Love Songs of Childhood by Eugene Field - HTML preview

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      Up yonder in Buena Park

      There is a famous spot,

      In legend and in history

      Yclept the Waller Lot.


      There children play in daytime

      And lovers stroll by dark,

      For 't is the goodliest trysting-place

      In all Buena Park.


      Once on a time that beauteous maid,

      Sweet little Sissy Knott,

      Took out her pretty doll to walk

      Within the Waller Lot.


      While thus she fared, from Ravenswood

      Came Injuns o'er the plain,

      And seized upon that beauteous maid

      And rent her doll in twain.


      Oh, 't was a piteous thing to hear

      Her lamentations wild;

      She tore her golden curls and cried:

      "My child! My child! My child!"


      Alas, what cared those Injun chiefs

      How bitterly wailed she?

      They never had been mothers,

      And they could not hope to be!


      "Have done with tears," they rudely quoth,

      And then they bound her hands;

      For they proposed to take her off

      To distant border lands.


      But, joy! from Mr. Eddy's barn

      Doth Willie Clow behold

      The sight that makes his hair rise up

      And all his blood run cold.


      He put his fingers in his mouth

      And whistled long and clear,

      And presently a goodly horde

      Of cow-boys did appear.


      Cried Willie Clow: "My comrades bold,

      Haste to the Waller Lot,

      And rescue from that Injun band

      Our charming Sissy Knott!"


      "Spare neither Injun buck nor squaw,

      But smite them hide and hair!

      Spare neither sex nor age nor size,

      And no condition spare!"


      Then sped that cow-boy band away,

      Full of revengeful wrath,

      And Kendall Evans rode ahead

      Upon a hickory lath.


      And next came gallant Dady Field

      And Willie's brother Kent,

      The Eddy boys and Robbie James,

      On murderous purpose bent.


      For they were much beholden to

      That maid—in sooth, the lot

      Were very, very much in love

      With charming Sissy Knott.


      What wonder? She was beauty's queen,

      And good beyond compare;

      Moreover, it was known she was

      Her wealthy father's heir!


      Now when the Injuns saw that band

      They trembled with affright,

      And yet they thought the cheapest thing

      To do was stay and fight.


      So sturdily they stood their ground,

      Nor would their prisoner yield,

      Despite the wrath of Willie Clow

      And gallant Dady Field.


      Oh, never fiercer battle raged

      Upon the Waller Lot,

      And never blood more freely flowed

      Than flowed for Sissy Knott!


      An Injun chief of monstrous size

      Got Kendall Evans down,

      And Robbie James was soon o'erthrown

      By one of great renown.


      And Dady Field was sorely done,

      And Willie Clow was hurt,

      And all that gallant cow-boy band

      Lay wallowing in the dirt.


      But still they strove with might and main

      Till all the Waller Lot

      Was strewn with hair and gouts of gore—

      All, all for Sissy Knott!


      Then cried the maiden in despair:

      "Alas, I sadly fear

      The battle and my hopes are lost,

      Unless some help appear!"


      Lo, as she spoke, she saw afar

      The rescuer looming up—

      The pride of all Buena Park,

      Clow's famous yellow pup!


      "Now, sick'em, Don," the maiden cried,

      "Now, sick'em, Don!" cried she;

      Obedient Don at once complied—

      As ordered, so did he.


      He sicked'em all so passing well

      That, overcome by fright,

      The Indian horde gave up the fray

      And safety sought in flight.


      They ran and ran and ran and ran

      O'er valley, plain, and hill;

      And if they are not walking now,

      Why, then, they're running still.


      The cow-boys rose up from the dust

      With faces black and blue;

      "Remember, beauteous maid," said they,

      "We've bled and died for you!"


      "And though we suffer grievously,

      We gladly hail the lot

      That brings us toils and pains and wounds

      For charming Sissy Knott!"


      But Sissy Knott still wailed and wept,

      And still her fate reviled;

      For who could patch her dolly up—

      Who, who could mend her child?


      Then out her doting mother came,

      And soothed her daughter then;

      "Grieve not, my darling, I will sew

      Your dolly up again!"


      Joy soon succeeded unto grief,

      And tears were soon dried up,

      And dignities were heaped upon

      Clow's noble yellow pup.


      Him all that goodly company

      Did as deliverer hail—

      They tied a ribbon round his neck,

      Another round his tail.


      And every anniversary day

      Upon the Waller Lot

      They celebrate the victory won

      For charming Sissy Knott.


      And I, the poet of these folk,

      Am ordered to compile

      This truly famous history

      In good old ballad style.


      Which having done as to have earned

      The sweet rewards of fame,

      In what same style I did begin

      I now shall end the same.


      So let us sing: Long live the King,

      Long live the Queen and Jack,

      Long live the ten-spot and the ace,

      And also all the pack.