Beowulf by Heyn-Socin - HTML preview

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Heorot is adorned with hands.

Then straight was ordered that Heorot inside1

With hands be embellished: a host of them gathered,

Of men and women, who the wassailing-building

The guest-hall begeared. Gold-flashing sparkled


Webs on the walls then, of wonders a many

To each of the heroes that look on such objects.

The hall is defaced, however.

The beautiful building was broken to pieces

Which all within with irons was fastened,

Its hinges torn off: only the roof was


Whole and uninjured when the horrible creature

Outlawed for evil off had betaken him,

Hopeless of living. ’Tis hard to avoid it

[A vague passage of five verses.]

(Whoever will do it!); but he doubtless must come to2

The place awaiting, as Wyrd hath appointed,


Soul-bearers, earth-dwellers, earls under heaven,

Where bound on its bed his body shall slumber

Hrothgar goes to the banquet.

When feasting is finished. Full was the time then

That the son of Healfdene went to the building;


The excellent atheling would eat of the banquet.


Ne’er heard I that people with hero-band larger

Bare them better tow’rds their bracelet-bestower.

The laden-with-glory stooped to the bench then

(Their kinsmen-companions in plenty were joyful,

Many a cupful quaffing complaisantly),


Doughty of spirit in the high-tow’ring palace,

Hrothgar’s nephew, Hrothulf, is present.

Hrothgar and Hrothulf. Heorot then inside

Was filled with friendly ones; falsehood and treachery

The Folk-Scyldings now nowise did practise.

Hrothgar lavishes gifts upon Beowulf.

Then the offspring of Healfdene offered to Beowulf


A golden standard, as reward for the victory,

A banner embossed, burnie and helmet;

Many men saw then a song-famous weapon

Borne ’fore the hero. Beowulf drank of

The cup in the building; that treasure-bestowing


He needed not blush for in battle-men’s presence.

Four handsomer gifts were never presented.

Ne’er heard I that many men on the ale-bench

In friendlier fashion to their fellows presented

Four bright jewels with gold-work embellished.

’Round the roof of the helmet a head-guarder outside


Braided with wires, with bosses was furnished,

That swords-for-the-battle fight-hardened might fail

Boldly to harm him, when the hero proceeded

Hrothgar commands that eight finely caparisoned steeds be brought to


Forth against foemen. The defender of earls then

Commanded that eight steeds with bridles


Gold-plated, gleaming, be guided to hallward,

Inside the building; on one of them stood then

An art-broidered saddle embellished with jewels;

’Twas the sovereign’s seat, when the son of King Healfdene

Was pleased to take part in the play of the edges;


The famous one’s valor ne’er failed at the front when

Slain ones were bowing. And to Beowulf granted

The prince of the Ingwins, power over both,

O’er war-steeds and weapons; bade him well to enjoy them.

In so manly a manner the mighty-famed chieftain,



Hoard-ward of heroes, with horses and jewels

War-storms requited, that none e’er condemneth

Who willeth to tell truth with full justice.

[1] Kl. suggests ‘hroden’ for ‘háten,’ and renders: Then quickly was Heorot adorned within, with hands bedecked.—B. suggests ‘gefrætwon’ instead of

‘gefrætwod,’ and renders: Then was it commanded to adorn Heorot within

quickly with hands.—The former has the advantage of affording a parallel

to ‘gefrætwod’: both have the disadvantage of altering the text.

[2] The passage 1005-1009 seems to be hopeless. One difficult point is to find a subject for ‘gesacan.’ Some say ‘he’; others supply ‘each,’ i.e., every

soul-bearer … must gain the inevitable place. The genitives in this case

are partitive.—If ‘he’ be subj., the genitives are dependent on ‘gearwe’ (=

prepared).—The ‘he’ itself is disputed, some referring it to Grendel; but B.

takes it as involved in the parenthesis.


BANQUET ( continued).—THE SCOP’S


Each of Beowulf’s companions receives a costly gift.

And the atheling of earlmen to each of the heroes

Who the ways of the waters went with Beowulf,

A costly gift-token gave on the mead-bench,

Offered an heirloom, and ordered that that man

The warrior killed by Grendel is to be paid for in gold.


With gold should be paid for, whom Grendel had erstwhile

Wickedly slaughtered, as he more of them had done

Had far-seeing God and the mood of the hero

The fate not averted: the Father then governed

All of the earth-dwellers, as He ever is doing;


Hence insight for all men is everywhere fittest,

Forethought of spirit! much he shall suffer

Of lief and of loathsome who long in this present

Useth the world in this woful existence.

There was music and merriment mingling together

Hrothgar’s scop recalls events in the reign of his lord’s father.


Touching Healfdene’s leader; the joy-wood was fingered,

Measures recited, when the singer of Hrothgar

On mead-bench should mention the merry hall-joyance

Of the kinsmen of Finn, when onset surprised them:

Hnæf, the Danish general, is treacherously attacked while staying at Finn’s


“The Half-Danish hero, Hnæf of the Scyldings,


On the field of the Frisians was fated to perish.

Sure Hildeburg needed not mention approving

The faith of the Jutemen: though blameless entirely,

Queen Hildeburg is not only wife of Finn, but a kinswoman of the murdered


When shields were shivered she was shorn of her darlings,

Of bairns and brothers: they bent to their fate


With war-spear wounded; woe was that woman.

Not causeless lamented the daughter of Hoce

The decree of the Wielder when morning-light came and

She was able ’neath heaven to behold the destruction


Of brothers and bairns, where the brightest of earth-joys

Finn’s force is almost exterminated.


She had hitherto had: all the henchmen of Finn

War had offtaken, save a handful remaining,

That he nowise was able to offer resistance1

Hengest succeeds Hnæf as Danish general.

To the onset of Hengest in the parley of battle,

Nor the wretched remnant to rescue in war from


The earl of the atheling; but they offered conditions,

Compact between the Frisians and the Danes.

Another great building to fully make ready,

A hall and a high-seat, that half they might rule with

The sons of the Jutemen, and that Folcwalda’s son would

Day after day the Danemen honor


When gifts were giving, and grant of his ring-store

To Hengest’s earl-troop ever so freely,

Of his gold-plated jewels, as he encouraged the Frisians

Equality of gifts agreed on.

On the bench of the beer-hall. On both sides they swore then

A fast-binding compact; Finn unto Hengest


With no thought of revoking vowed then most solemnly

The woe-begone remnant well to take charge of,

His Witan advising; the agreement should no one

By words or works weaken and shatter,

By artifice ever injure its value,


Though reaved of their ruler their ring-giver’s slayer

They followed as vassals, Fate so requiring:

No one shall refer to old grudges.

Then if one of the Frisians the quarrel should speak of

In tones that were taunting, terrible edges

Should cut in requital. Accomplished the oath was,


And treasure of gold from the hoard was uplifted.

Danish warriors are burned on a funeral-pyre.

The best of the Scylding braves was then fully

Prepared for the pile; at the pyre was seen clearly

The blood-gory burnie, the boar with his gilding,

The iron-hard swine, athelings many


Fatally wounded; no few had been slaughtered.

Hildeburg bade then, at the burning of Hnæf,


Queen Hildeburg has her son burnt along with Hnæf.

The bairn of her bosom to bear to the fire,

That his body be burned and borne to the pyre.

The woe-stricken woman wept on his shoulder, 2


In measures lamented; upmounted the hero. 3

The greatest of dead-fires curled to the welkin,

On the hill’s-front crackled; heads were a-melting,

Wound-doors bursting, while the blood was a-coursing

From body-bite fierce. The fire devoured them,


Greediest of spirits, whom war had offcarried

From both of the peoples; their bravest were fallen.

[1] For 1084, R. suggests ‘wiht Hengeste wið gefeohtan.’—K. suggests

‘wið Hengeste wiht gefeohtan.’ Neither emendation would make any

essential change in the translation.

[2] The separation of adjective and noun by a phrase (cf. v. 1118) being very unusual, some scholars have put ‘earme on eaxle’ with the foregoing

lines, inserting a semicolon after ‘eaxle.’ In this case ‘on eaxe’ ( i.e. , on the

ashes, cinders) is sometimes read, and this affords a parallel to ‘on bæl.’

Let us hope that a satisfactory rendering shall yet be reached without

resorting to any tampering with the text, such as Lichtenheld proposed:

‘earme ides on eaxle gnornode.’

[3] For ‘gúð-rinc,’ ‘gúð-réc,’ battle-smoke, has been suggested.


THE FINN EPISODE ( continued).—THE