Collected poems by John Keats - HTML preview

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Hast sifted well the atom-universe;

But for this reason, that thou art the King,

And only blind from sheer supremacy,

One avenue was shaded from thine eyes,

Through which I wandered to eternal truth.

And first, as thou wast not the first of powers,

So art thou not the last; it cannot be:


Thou art not the beginning nor the end.


From chaos and parental darkness came

Light, the first fruits of that intestine broil,

That sullen ferment, which for wondrous ends

Was ripening in itself. The ripe hour came,

And with it light, and light, engendering

Upon its own producer, forthwith touch'd

The whole enormous matter into life.

Upon that very hour, our parentage,

The Heavens and the Earth, were manifest:

Then thou first-born, and we the giant-race,


Found ourselves ruling new and beauteous realms.

Now comes the pain of truth, to whom 'tis pain;

O folly! for to bear all naked truths,

And to envisage circumstance, all calm,

That is the top of sovereignty. Mark well!

As Heaven and Earth are fairer, fairer far

Than Chaos and blank Darkness, though once chiefs;


And as we show beyond that Heaven and Earth

In form and shape compact and beautiful,

In will, in action free, companionship,


And thousand other signs of purer life;

So on our heels a fresh perfection treads,

A power more strong in beauty, born of us

And fated to excel us, as we pass

In glory that old Darkness: nor are we

Thereby more conquer'd, than by us the rule

Of shapeless Chaos. Say, doth the dull soil

Quarrel with the proud forests it hath fed,

And feedeth still, more comely than itself?

Can it deny the chiefdom of green groves?


Or shall the tree be envious of the dove

Because it cooeth, and hath snowy wings

To wander wherewithal and find its joys?

We are such forest-trees, and our fair boughs

Have bred forth, not pale solitary doves,


But eagles golden-feather'd, who do tower

Above us in their beauty, and must reign

In right thereof; for 'tis the eternal law

That first in beauty should be first in might:

Yea, by that law, another race may drive


Our conquerors to mourn as we do now.

Have ye beheld the young God of the Seas,

My dispossessor? Have ye seen his face?

Have ye beheld his chariot, foam'd along

By noble winged creatures he hath made?

I saw him on the calmed waters scud,

With such a glow of beauty in his eyes,

That it enforc'd me to bid sad farewell

To all my empire: farewell sad I took,

And hither came, to see how dolorous fate


Had wrought upon ye; and how I might best

Give consolation in this woe extreme.

Receive the truth, and let it be your balm."


Whether through poz'd conviction, or disdain,

They guarded silence, when Oceanus

Left murmuring, what deepest thought can tell?

But so it was, none answer'd for a space,

Save one whom none regarded, Clymene;

And yet she answer'd not, only complain'd,

With hectic lips, and eyes up-looking mild,


Thus wording timidly among the fierce:

"O Father, I am here the simplest voice,

And all my knowledge is that joy is gone,

And this thing woe crept in among our hearts,

There to remain for ever, as I fear:

I would not bode of evil, if I thought

So weak a creature could turn off the help

Which by just right should come of mighty Gods;

Yet let me tell my sorrow, let me tell

Of what I heard, and how it made me weep,


And know that we had parted from all hope.


I stood upon a shore, a pleasant shore,

Where a sweet clime was breathed from a land

Of fragrance, quietness, and trees, and flowers.

Full of calm joy it was, as I of grief;

Too full of joy and soft delicious warmth;

So that I felt a movement in my heart

To chide, and to reproach that solitude

With songs of misery, music of our woes;

And sat me down, and took a mouthed shell


And murmur'd into it, and made melody—

O melody no more! for while I sang,

And with poor skill let pass into the breeze

The dull shell's echo, from a bowery strand

Just opposite, an island of the sea,

There came enchantment with the shifting wind,

That did both drown and keep alive my ears.

I threw my shell away upon the sand,

And a wave fill'd it, as my sense was fill'd


With that new blissful golden melody.


A living death was in each gush of sounds,

Each family of rapturous hurried notes,

That fell, one after one, yet all at once,

Like pearl beads dropping sudden from their string:

And then another, then another strain,

Each like a dove leaving its olive perch,

With music wing'd instead of silent plumes,

To hover round my head, and make me sick

Of joy and grief at once. Grief overcame,

And I was stopping up my frantic ears,


When, past all hindrance of my trembling hands,

A voice came sweeter, sweeter than all tune,

And still it cried, 'Apollo! young Apollo!

The morning-bright Apollo! young Apollo!'

I fled, it follow'd me, and cried 'Apollo!'

O Father, and O Brethren, had ye felt

Those pains of mine; O Saturn, hadst thou felt,


Ye would not call this too indulged tongue

Presumptuous, in thus venturing to be heard."

So far her voice flow'd on, like timorous brook


That, lingering along a pebbled coast,

Doth fear to meet the sea: but sea it met,

And shudder'd; for the overwhelming voice

Of huge Enceladus swallow'd it in wrath:

The ponderous syllables, like sullen waves

In the half-glutted hollows of reef-rocks,

Came booming thus, while still upon his arm

He lean'd; not rising, from supreme contempt.

"Or shall we listen to the over-wise,

Or to the over-foolish, Giant-Gods?


Not thunderbolt on thunderbolt, till all

That rebel Jove's whole armoury were spent,

Not world on world upon these shoulders piled,

Could agonize me more than baby-words


In midst of this dethronement horrible.

Speak! roar! shout! yell! ye sleepy Titans all.

Do ye forget the blows, the buffets vile?

Are ye not smitten by a youngling arm?

Dost thou forget, sham Monarch of the Waves,

Thy scalding in the seas? What, have I rous'd


Your spleens with so few simple words as these?

O joy! for now I see ye are not lost:

O joy! for now I see a thousand eyes

Wide glaring for revenge!"—As this he said,

He lifted up his stature vast, and stood,

Still without intermission speaking thus:

"Now ye are flames, I'll tell you how to burn,

And purge the ether of our enemies;

How to feed fierce the crooked stings of fire,

And singe away the swollen clouds of Jove,


Stifling that puny essence in its tent.

O let him feel the evil he hath done;


For though I scorn Oceanus's lore,

Much pain have I for more than loss of realms:

The days of peace and slumberous calm are fled;

Those days, all innocent of scathing war,

When all the fair Existences of heaven

Came open-eyed to guess what we would speak:—

That was before our brows were taught to frown,

Before our lips knew else but solemn sounds;


That was before we knew the winged thing,

Victory, might be lost, or might be won.

And be ye mindful that Hyperion,

Our brightest brother, still is undisgraced—

Hyperion, lo! his radiance is here!"

All eyes were on Enceladus's face,

And they beheld, while still Hyperion's name

Flew from his lips up to the vaulted rocks,

A pallid gleam across his features stern:


Not savage, for he saw full many a God


Wroth as himself. He look'd upon them all,

And in each face he saw a gleam of light,

But splendider in Saturn's, whose hoar locks

Shone like the bubbling foam about a keel

When the prow sweeps into a midnight cove.

In pale and silver silence they remain'd,

Till suddenly a splendour, like the morn,

Pervaded all the beetling gloomy steeps,

All the sad spaces of oblivion,

And every gulf, and every chasm old,


And every height, and every sullen depth,

Voiceless, or hoarse with loud tormented streams:

And all the everlasting cataracts,

And all the headlong torrents far and near,

Mantled before in darkness and huge shade,

Now saw the light and made it terrible.

It was Hyperion:—a granite peak


His bright feet touch'd, and there he stay'd to view

The misery his brilliance had betray'd

To the most hateful seeing of itself.


Golden his hair of short Numidian curl,

Regal his shape majestic, a vast shade

In midst of his own brightness, like the bulk

Of Memnon's image at the set of sun

To one who travels from the dusking East:

Sighs, too, as mournful as that Memnon's harp

He utter'd, while his hands contemplative

He press'd together, and in silence stood.

Despondence seiz'd again the fallen Gods

At sight of the dejected King of Day,


And many hid their faces from the light:

But fierce Enceladus sent forth his eyes

Among the brotherhood; and, at their glare,

Uprose Iäpetus, and Creüs too,

And Phorcus, sea-born, and together strode


To where he towered on his eminence.

There those four shouted forth old Saturn's name;

Hyperion from the peak loud answered, "Saturn!"

Saturn sat near the Mother of the Gods,

In whose face was no joy, though all the Gods


Gave from their hollow throats the name of "Saturn!"





Thus in alternate uproar and sad peace,

Amazed were those Titans utterly.

O leave them, Muse! O leave them to their woes;

For thou art weak to sing such tumults dire:

A solitary sorrow best befits

Thy lips, and antheming a lonely grief.

Leave them, O Muse! for thou anon wilt find

Many a fallen old Divinity

Wandering in vain about bewildered shores.

Meantime touch piously the Delphic harp,



And not a wind of heaven but will breathe

In aid soft warble from the Dorian flute;

For lo! 'tis for the Father of all verse.

Flush every thing that hath a vermeil hue,

Let the rose glow intense and warm the air,

And let the clouds of even and of morn

Float in voluptuous fleeces o'er the hills;

Let the red wine within the goblet boil,

Cold as a bubbling well; let faint-lipp'd shells,

On sands, or in great deeps, vermilion turn


Through all their labyrinths; and let the maid

Blush keenly, as with some warm kiss surpris'd.

Chief isle of the embowered Cyclades,

Rejoice, O Delos, with thine olives green,

And poplars, and lawn-shading palms, and beech,

In which the Zephyr breathes the loudest song,

And hazels thick, dark-stemm'd beneath the shade:

Apollo is once more the golden theme!


Where was he, when the Giant of the Sun

Stood bright, amid the sorrow of his peers?


Together had he left his mother fair

And his twin-sister sleeping in their bower,

And in the morning twilight wandered forth

Beside the osiers of a rivulet,

Full ankle-deep in lilies of the vale.

The nightingale had ceas'd, and a few stars

Were lingering in the heavens, while the thrush

Began calm-throated. Throughout all the isle

There was no covert, no retired cave

Unhaunted by the murmurous noise of waves,


Though scarcely heard in many a green recess.

He listen'd, and he wept, and his bright tears

Went trickling down the golden bow he held.

Thus with half-shut suffused eyes he stood,

While from beneath some cumbrous boughs hard by


With solemn step an awful Goddess came,

And there was purport in her looks for him,

Which he with eager guess began to read

Perplex'd, the while melodiously he said:

"How cam'st thou over the unf