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the same suit was used. It was not permission.

A kindness and no hard hat, a center-piece and no new muff all this made

advice pleasant, it changed every hair, it was not duller. And yet that

energy was the same as the whole use of a portfolio and there never was

sickness and there never will be a necessity. All the winter months have

some of the sardines in summer. They make what does not do for skating.

They make a complaint and all four are not precise in saying nothing.

They disturb the bank and the blessing. There is no bleeding.

So then the change was spread and there was no sofa and there was no

pudding. Coloring was disappearing. There was no repetition.

As soon as grammar shows a sympathetic fraction then the time to elope

is the same as richness. Any letter shows that. A mingling of not

drinking is sweeter. There is no dust. There was a time when all the

teeth that were were so expressed that some effect was bitten and yet

morally, and morally is not a repetition, and yet morally the synonym is

not so excessive. A plunge is not more hardy than an allusion to

something. Photography is not agonising. It is a change in deportment.

It is accustomed to acceptation. It is not convenient in embroidery.

A blind page is one with edges and mingling, this makes it show when

there is opposition, this makes it show a sheet. And yet a plaything is

honorable and an extravagant silence is well spent and surely if the

temper show that then being happy is everything.

Resembling is not a

suspicion. It is autocratic. There is no rebuke. A fence is not

furnished. No mind is matter. This is so little that there is no minor

mirror. All the tickling is tender.

There is no more use in the time of day than there is place for a water

pressure, not a bit and certainly the whole piece is industrious, it has

that sparkle. All the same the curiosity is that when there is all of

that the change is monotonous, it means union, it means the baking of

any piece of apple and pear and potato it means more than that. Kind

light is any light and the whole place is lighter. This means that if

there is an approach there is the use of the sprinkle and sprinkling is

so well when it is particular and playing.

To receive that and to cherish the remainder thoughtfully is so much

underdone that there is no kind of article. And yet there is a choice

and there is no refusal. This does not mean that the sigh is


All the same to go and all the same to heat and all the same to wound a

pair of tables neatly. The time comes there and the return is the

mention of the plan of a rinsing. Every day is at eight.

There is no

evening. The whole time is decorated. This is not more obliging.

If following where there is no mound makes a hill lively then there

comes a single neglect that never occurs. It is not emptied so.

Singular to be a number and a close leaning on a pin is so near

dirtiness. All the same the time is set and the tangling of no more

makes the hand-shaking. They know each other. They make that a meeting.

All the same there is no purpose in putting more there and cleaning a

door. A door which is not purple is not shut with pincers and the

hesitation is not unexceptionable.

Surpassing a union that is fostering a pleasant division does not make a

discussion utilitarian. The whole excuse is spent. A joint is shallow. A

reflection is catching.

They all see that. They all disturb a blessing. They all season some

soup, a soap is not splendid. A time and the practice is not abolished.

There will not be that clause.

All the currants that are ham are the ones that do refuse, and to choose

and to assemble means more burdening of a roof. The time is come and

more research shows that there is more than truth, it shows that any

vermillion has more than any question. It does show it and all the time

there is a question there is talking, all the time and more yesterday,

why more yesterday, because yesterday has all that reason and all that

cause and not suffering has more time to stay away.

If the time is the print of the joining of joy then the time is the one

that the use has felt come into plaster. This means that there is a

question. This means that if the time to state that there is an entrance

when there is a blight is the one that means an introduction then

certainly some difference is a determined passage and largely realising

more means private presence. Then too the same sound is not sweating

when there is no plate that shows a cover. This is so soon and to say

more means nothing being unhandy.

It happened that when there was the time and the result of more that

there was there everywhere and then the whole thing and it was not

finished there was not less admission. There did not come to be

chartering an inclined ceiling. This meant that there was not a mistake.

All the same the change was gradual and some grading is not in a garden,

it is in a sample of a ceiling and there is no freezing.

This means that

the same time is occupied. It means that a whole might of loudness is

not lamer than anything. And yet it is not done and it is curtained by a

finish. This does make the whole holder and suction is not anticipated

emigration. No indeed there is not that victim.

Is it likely that if there is a receiving of many more little pieces in

a paper than there could be expected to be before the end of realising,

if there is is it likely that the reason there is nothing hidden is the

reason that there is no hiding. Is it likely. No question that has an

answer is in question. No question that has an increasing origin is a

question. If there is a question there is a question.

A curious recognition between meeting and passing is bewildering and yet

what is it that makes the preparation, it is that, it is the recreation

and the law and the spectacle of the electric moon-light and the stars.

All that has a time and a ticket. All that shows no price. All that is

not given. Not by any means is there giving and forgiving not by any

means. There is no palling so stern that it is resembling. There is no

sense so simple that it is resembling. There is no darkness so much

darker but it is darker the way it is darker. This does not mean that

there is any reason. It means simply that any excuse is related. It

means that no resemblance is more urged than that which separates a

family and children. This does not mean that anything shows that there

is a temporary absence of more. Nothing shows everything more plainly

and yet why is there more safety than numbers. Nobody knows the cloth to

be blue. Nobody knows and nobody says what everybody seats himself to


He who is the time of day says he will and says he can and says he must

and says he has and says he says that he will stay.

No match that has a stick comes to be used when there is no single

little piece of a match that has a stick and is not used. Any one would

say that some give something. Any way there is no purse, anything is


To be no more separated than by the divisions in the room does mean that

the thing is expected. To begin. The cause that makes a certain

pleasure receive more education than the use of a division is such that

no shade is ever needed for dressing. This does not mean as it might

mean that there is bathing. It means another thing. This thing that it

does mean is the same thing when there is every satisfaction. If that

states that the whole spell of white is not more needed than sunshine

then surely the scene is enough.

All the argument shows some cause and the cause is that if the habit

comes to be one then certainly there has been an excuse for a third

place. There is no tall window. This does not make sighing.

A little less of losing is not private. The time and the mind and the

sharp melody are all there when there is plenty. No climb is so hot as

the half day when there is no mention of a moon.

No target and no time and the time was when they walked separately

together. This time was not so pleasant as any other time because any

other time was as pleasant as that time.

The time when was when there was an occasion for returning a conviction

with no more restlessness than always. That was that time. In that way

there was no proof of a condition. There was no proof of any more

gratification when there might have been. This was so serious and so

placed and no more occupation was aroused than that which was reported.

This means that there always is rest.

So then to begin again and again and again. To begin and begin and to

begin again.

To begin again means that there is nothing more timely than the use of

any single and double argument. This is very timely.

Surely there is no doubt and there can be none because there was the use

in that speech, there was said that the time which was spent was not for

rent that is to say it was sold. That did not mean that there was

selling, that did not mean anything. It was said. To be sure if there is

no occasion for more than the recital of that some do so and it was done

and no moisture was so wet and yet there is moisture when there is

water, there is moisture and water.

Occupation, argument and reason and more than that, the place of a whole

distance. All this does not make a passage of time or distance. It is

the same as the best.

The sign that makes the whole length so long and so light is not the

same in the distance and with a measure. It is enough and a sense for

travelling is not misplaced. It is macademised.

If there is a change, and there is no change, if there is a change and

the window is a window seat, and the wall is a window, and the summer is

long, and there is no wet winter, if there is a change, and there is no

change, if there is a change then what is the difference between more

and most, what is the difference and why is the difference not so simple

as that. The difference is as simple as the difference between what

there is and what there is. There is a difference and there is no time

in which there is no reception of anything. There is not any effect when

the effect is not produced. And if there is no change, if there is then

certainly the whole explanation is not suggested.

Nothing is suggested

when there is no passing away and into and around and there is no such a

thing, there is not any denial.

A pleasant use of a cockatoo is one that when it began made it begin and

when there was a color made a bright sun. This was so recent that

certainly there did not seem to be any meaning, there did not and what

was the result, any one asking any one is not asking any one that, any

one asking any one is asking any one why is there no retrospection, why

is there more furniture than there was when the houses were empty, why

is silence so anxious to please and so distressing, why is it all so

changed and so simple, why is there such a long shadow.

Any one asking

any other one nothing is enjoying plenty of investigation and the

separation of that into retarded and elongated substance and simple

surface does not show any sign of increase. To decrease is not printed,

to decrease is not projected and yet the culmination of resistance is

resting and there is no rest when there is quiet and calm and it is so

restful to rest and not recite a poem. All the same there is no excuse.

A charge to a sausage is the swelling pepper. The lightness and the

relation and the hole all this together makes a seating figure.

The kindness in a circle and the use of a blue green tear makes a

picture so large that there is no astonishment.

If the way to change the face is not used then there is not a bit of use

in restating a comparison. The whole thing is so completely the rest of

the difference that there is no alteration.

A park a whole park is a place with trees and mice and darkness and a

horn and all the best ways of smelling flowers. A park which is not more

is not lovable. It is as simple as that.

If the time is not shown by any change in the outside plum-tree what is

the difference between that and an elbow. There is and doubt which is

dead has died.

A death which is so becoming is so much seen by an emotion. The whole

temper that is changed is not identical.

A smooth and simple trunk with lettering, a bark that has no roughness

and a newspaper all this together makes printing and this is not

disappointing, it is so singular that there are four esses.

It is like this, put a little place that is not empty and not wide and

not urgent, put that little place where it is and do not remember that

there was no opportunity, do this and what is the result, it is done.

A loud name is not one not shouting, not at all, it is so singularly not

feeble that every astonishment is practical.

All the same there is no obligation and in any case why is there fearful

repeating why is there when there is no heaven, why is there. No

question has such an answer, no question is so dissimilar.

To drink and have a drunkard drinking means that no approach is filled

up with tables. It is so spacious to have a table widen, so spacious and

so absorbing and so selective.

Then there is placed there that which if the predicament is not

outdistanced means that there is posthumous fame, this means that there

was a violin and a widow and a melodrama, it means more than that it

means that there was a friend and a closet and most of the coloring

matter, it means more than that it means silence and it does mean a

declaration that has memories, it does mean all that and any one is

frightened any one is frightened who does not remember.

To be peaceful,

to be calm, to have a ticket and a feather and to mean that a table is

necessary all this together does arouse resentment.

Suppose there was

nothing done at any rate singing is not more than reciting and reciting

is not more than dancing. In any case a swelling has plenty of the same

endearment and the peace of an organ is that which is most handled.

There is no dispute when there is music, none at all and a window any

window is above, it is so above that the climate and the stables and all

the cleaning comes to be in place of cooking. The one way to eat is

perfect, there is so much to telephone.

All the same there was misunderstanding, there was misunderstanding,

there was a description and in any case what is a discovery, a discovery

is the exact space covered by the moving example. That is it and no

dispute shows any more heat than there is.

A cushion, no fan and no rose, no cushion no fan and no rose, no rose

and no fan, no fan no cushion, no cushion no rose. The silence began

with flowers, it went on longer.

The next margin the margin that had no existence, the next margin was

that which if there were many present there was no way of exerting

excitement. This was not silence, it was silent.

The only spreading was when the number was the same, this moment was not

mingled with expectation, it had no such occasion.

It was a single breath in a circle, this which was of all sizes was so

placed that there was silence.

The length of a refusal was expressed in irritation.

When is there more

recollection than force. There is more recollection than force when

there is no occasion and more pricelessness.

Saving money, saving if from an occasion and saving it when there is a

change of hymning, changing the whole escape that is not a rhapsody, it

is the place of thunder. The sale and the water, the whole hating of

argument and agreement these are not changing with winter, winter does

not need rain, it does not need any day, it needs tunneling. All the

same there is a difference. There cannot help being a difference and in

any case there is no shame, there is no authority, there is no habit,

there is nothing, that is to say that is not the way they are feeling

about it. Not at all. What they are feeling is this.

They are feeling

that the time is there where it was and that not being so they are

certainly sure that the obligation is not pressing. That is what they

are feeling and in any case there is no hesitation.

Hesitation does not

take time, why should they take time, they do not use that argument,

they are not so to speak exchanged.

Very well, supposing that the time which is spent is so spent that there

is memory, suppose this, cause no gloom and have success, what does that

mean, that means nothing. To mean that there must be some authority and

what does authority mean, authority means no more yellow color as yellow

is the color that is chosen and no slight is necessary.

If no slight is

necessary then there is a center piece. All the kindness shows, what

does it not show, what single separation is there in two decorating an

original explanation, there is no use in tears, there is no use and

there is no sobbing. Silence has the pleasure of an interval and the

cross means separation. Supposing there was a cross, supposing that when

the moment came there was crossing, supposing all that would there be

any use in recognition. Would there. There is no doubt that the result

in not pleasing and there is no doubt that there is no desertion. There

is no pliability in a curtain, it does not show more night than it has.

All the same there is the place to join three together.

To deny that is

to displace the whole example which is the part article.

Managing it all

shows the connection, it shows nothing in the place of certainly. Grief

is not agitation.

Showing it that there are no spreads which are changed, showing it so

shows the choice, it shows the sagacity. There is no look.

A cake, a cake which is not the size mentioned has a button in it and

this button is the very button that is in the lobster, the meaning of

this is seen in metal, for instance, supposing a class which makes a

necktie changes color, supposing it does that give everybody joy, it

does. At the same time the predicament is in the middle and it being in

the middle and there being a regular circumference the finest

estrangement comes from intermittance.

So much kindness matters when there is the question and what of a

meadow, why is a meadow green. So much kindness matters when there is

repetition and there is repetition in a saloon, there is no dirt

anywhere. All the same the discussion has no resistance and the change

which is announced does not differ in degree from that which accomodated

with regular day-light shows no separation. All the talk is chosen and

all the urging is contemporary.

If the time happened to be pleasant and the rain happened to show that

water was industrious, if all the heat was in a sitting-room and

darkness settled down over a lamp, if all this happened separately there

would be the same astonishment as in every case and yet the whole

endurance of perplexity is under what is not ever over and exasperated.

All the extreme respect is countenanced, all the satin shoes have soles,

all of them and no doubt mixed when mistaken.

A cook does not mean that there is cooking. Cooking is establishing a

regulation which when it is suggested means that anything that is

boiling is not withstanding cooking. In the same way the establishment

of registration that is to say the exercise which makes falling so

uncertain that there is no question, such registration does mean that

finally, very finally there is an excuse for following.

In any case

there is so single dislike.

An outline, outline, what causes hesitation, does outline not cause

hesitation, why is certainty disgusted by a waiter, why is the selection

of more than there is not established by selection, why is reasoning

clear, and estimation precise, and articulation unnecessary, and

disintegration avoided, why is it, and more than that when does the

resolution come that shows in a description, when does it come and why

does it determine no return, and what particular transaction shows more

intelligence than ever.

A labor, a labor consists in a list, a labor consists in a reduction in

minerals, a labor consists in authority.

Shame, there is shame, there is a date, there is betrothal, there is


No better juice than lime juice, no better juice than lemon juice, no

juice at all, no water, no sugar, no dirty glass. All this shows


Hide decent pepper, hide nothing clean, hide nothing and the prince is

perfect. Why is there no slender pine-tree, there is no slender

pine-tree because horror is loaded and the principal shadow that

indicates a memory is that which is not any size.

A distance, a distance is that which being placed in the beginning of

lettering shows no more curve than there is in a single sight and this

does not mean dispute, why is there dispute in tears, there is dispute

in tears because dust, no dust is thickened by cream, it is thick, cream

is thick, cream has that color and that odor and that stretch of

especial surprise. How sweet is the light in a ladle and how dark is

daintiness, how sweet is anything and how sweet is that which is


Laying an egg this is the occupation of a horse, laying an egg every

egg, laying every egg this is the period of fasting. Not lying in the

midst of more oysters than anything, not lying down in drinking, all

this shows no shrinking. All the time that is spent is communion,

communion is that occupation which is audible.

Soap is not only a hope it is a release. When is it a release, it is a

release when the quiet is so great that no sound whistles.

A lively wedding is not useless, it shows action, it shows measure, it

shows union.

A change into a result means that nothing is overthrown.

Incase a whole heap into a piano, suffer the piano not to have keys, be

careful of any examination that is not cured, show that the color

softens and then say that there is observation, say it, does this make

any one sad, it does and it does so because that weight which is that

woe is so tardy and so surrounded and so sensitive in circulating an

ending that there are no signs of babies and yet babies are not younger,

at least they are not so much younger.

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