freedom can be achieved, parents will, of course, still punish kids by refusing to let them back into their own homes if they go out when they do not want them to. Kids must have their own keys in order to maintain freedom of movement.

Every kid must own their own house key so that they may come and go as they wish. Restriction of movement is a human rights issue and has been used to oppress virtually every religious group, ethnic group, and socioeconomic class in the past.

Voting Rights, Automatic Registration, and Online Voting While voting rights have been mentioned in earlier sections, they are so important that they need to be repeated again. Voting rights are the keystone, the lynchpin, and the core of the youth liberation movement. Without voting rights from birth, parents and those who sympathize with them will vote against youth rights. Even laws that are passed to protect youth are useless if voters do not vote to support them. For example, this means that even if there are laws against beating your kid, without kids voting, there will be no enforcement of the law. The truth is that voter activity is important in determining whether or not a law is actually enforced.

Without kids voting en masse to support their preferred political candidates, youth rights laws will be nothing more than letters on paper. Again, the presence of voting is just as important as the laws that are passed. Laws that are unpopular with voters will be repealed or simply not enforced by government authorities.

This is of course seen in many countries, where self-proclaimed “child protection”

organizations actively take kids away to make child abuse worse, look the other way when parents abuse their kids, or serve as “washing” agents who “investigate” a child abuse report and find “nothing wrong.” For the latter, these agencies often serve as organs of oppression in that they create a false record of child abuse not occurring. There is also the fact that these organizations could not possibly do their job to begin with. The fact of the matter is that parent voters will not vote to allocate taxes to food, water, and shelter for kids who are not in their parents’

homes and are unmanaged by some oppressive authority. Parents will not vote to provide the universal food, water, and shelter necessary for kids out of their own tax money. If even one percent of kids in the US were abused, these agencies would not be able to provide services for that one percent. The number of kids being abused is much greater than one percent, maybe greater than 90 percent. In reality, all kids are abused by their parents by being stripped of autonomy and forced into a prison camp program called compulsory schooling. The level of abuse changes with respect to the household and the laws that the specific town enforces.


Automatic voter registration is extremely important for voters under the age of majority. In order to register to vote, one must either go to the DMV or log on to a website. Internet access is controlled by parents and DMV appointments require travel, which requires scheduling months in advance, along with an exact arrival time in order to not miss the appointment. In addition, DMVs are often only accessible by freeway and are built extremely out of the way in order to suppress the voting registration of the poor or those who don’t have cars to get there. DMVs are not easily accessible by walking or biking, which are the main methods of transport for those under the age of majority. Automatic voter registration is useful to kids because it allows their ballots to be delivered directly to their house.

Online voting is very important to youth voters for the simple reason that it is a very accessible way to vote. In this day and age, having access to the internet is commonplace, and voting online could significantly increase voter turnout simply because of how easy it could be. Electronic voting is important for youth liberation because increasing voter turnout is essential to keeping parents from infringing upon the rights of youth. An increased voter turnout is important for the effective enforcement of youth rights laws. Youth in the modern day often have more access to the internet than they do to post office drop-off boxes. Increasing voter turnout among those under the age of majority is also even more important because doing so halts the efforts of parents to disenfranchise youth. Politicians respond to voter turnout, and the only way for kids to keep parents from rebuilding the youth slave state is by voting to maintain their rights.

Child Abuse Tickets

Reducing child abuse is a must for those under the age of majority. Despite many laws passed that ban all sorts of child abuse, tales of child abuse persist. Notably, law enforcement, politicians, and the judiciary are uninterested in taking a hard stance on child abuse because it upsets their winning coalitions. They are elected on the backs of child abusers, who number all the parents in the US. In order to effectively reduce child abuse, child abuse tickets are needed, similar to how police officers issue tickets for speeding. Child abuse can be effectively punished by issuing low-level fines similar those for speeding. In such a case, a police officer would approach a house and enter, talk to the kid who called to report child abuse, then issue a ticket to the parent. These fees, while small, incentivize parents not to abuse children while also preventing the sort of collusion that current laws on child abuse create. The fact is that current laws on child abuse sentence adults to prison, which means that parents will work together to lie to law enforcement and the judiciary to prevent imprisonment. Prison sentencing puts heavy child abusers and parents who abuse their children nontraditionally on the same side. Parents who


beat their child bloody will still conspire with their spouse whose abuse manifests as restricting freedom of movement.

Low-level fees do more than financially incentivize parents to stop abusing kids.

Low-level fees encourage parents to complain about their child’s abuse to other parents, to law enforcement, to judges, and to whoever will listen. In other words, low-level fees create a wealth of accurate data as to the nature and frequency of each type of child abuse, data that can inform kid voters who can vote to properly solve child abuse. Child abuse will not be solved by so-called “concerned parents,”

who are quick to decry child abuse in public and hurt their own kids behind closed doors. Child abuse will be solved by kid voters, who are incentivized to vote to reduce child abuse because they themselves are constant victims of child abuse and always in danger of both old and new forms of hurt that their parents dish out.

In addition, those voters under the age of majority who have the reason to throw their support behind politicians solely because of how such politicians will deal with child abuse will also need plenty of accurate data in order to solve the problems. An informed voter is an effective voter.

Ban Mandatory Curriculum Requirements

Mandatory curriculum requirements ensure that youth who go to school are forced to learn what adults want them to learn. Schools function as slave camps where kids toil away for 7-8 hours a day for their parents’ benefit, as well as the millions of K–12 staff and faculty whose jobs are based on school as an organ of oppression.

Banning mandatory curriculum requirements will not end slavery; only banning forced schooling will do that, but it will give youth the freedom to control what they learn. Even if kids are only forced to go to school to learn about whatever they want, it will be a step in the right direction. Of course, as youth liberationists, we do not aim to make slavery more palatable; we hunger for complete and total freedom from slavery. Each of us hungers to be a freeman.

Author’s Note: Even when compulsory schooling has been abolished, homework has been banned, and corporal punishment has been banned, adults may still control schools. Whether K–12 schools should be abolished completely with all primary and secondary schools being shut down, or whether they should be democratized with constraints put on them such as democratic governance, no corporal punishment, no compulsory schooling, and no homework, remains a question among liberationists. K–12 schools should be converted into little more than drop-in centers where youth can take a college course or get a college degree, get certified job training, eat free school lunches, and just hang out for the whole day. This vision can still be compatible with the democratic process in schools, as long as schools do not emerge again as organs of oppression. The only right or wrong answer is that


the one that turns out to oppress youth is the wrong answer, and the only way an answer can be reached is through the vote as youth determine what they want.

Author’s Note: Who gets punished if they don’t work overtime? Youth do. They get beaten, starved, and humiliated by their parents if they don’t do their homework.

Then they get beaten and humiliated and have their economic mobility deliberately crippled by teachers. Truly the worst work environment.

Ban Homework

Youth who do attend school are burdened by homework. Students already work for 7-8 hours a day unpaid and are then forced to do homework, a draconian practice where they bring their work home and are punished for not working for extra hours.

Homework is graded, and students who don’t do homework are punished with beatings, public humiliation, drugging (by parents), or transfer to a facility where those same things happen except much more violently, including rape, and “didn’t happen, but if it did, they deserved it.”

Youth are much better at learning on their own than being forced to do work for their own good. Youth who choose what they do in their own free time reinforce their own natural curiosity, grow in self-confidence, and become active decision-makers. It is because youth follow orders like little soldiers that they become like babies. Parents are always complaining that their kids are not mature enough or responsible enough, but it is they who have destroyed the minds of their kids and prevented their natural growth. Homework must be done away with so that youth may spend their time as they wish.

Drop In Centers for Youth

There must be 24-hour drop-in centers for youth where they can go and get things like donated clothes and hygiene supplies. The funding and accounting records for these centers must be completely transparent and made publicly available free of charge on an annual basis, available online indefinitely at any time after the fact.

Author’s Note: Co-option is a powerful thing. Dangle a carrot here and wave a stick there, and an unsuspecting activist can be co-opted to serve their oppressors. The stick in youth co-option, however, is much more brutal than being denied a job.

Although youth are frequently denied jobs, they will be denied more jobs in an effort to force them back under the collar as youth liberationists take to the streets.

Ban Primary and Secondary School Diplomas

Primary and secondary school diplomas are used to incentivize youth to stay in school and become complicit in their own oppression. Youth should be able to take


classes at colleges and any and all certification programs in order to get certifications, diplomas, and the like. High school diplomas, middle school diplomas, and all other primary and secondary school diplomas should be banned. In addition, employers should be banned from asking about high school credentials or whether or not a youth is going to school. These high school and middle school diploma requirements create incentives for youth to oppress themselves through schooling in order to survive.

Fines for Forcing Youth Into Cars

There should be large fines for kidnapping and forcing youth into cars. Parents should not be able to force youth into cars ages four and older, and they should face fines of $1000 USD each time they do so, with an additional $100 USD per minute of forced transport. The truth is that there is no need for parents to kidnap their kids when they can explain why it is important for them to go somewhere.

Youth trust and love their parents, and there is no need for parents to kidnap their kids. Outside of parents but inside extended family, forced transport of kids should be fined $2000 USD each time they do so, with an additional $200 USD per minute of forced transport. Outside of extended family, forced transport of kids should be punishable by both large fines of a minimum of $10,000 USD and a minimum of jail time for the kidnapper. The only time forced transport should be legal is in the case that a youth has committed a criminal offense that requires arrest, which should only be done by the police officer(s) who made the arrest. Otherwise, these fines must apply.

These fines should be administered on the spot as tickets by police officers, who can be called via cellphone. Youth should not have to go through a court process every time they want to be saved from kidnapping. These fines should go through the same legal process as speeding tickets, where they have a court date and the adult can come in and plead their case. These cases should not be the kidnapper versus the youth or the kidnapper versus a police officer, but the kidnapper versus a court official who reads the police report/notes that came with the ticket. It is important that the case not be against the youth, who may be intimidated into silence. It is also important that the case not be against the police officer, who may have some reason to stand in solidarity with abusive parents. Instead, the case must be against the court official, who is not responsible for the situation other than being the prosecutor. The youth, of course, may provide testimony at the hearing if they feel the need.

It is easy for adults to brush off kidnapping and forced transport of kids as "for their own good" or "in their best interests" as long as it is inside their own family. In reality, such forced transport can be a sign of human trafficking and the pimping of kids as sex slaves, and family members are statistically much more likely to sell their kids as sex slaves than strangers. In fact, the majority of human traffickers who pimp youth out as sex slaves, sell them for labor, and rape them are members


of their own families. The insular nature of families and the unique legal structure around them create an inability to prosecute family members for serious domestic violence crimes. In such crimes, both parents and multiple family members are usually complicit, so there is zero incentive to report such horrors to law enforcement. Forced transport is also much more commonly a sure sign of abusive parenting. Kidnapping kids does not end with age but carries into the teenage years, where parents will haul their kids into cars and commit violence against them to get them to obey. Often times, this abusive parenting will occur even if it is not visible, as youth will often get into cars against their will and without a fight, knowing that violence is coming should they resist. In this way, an abusive parent can politely ask their kid to get in the car, and the kid obediently gets in, displaying a fake healthy parent-kid relationship when, in fact, the truth is much more sinister.

In this way, kidnapping becomes standardized and routine, where the kid gets into the car even when they don't want to, several times a week for years on end without anyone noticing, in order to reduce violence against them by the parent.


There are many child abuse laws that must be recoded (rewritten, updated, or changed in terms of the written law) to fit the standards of adult-on-adult crime. For example, child abuse laws must be rewritten as assault laws in a preventative manner. Laws must be passed to prevent adults from assaulting youth, and they must be done not through punishment laws like today’s laws but through prevention and weakening of the power that adults have over children. They must be done through financial incentives like fines to keep adult hands off youth and through easy-access runaway laws to prevent the abuse of youth from getting covered up. There are many more laws that need to be codified than can be listed here. When a parent, relative, teacher, or any other adult forces kid into a car, that is kidnapping. Denying food and/or water to a youth that one is legally responsible for feeding should be recoded as torture and punished as such. For too long, there has been a separate legal framework to keep parents unaccountable and youth oppressed. However, instead of just rewriting child abuse laws and creating new ones to fit the standards of the justice system, preventative laws should be put in place. The example of child abuse tickets is a prime example of this. Free school means are another example of this. Runaway laws are a third example of this. There are many criminal charges that must be updated to fit a preventative standard and many criminal charges that must be added to accurately address the abuse of youth by those legally responsible for providing food, water, shelter, and clothing.


Witness Protection for Kids

Witness protection for people under 18 should be a legal right. It should be accessible to every kid without informing the parent or any other family member, without a publicly listed trial or hearing that the parent may be privy to or find out about. Papers for the hearing should not be delivered to the parent's address but through email or otherwise hard-to-intercept communication. It should be available to kids solely based on their testimony and without the word of any adults or members of the kid's family. Kids under said witness protection should be given a new home, enough funds to cover living expenses, a new identity, a backstory, and new identification numbers. Finally, the information about the kid's old life should be accessible only to the kid and completely unable to be accessed by government personnel (regardless of whether it is the Prime Minister, President, or just an officer) or anyone else who might leak the information, for the kid’s eyes only.

There are many kids who are born into families that either abuse their kids so much that they need to drop off the map in order to escape or who engage in criminal enterprise and try to rope up the kid in their crime. White collar crime is especially a problem for kids because their parents will commit fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, obstruction of justice, tax evasion, human trafficking, etc., and the kids will unwittingly be forced to defend them publicly or in court and use the dirty money that comes from their parents. Kids in families that are white collar criminals will often be forced to lie to all sorts of authorities and be accomplices to their parents'

crime or face extreme punishment such as starvation, confinement, beatings, rape, drugging, financial abuse, and more. Families who commit white collar crime tend to have money, and that money can be used as a weapon against their own kids if they decide to be whistleblowers. White collar crime families will often embezzle money meant for kids, such as social security, food stamps, government grants, scholarships, etc. They will also open credit lines using their kids information and screw up their credit. We live in a more interconnected world than ever, and when kids eventually throw off their parent slavers and gain the right to go wherever they wish, they can still have their strings pulled by their family members.

Even those families that aren’t career criminals but are still abusive will still track their kids and harm them, spreading all sorts of lies about them and doing their best to bring them back under their control. Wealthy families, in particular, can circumvent laws and legal procedures in order to gain control of their kids, weaponizing their own capital against their own kids. As such, kids from wealthy families are especially at risk of being found and dragged back to their abusive and often criminal homes.


Child Support to Youth

Child support must be paid directly to the youth instead of to a third party who manages the child support on behalf of the youth. While child support is nominally for the kids of the custody-holding parent, often the funds are used in ways that are not related to the kid. Parents are obligated to provide for their kids, not for the person who exploits them. Even if parents were not to exploit child support money, it is still much better to leave it in the hands of the youth. Whether the youth is 0

years of age (just born), three years of age, or seventeen years of age, child support money should be deposited directly into an account accessible only by that youth.

Under no circumstances should either parent be able to withdraw or spend that money.

The Right to Work

All laws describing the minimum age to work should be repealed in every country.

All laws forbidding the sale of products or services produced by workers under a certain age, except sex work, should also be repealed. Youth must have the right to work during any hour of the day, and that means that legal restrictions on the time of day at which youth can work must be repealed. This includes repealing laws that mandate that youth cannot work during school hours or for more than a certain number of hours on a school night. Laws that mandate that youth must go to school if they work a certain number of hours also need to be repealed.

The Right to Equal Pay

Youth must have the right to receive equal pay to an adult hired for the same position. Whether this is passed nationally, through state or provincial governments, or guaranteed through unions or other collective bargaining organizations, youth must have the same wage as adults. In countries with a minimum wage, youth must be paid at least the minimum wage. In countries without a minimum wage, this must be accomplished through unions or other collective bargaining organizations.

Tax Credits for Desk Jobs

The risks are high for youth who have not reached physical maturity to perform manual labor. To recognize this risk, the government should provide financial or tax incentives to companies that employ youth in desk jobs at a much higher rate than manual labor jobs. The ratio of desk job youth employees to manual labor youth employees for this credit should be high, such as 9:1. It should also be achievable so that companies actively seek to change the composition of their desk job workers to youth. The exact ratio should be carefully chosen, but the goal should be to


maximize the number of youth workers in desk jobs while minimizing the number of youth workers in manual labor jobs.

The Abolition of Debt Slavery

In many countries, parents sell their children as debt slaves, and their salaries go to paying off the parents’ debt. The children are not paid; instead, their pay goes to pay off their parents’ debt. They work, eat, and sleep at these slave camps instead of living at their parents’ house. The kids have no choice in the matter, and their parents can legally force them into these “jobs,” which have preventions in place to prevent kids from leaving. They are slaves to their parents debts. This debt slavery should be made illegal. In addition, preventative laws should be put in place to stop these practices from ever happening.

The Right to Our Own Earnings

All laws that give parents or legal guardians the right to manage, supervise, receive, keep, hold, or collect kids’ earnings must be repealed. These laws are present in many countries, and it is the right of youth to have full ownership over their own earnings, money, and so on and so forth. This includes inherited money, possessions, property, and anything else that the youth might own. Parents should have no rights over any of it.

Author’s Note: All that we ask is to be free from slavery. Is that not too much to ask?

Author’s Note: For many adults, the use of slavery to describe the situation of youth is nothing but a metaphor, an exaggeration used to describe the horrible feeling of the situation we are in. That is propaganda. Youth are legally enslaved, sometimes legally explicitly, sometimes legally implicitly, but always legally effectively. We are the property of our parents under every legal code in the world. We are property, with no legal rights. Even if a youth is raped and killed, the crime is against our owner, the parent, rather than us. It is our parents who own our rights, like the rights to a brand, a coffeemaker, or a dog. They may use bad-faith arguments to convince us that we are not slaves; we are definitely legal property, no matter what they say. One day, however, we will be free.


Liberation cannot be achieved unless the full focus of youth is bent towards freedom. It is the real, legally codified slavery that keeps us down, and only total enfranchisement and emancipation will keep us from sliding further into this ever-


worsening state of slavery. Slavery can and will get worse if we let it. It can always get worse, and it will if we do not free ourselves from it. Liberation is inevitable; it is only a matter of time before we free ourselves from slavery. If we struggle now, we will be free sooner. If we struggle now, we will not have to have collars around our necks.

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